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Started by Shadoninja, January 27, 2009, 08:45:09 PM

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"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman


I had it for awhile, not very interesting. There are better homebrews if you have a flashcart. :|


Sadly, i don't own a i wouldn't know. However, I have friends who do own ds's and for the sake of being able to ..sometimes.. bum it off of them, would like to know more about this interesting little gadget.


Whoa, Shado posted fairly recently.

me irl


YUP.  I was actually composing some stuff on it today before I found this thread.  The lack of more synths, polyphony, and better drums are kinda annoying, but for $30 I certainly can't complain.  Prolly up there in my top 3 DS titles.  Absolutely love it
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yea I agree, it's pretty awesome but some of the restrictions is annoying me.
 I've made some interesting sounds though, like the sonic dash sound, bassoon, gameboy chiptune, car revs.
"And so my saga of quoting myself in everyone's signature continues" - dudeman