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TWG III: Master Hand's Finale Post Game

Started by Nakah, September 20, 2008, 09:00:55 PM

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Alright, I would like to say congratulations to the humans for finally winning their first game. Legitimately won, at that. It's even better that it was accomplished in this game which is the final game that I'm hosting for a while. Again, congratulations you've come a long way since TWG I. Now, roles are as follows:


   1. Sirus-Wolf(Realm Keeper)
   2. Brawler4Ever-Human
   3. iDOWN-Human
   4. pumpy_heart-Seer(Motzhand)
   5. Wrydryn-Human
   6. KotorfanboyHuman
   7. Jake3343Human
   8. Blah54Wolf Shaman(Crazy Hand)
   9. MasterPenguin-Master Wolf(Master Hand)
  10. Master_gamer38-Mason
  11. Gooch-Human
  12. SuperZombie-Mason
  13. HugoMeister-Mason
  14. DaveyTheRebel-Human
  15. Dekudude-Guardian(Windfish)


   Beginning with Night 1, which resulted in MasterGamer dieing. This was a big blow to the masons as they had a guy die the first night by random wolfing. I think what should have been done was have one mason come as saying they are a mason and master was a mason and the other mason is in secret. Have the Seer go and seer them, and if there were no counterclaims to someone being a mason, then it would clearly suggest that they were telling the truth. At this point the guardian should be guarding that mason. Alliance would be formed between the masons, guardian, and seer. Imagine how much quicker the game would have went.

   Mostly, the wolves were inactive most of the game. Props goes to MasterPenguin for an excellent first game. I was surprised to see that he took the initiative in making all the decision this game, I would agree wil most if not all the decisions he made while he was alive. Sincerely I congratulate you, sir. Other people mentionable of a congratulations are iDOWN, Hugo, and Super Zombie who played particularly well as always. Davey dropped out pretty early on, Deku dropped out twelve minutes before his death. Phantoms came way too much and as you can tell I did not enforce the rule as much as I should have. Pumpy palyed well, except was pretty inactive for the most part.

   Oh, creatures were Bowyer the first Night. Bowyer gave the player the ability to shoot an arrow at another player stunning them and not allowing them to participate at all in the game for one full day and Night. It was given to Wrydryn who used it on iDOWN. If I remember correctly, it did not work because he withdrew the PM to me telling me to not use it, then decided to use it but Night ended before he could sent in the PM again. Next was Birdo, who shot eggs at someone and would not allow them to perform their skill that Night. It was used on Pumpy who had to forfeit his seering that night. Rest of the creatures were rather cliche, it was Switcher that was the final creature I implemented. It was given to MasterPenguin who used the skill on blah. This skill made reds seer as green and greens seer as reds(for that particular player designated). It was not usefule though as pumpy never seered blah before the final insta was made. Extra was merely a creature was used to bring back iDOWN with resurrecting.

   The level of playing this game was advanced by a lot. Mostly everyone was able to play the way I intended the game to be played. Many defenses were brought and arguments formed. Formulated ideas were able to take place as well in it. I would especially like to congratulate Kotorfanboy for playing extremely well and beyond my expectations. His ideas and suspicions followed what I would do and what was actually true with the roles very well. The entire game he continuously amazed me with his logic. I was a bit skeptical of him at first, except his playing completely changed my perspective of him. It's because of this that I feel he deserves the MVP of this game particularly. His ideas dominated the elements of the game in all aspects. Congratulations Kotorfanboy, excellent job done.

   I think I'll end this now and allow you guys to discuss the rest. As you know I'm not hosting the next few games or any games for a while now. I shall make the host signups thread in a while, make sure if you want to host you post there but until then good game and thanks for playing it.


I told you guys I wasn't a wolf.  :P

Anyway, yay! The humans won!


w00t mvp. High fives all around guys. Nice Game. I must say, alliances win games. period. That is the only reason we won, because iDOWN pumpy and I all trusted each other. Hopefully the future games will continue of this caliber


Thus the importance of aim over irc. It's easier to be on aim than irc. I would still suggest using it.


I must say, I feel like I was such a n00b when looking over this game, but I believe I played very well for my second game. I must congratulate you, kotor, for making MVP.

I'm just so happy that NSM is back and I finally got to read this.


Finaly got to read this. I forgot what i did... I should read last posts of the game


Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


I also told you guys not to trust MP. :P

And I'm the one who ended up staying alive. :P


Quote from: Brawler4Ever on September 20, 2008, 08:37:17 PMI'll explain why I asked in the End-of-Game Thead.
(I had a few crazy theories that I was thinking of near the end of the game)

I said this to kotor, and was about to explain when the site crashed.  :P

Crazy theory:
Hugo was a Mason. iDOWN was human(blue/green, I wasn't sure.). kotor was a wolf.
Hugo ressurected iDOWN on the night that he died. Then, before he could tell iDOWN, he died.  :P
kotor, with help of Wolf Shaman if he was not Shaman, saw that Hugo had the special ability the night that he died. So, kotor came to iDOWN saying that he had ressurected iDOWN. Thus, when all of his wolf friends were dead, he would still be around.

Problems: According to Nakah, the Shaman could not have known if a human had the special ability or not.
2. They would have Seered the one that they had Wolfed that Night on the same Night.  :P
3. There was a nother point, but I forgot what it was.  ::)

Altogether, not a very good theory. But, I like to think of every scenerio before acting on important stuff.
Even when everyone else has gone,
I will punch the punching bag until a game comes on. XD

10 years later. Still Brawling!