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Started by Nakah, September 06, 2008, 10:54:22 PM

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Quote from: Harvest on September 14, 2008, 06:01:05 PM
Quote from: Nakah on September 14, 2008, 05:08:05 PMI fell asleep with the game on in space and was only attacked once during the 7 or so hours.

   Edit* It was only by the race that I pissed off already anyways.


I get attacked every few minutes.  by random people.

   I kid you not, I'll probably know whether it's really like this the more I play it, that was the first night and I had just reached space phase.


I'm getting pretty far in the space phase.  I have some really cool tools and weapons.

Once you own 50 star systems, you can buy (probably for like at least a million bucks) a planet destroyer.

I do have an atmosphere destroyer though.


I really just am beginning to explore near my system. It's all pretty uninhabitable and I've not nearly as much as I need for a planet colonizer yet. I'll probably do more missions to earn it. I'm making my way to the center of the galaxy right now, see what's there. I seriously am not getting attacked either by pirates.


they aren't as much of a problem anymore now that I have a lot of star systems and some awesome new weapons.

I'll probably buy it, I really wanna share my creations with my friend who has spore.  I made a penis shaped building, and its awesome.


Here's what I think of the 5 stages :

Cell stage : Not that much to do there, but it is kinda cool the first time
Creature stage : Repetitive and boring
Tribal stage : My personnal favorite!
Civ stage : BORING! It's soo easy...with the religious way just build a ton of religious vehicule and convert any city easily.
Space stage : Interesting but nothing that really keeps you wanting more...

I really liked the Creature and the Building Creator, it's so easy to use but there's also a lot of things you can do with it.
Overall, once you get the concept of a stage, it's really easy and it sometimes make the game pretty repetitive.
If you are a hard core gamer, this isn't for you. For all the others, it's a pretty entertaining game, but no more.