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TWG II: The Game of Fate

Started by Nakah, July 31, 2008, 10:21:41 AM

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Well... Unlike Dekudude. I'm not going to do a huge post. I did that a few pages ago. But a few brief words are in order.
I didn't post to much because I am a shy person. I'm naturally shy and I have been here since before the crash. I just never really post because I don't have much of a reason, but I"m trying to change that.

And thats it. Pumpy, you are left to vote.


I don't see much of a need to post any reasons or anything. I mean most of the reasons have been posted in my big post. And the only other person to talk to is Dekudude which I am doing.

Good Game Everyone.
See everyone in the next one.
Avid user of NFNet IRC network.


Well, great game, everyone! I really liked this. Even with the lack of story, I must say this game was quite a bit more suspenseful than the other (for me, at least!)

Now, I'll end this here: I vote for Pumpy_Heart.

Pumpy: You played a great game! However, it was just time for you to go. ;) Died first, and died last-- not every game that happens, is it?



    This is it. The game is over. Dekudude was the final wolf.


   With merely three white blobs remaining, each stared at one another with great curiosity and suspicion. The realm in which they had been captured in began to swirl with green rather than the multi-colors it had before. The three stood motionless, facing one another.

   "Well..." Said one white figure, with the wind blowing.

   "Well, Indeed." Replied another.

   "We have but one choice." Responded the third one.

   "I know who I shall decide to kill..." Said the first white figure.

   "I, too, know." Said the second white figure.

   "Well, what are we waiting for?" Asked the third white figure, stepping forward.

   There was a brief silence, with only the wind blowing. The three stared at one another atop this colossal mountain in which they had been placed upon. With the twelve dead bodies of the past white figures surrounding them on top of this peak, it was nothing but a mere horrific silence.

   With a dash, the third white figure sprinted torwards the first white figure. The second followed. The first white figure jumped into the air so high that it seemed to block the light from the many suns within the realm.
   The third figure leaped up after the first, with the second following below. With great force the third white figure knocked the first from within the air, making the first white figure fly to the edge of the mountain. Gripping on to the cliff's edge, the first white figure stared at the black abyss in which it hanged above.
   The second and third figure walked to the edge of the cliff torwards the first white figure.

   "Well?" Said the first white figure staring at them while gripping the rocks in which he hanged from.

   "Well....indeed." Said the third white figure, who kicked his foot at the first white figure to deliver his final blow. The second white figure caught the third white figure's foot, and caused him to flip over upon his back. The second white figure bent down and held a hand out to the hanging first white figure.

   "We have but one choice." Said the second white figure to the first one. "I have made mine." The first white figure nodded, and climbed back upon the mountain.

   Standing above the unconscious third white figure, who lay upon his back, the second and first white figure looked at each other.

   "Well...I must admit, I did think you were a wolf and one of Master Hand's tricks." Said the second to the first white figure.

   "I believe that Master Hand has tricked us all." Replied the first white figure.

   "Perhaps it is I, who is one that shall trick you." Said the third white figure, jumping up and kicking the second white figure off the cliff from the mountain and into the unknown.

   The third figure began to laugh, with the first white figure in fear.

   The realm quickly began to change colors rapidly. It swirled around the mountain in a vortex, as the white figures were swept into the vortex, remaining the figures of a toad and Kamek. They stared at one another on top of the mountain as the vortex surrounding them reversed upon itself and disappeared, placing them in the ruins of Bowser's Castle.

   "What...has happened?" Said the toad in awe at the sky.

   "No.....No....No..." Said Kamek, looking upon everything.

   "Mwahahahahahaha," Laughed Master Hand as it came from the sky.

   "Thank you both very much for playing my game. With great honor, I present to you Kamek, the right to keep the Mushroom Kingdom, for you've won."

   Kamek was silent.

   "Oh, I might mention to you that since I'm allowing you to keep your kingdom, you shall answer upon my will. I will one by one conquer this realm, and all who inhabit it shall be mine to keep. This includes you."

   With that, Master Hand flew into the sky and disappeared into a colorful vortex, returning to his realm.

   "No..." Said Kamek, looking up at toad.

   "What shall be done?" Asked toad in fear of what shall happen with Master Hand's leading.

   "With the others dead, we are weak..." Said Kamek.

   "With the alliance of all that inhabit our world, our universe, our realm, we shall forcefully kill Master Hand and free ourselves." Said Kamek.

   "What do you mean?" Asked toad

   "Come, we must speak with all of the creatures that live in our realm. This is going to be our final fight for freedom. First, I need to speak with certain individuals, whom I captured from a village in northeast of Mushroom Kingdom for they have a special fungis that will help us win."

   With this, Kamek and toad began to journey to the secret place where they would find the individuals that Kamek spoke of. With Kamek leading, forcefully a secret quest began for the final fight of nintendo's Life.


   It is over. The Wolves have won. This thread will be ended.
