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[GCN] Super Mario Sunshine - "Pianta village (Night)"

Started by Dartwolfe14, February 04, 2019, 11:18:18 AM

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I LOVE NINSHEETMUSIC THANK YOU FOR ALL THE WORK YOU DO ❤️. But I'm surprised pianta village didn't make the super sunshine Mario list with its sweet sweet moon-lit marimba. I'm not talking about the fluff festival in fact I always tried to avoid that ukelele guy when they're practicing because it ruins EVERYTHING   .

This pipe will take you there~

I LOOKED THROUGH THE FORMS, so I'm sorry if this one is somewhere and I'm just blind, if so show me where it is so I can get in the groove.  And again thank you!

E. Gadd Industries

XDD Hello! It's always good to see another Super Mario Sunshine enthusiast around! So I'm currently in the process of arranging the entire OST, and so yes, that includes "Pianta Village"

(I believe the night and day themes are the same, though?)

Now, I've been having a bit of difficulty with this sheet in particular because of the intro (whatever that instrument is, it doesn't translate well to piano T_T), but that doesn't mean I'm giving up! Thanks for the request, and once I finish the current sheet I'm on, I'll jump right back into working on Pianta Village and hopefully I can get it to you sometime soon!*

*Soon (adv.)- within the next month or so
(I'm a busy college student, but that doesn't mean I won't be arranging! It means I'll just be a bit slower)

EDIT: Uhhh actually, Ima put the current sheet on the backburner since it's been a while since I last started working on it, and I'll make this one top priority :)
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

The entrance to my lab is hidden... somewhere...



Oh awesome! I will send you the positive musical energies! And thank you thank you! I guess I'll have to play it and trigger my memories :)