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Started by aaron447, August 29, 2018, 07:10:12 PM

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I was making an arrangement of a song from mario kart wii just for fun, and i subsequently found this site and thought i might like to submit it here! my only problem is that I made it in musescore instead of finale... so am i pretty much screwed, or is there something i can do about it?


Hi aaron, hope is not all lost. You can export the mxl file from musescore into finale if you would like to submit it here. Plenty of members here do that and would be more than willing to help (except for me since I don't use musescore-sorry!). Here's some helpful info as well:
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


So i plugged my file into that converter that you linked to, and it looks like it worked! with a couple exceptions: the text that says the arranger and composer is repeated on every page, sometimes over the top of the music! And I had a few of those little one-measure repeat signs (the ones like a lopsided division sign) that did not carry over when i did the conversion. I'm not sure how to add them in finale notepad.

I just decided to write the actual notes in instead of using the repeat signs, and I got the extra words to go away. I should be all ready to go now, thanks for you help!