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Cashwarrior1's Aquatic Update Sheets

Started by cashwarrior1, June 22, 2024, 12:28:44 PM

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Splatoon sheets baby

Splatoon 2
Riptide Rupture
[musx] [mus] [midi] [pdf]

So the performance in this one is kinda sloppy, there's a lot of rushing (on the sixteenth notes) and dragging (on the eighth notes, and triplets), but the general tempo is 172. It's pretty difficult to play, so any suggestions for making it easier I'm open to.

  • Kazoo notation. I have no reference for what it should look like so I just estimated.
  • LH m6 last sixteenth note to m7 b3, I moved this part down an octave to make it easier to reach the octaves. But when it repeats in m10-11, I left it up the octave.
  • m24-31, I have the lh octaves crossing staves since I find it easier to play that way.
  • There are a lot of spots where the lh has a lot of ledger lines, but I was having trouble figuring out if/where I should put 8vb
  • It is really hard for me to tell what a lot of the chords are, and in some places (like m8 rh) where it sounds like theres an unintended note. I thought it'd be cool to write down chord names so it can be somewhat treated as a lead sheet, I just dunno how to name stuff

Splatoon 3
[musx] [mus] [midi] [pdf]

TLDR; Asuka Hayazaki is the composer
Since this song was added to the game this month, we don't have the official soundtrack for composer credits. However, the in-universe band that made this is Sashimori, who previously had two songs in splatoon 2 and Asuka Hayazaki was credited for those (link) and those are literally the only songs she wrote. With the release of side order, Asuka Hayazaki is listed in the credits (but not in the base game) and while it could be because she made music for side order, it's more likely that the sashimori songs will be on the soundtrack release of side order.

There are spots in this with shouts that I tried to capture (m6, 8, 10, 44) and some that has more pitch to it, so I just followed the general motion and followed the supporting harmonies (m20, 28). The section at m29-35 is really weird, I tried to give each note its own spot on the scale (hence all the double sharps) but I don't know if theres any harmonic reasoning here

Fantastic Ike

Wow, this is a fun one. Props for you for figuring out how to put all that on a sheet.


Riptide Rupture
• I have no idea about kazoo notation but it looks like what is here gets the point across.
• m2 the gliss sounds like it starts on an Fn, not an An. You could add an 8va above it so it doesn't have to be so high on the page.
• m6 and m10 RH 4.75 hearing a Db
• m7 and m11 LH and RH 2.5 hearing a Db
• m8 LH 2.0 sounds like Gn's


Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 26, 2024, 08:31:37 AM• m2 the gliss sounds like it starts on an Fn, not an An. You could add an 8va above it so it doesn't have to be so high on the page.
I made the same changes to the gliss on m48

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 26, 2024, 08:31:37 AM• m6 and m10 RH 4.75 hearing a Db
Made the same change to the LH



• Relistened to kazoo, in m2 I'm hearing the kazoo is in triplet 8th notes for beat 1+2, but no note on first 8th note triplet of beat 1.
• m28-31 what's the reasoning for Fbb instead of Gn? I guess I would think Gn would be easier to read and mean for fewer accidentals (not like you have to do a natural accidental within the same measure after the Gb).
• And at m31 it does sound sort of like Fn is the closest actual pitch for the end of the gliss.
• RH m45 RH do not hear Fb, hearing it as Fn.
• LH m48 3.0 is a restruck Fn


Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 13, 2024, 08:36:44 PM• m28-31 what's the reasoning for Fbb instead of Gn? I guess I would think Gn would be easier to read and mean for fewer accidentals (not like you have to do a natural accidental within the same measure after the Gb).
I think I wanted to keep it visually the same as the previous 4 measures but it isn't necessary.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 13, 2024, 08:36:44 PM• LH m48 3.0 is a restruck Fn
Not quite sure what you are referring to?



Quote from: cashwarrior1 on August 15, 2024, 01:39:57 PMNot quite sure what you are referring to?

Oh sorry correction m47

• m14 LH I listened a bit closer here and hearing a walking quarter note bassline Cn-Gn-Fn-Cn.
• Then on m15 LH it's same pattern but Bb-Fn-Bb-Fn to spell out each quarter beat
• Note also m16 does this too, but I think it would be more difficult considering the parts you've pulled in
• m28-m31 LH the lower LH octave I'm actually hearing a repeat of the notes from m24-m27. So instead of two octaves of Fn's at m28 I hear the Fn on top, with a Dn underneath. Let me know if more clarity needed but basically hearing the upper octave notes of the LH in m24-m27 repeat in m28-31


Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 21, 2024, 06:56:53 PM• Note also m16 does this too, but I think it would be more difficult considering the parts you've pulled in
Yeah, I did leave that part out for this reason

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 21, 2024, 06:56:53 PM• m28-m31 LH the lower LH octave I'm actually hearing a repeat of the notes from m24-m27. So instead of two octaves of Fn's at m28 I hear the Fn on top, with a Dn underneath. Let me know if more clarity needed but basically hearing the upper octave notes of the LH in m24-m27 repeat in m28-31
I think I understood that, let me know if I did it wrong lol



Quote from: cashwarrior1 on August 22, 2024, 11:17:50 AMI think I understood that, let me know if I did it wrong lol
That looks like I meant!

• m15 I was hearing those LH notes as Bb-Fn-Bb-Fn each a quarter note not 8th notes going between octaves
• m24-m27 beat 2.0 LH I was looking at this again, is there a reason to have beat 2 and 3 raised like that?
• m43 RH 1st voice you could lower this half rest to the standard height

Took a while to digest this one but I think that's all of my commentary


Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:41:51 PM• m24-m27 beat 2.0 LH I was looking at this again, is there a reason to have beat 2 and 3 raised like that?
Yeah, I wanted to indicate the RH play those notes. I kept those notes attached to the lower staff just because it felt more consistent with the voices being played. I do think that it'll be fine to change though if desired.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:41:51 PMTook a while to digest this one but I think that's all of my commentary
Thanks for taking the time to tackle a hard piece!
