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TWG CXX: Lynch the Grynch Game Thread

Started by SpecsFlyer17, January 06, 2024, 10:01:40 AM

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Oh, right. Um. Sorry, BDS. Suffice to say, never banking a game on a gut feeling again.
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Listen, I understand what ya'll were going for with your gambit, but... there was really no reason for that when there was a high chance at least one of the Oricorio voters has been naughty listed.

Now we know that one of me/TZP has been naughty listed. Our best hope is that the Grinch whiffs a naughty listing by hitting someone who's been perma-nice listed (or assuming we live in a world where Toby isn't Santa, whiffs by going for Santa), and that Santa is able to un-naughty list someone who remains alive.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Also, TZP being the seer isn't surprising lol. Before THC claimed, that was my initial guess. Pretty on point with the seerings there, I have to say.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 12, 2024, 02:55:12 PMNow we know that one of me/TZP has been naughty listed.
*At least one. If davy wasn't naughty listed, then both you and TZP could still be naughty listed.
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Sorry for disappearing on y'all for a bit, I needed a break after that intense EoD. It's the benefit of having closed nights. Anyway, we know that at least one of BDS or TZP is naughty listed, and we know that I am not naughty listed. Hopefully the second naughty listing either failed or was on a dead player like math, davy, or Xiao. Still, it's concerning that even one naughty listed player is still alive, as it means if the Grinch naughty lists Santa there's nothing we can do.


I might be wasting time trying to solve something that we may not have a chance to win, but whatever.

TZP is the un-CC'd Seer, and for TZP to have gotten away with this as the Grinch would require an insane sequence of events like the two PRs being math and Toby, with one blue checked and the other disabled by Naughty List, in which case we lose anyway so we probably shouldn't look to deeply into this.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate THC's unvote, but it kind of felt like he was basically comfortable with any option other than himself and didn't really care about who would get lynched. His posts after the phase end feel a bit performative, although giving yourself a phantom isn't a move that doesn't come without risk for the Grinch.

Then there's BDS, and he feels like he was just kind of there? Throughout the last phase he felt like he was kind of on autopilot, and his posts this phase haven't been particularly impressive either. Still, there is a chance he was Naughty Listed, which has to be considered (I don't know if the Grinch could Naughty List themselves, but even if they did it would all ensure an F3 unless every living townie was naughty listed)


Do you maybe wanna explain the last minute vote change, Oricorio? Kinda felt like a Grinch who knew the vote set-up would lead to a KitB. Cause honestly, it's either you or BDS at this point, and I feel rather comfortable with the fact it's a 95% chance that it's you.
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Quote from: ThatHiddenCharacter on January 12, 2024, 04:44:45 PMDo you maybe wanna explain the last minute vote change, Oricorio? Kinda felt like a Grinch who knew the vote set-up would lead to a KitB. Cause honestly, it's either you or BDS at this point, and I feel rather comfortable with the fact it's a 95% chance that it's you.

I felt it was better to take the gamble on one of my two voters being naughty listed and vote for who I thought was the Grinch than vote davy. Three people on me made davy the better bet, but that math changes when it's only two people, especially given that I Xiao had a phantom and thus a KitB wasn't a concern. I ended up being wrong, but we'd be in the same position if I was lynched. So basically, I made a gamble to try to win the game that backfired, but it's not like I had any better options.


Quote from: Oricorio on January 12, 2024, 04:27:52 PMDon't get me wrong, I appreciate THC's unvote, but it kind of felt like he was basically comfortable with any option other than himself and didn't really care about who would get lynched. His posts after the phase end feel a bit performative, although giving yourself a phantom isn't a move that doesn't come without risk for the Grinch.
It definitely looks much worse on THC knowing that he isn't the seer, but if he was really the Grinch I don't think he'd have any reason not to just keep his vote on you unless he was being needlessly eccentric or had naughty listed you, Math, and/or Davy (I think there's a good chance Davy could've been naughty listed assuming that the Grinch wasn't aware he was Grandma—or maybe that's just me being hopeful).

Overall, if we do get a third and final lynch, having Xiao removed from the equation makes me feel a lot more confident about Oricorio being the wolf over THC given how events have unfolded.

QuoteThen there's BDS, and he feels like he was just kind of there? Throughout the last phase he felt like he was kind of on autopilot, and his posts this phase haven't been particularly impressive either. Still, there is a chance he was Naughty Listed, which has to be considered (I don't know if the Grinch could Naughty List themselves, but even if they did it would all ensure an F3 unless every living townie was naughty listed)
As I mentioned yesterday, my sleep schedule is currently messed up (which has been a thing I've referenced happening in prior games too—chronic insomnia sucks). On top of that, I've generally been a bit more busy than usual, having more doctor appointments/interviews/etc. or generally putting more work into projects I've been working on.

However, I can't quite agree with the fact that I was on autopilot last phase. That accusation feels similar to THC/Davy's jump on me early in the game: that it's something incredibly nebulous and subjective that's hard to refute yet easy for other people to blindly jump on in agreement.

As for this phase, I wholly did not expect anyone other than Oricorio to be lynched given that I openly encouraged at least three votes on our chosen lynch candidate the same way I did with Math D1. I'm partially peeved that we didn't go for a confirmed red seering result and now the game is essentially down to a chance that we even get a final lynch—and if we do, the lynch is likely to be the exact same as it should have been D2.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Yeah, that's totally reasonable BDS. I'm sorry I went for it and I will absolutely be closing my heart to pity for third parties in the future. See what I do for you Davy?!?? :(

Wolf likelihood
3. THC
2. BDS
1. Oricorio

I know the Oricorio pivot to Xiao is feasible from human!Oricorio's perspective, but as was pointed out, it makes far and away the most sense if he had certain knowledge of the naughty list and realized last-minute that he could live if he threw it to the player with a phantom.


And now for the moment of truth. Fingers crossed


TWG CXX: Lynch the Grynch

1. The Grinch

2. Santa Claus
3. Rudolph
4. Frosty the Snowman
5. Elf
6. Elf
7. Ebenezer Scrooge

8. Grandma (who got run over a reindeer)

Role Descriptions:
Grinch: He hates Christmas so much so that each night, he selects one player to be put on the "naughty list". The following day, that player's vote will not count. This list is cumulative. The Grinch will be informed if the player was successfully added to the naughty list or not. Also, if he places Santa on the naughty list, the Grinch will become seer colored green, and Santa will lose the ability to place a player on the nice list. Also has a seer ability, which can be used each night.

Santa Claus: Each night, Santa selects one player to be on the "nice list". If that player is on the naughty list, they are removed from the list but can be placed on the naughty list later. If the player was not on the naughty list, they are immune from being placed on the naughty list for the rest of the game. Cannot select himself, however the ability can be used once more while dead if Santa dies.
Rudolph: Lights up the night with his bright nose. Each night, he can submit one name to learn their color. Seer role.
Frosty the Snowman: A jolly, happy soul. He's pretty thicc, and his extra weight allows him to survive one wolfing without dying. Does not apply to lynching. Role PM says he's an Elf.
Elf: Just a normal elf.
Ebenezer Scrooge: Despite his harsh appearance, Scrooge has rediscovered the true meaning and spirit of Christmas. Unfortunately, he will flag red if seer'd by Rudolph. Role PM says he's an Elf.

Grandma (who got run over by a reindeer): Or at least she's trying to. Her goal is to be lynched by D2. If she is successful in doing so, one random player who voted from her will also be run over by the reindeer (killed), although the Grinch cannot die via this method (unless no one else voted for Grandma). If she fails to be lynched by D2, she loses and is removed from the game. Cannot be wolfed; a wolfing attempt against her will fail. The game does NOT end if Grandma wins or loses.

Other Rules:
N1 start.
24hr nights, 48hr days (a time extension may be implemented over Christmas, Boxing Day, New Years on a case-by-case basis).
No cardflips.
Vote totals will not be published, just the lynched player (and whether or not it was a KitB).
No instas, phantoms will be awarded for failure to vote.
PMs are permitted, just keep the host included.
If the same player is selected by the Grinch and Santa on a given night, they are placed on the naughty list and then subsequently removed. They can be placed on the naughty list on subsequent nights. The Grinch will still be informed that their power worked, since the player was placed on the naughty list, then taken off it.
If a wolfing fails, a "wolfing failed" message will be announced. If the Grinch doesn't wolf anyone, a "no wolfing" message will be announced.
If the Grinch places Santa on the naughty list, the grinch will be informed and Santa's action's will be voided that night.
If Santa is wolfed, his action that night does not count as his one "dead" action.
Added: If the Grinch correctly guesses Santa and is Seer'd by Rudolph that night, the result will be green.
Added: If a day occurs where the best the town can force is a KitB (due to votes not counting), the Grinch will win (example: 2v1 where one townie is on the naughty list).
Added: For all deaths, a short death post is permitted, provided no gameplay, strategy, etc is share.

Win Conditions:
Grinch: Achieve parity (1v1), or force a situation where the best the town can do is a KitB.
Town: Lynch the Grinch.
Grandma: Get lynched by D2.

Role PMs
I wouldn't touch you with a 39-and-a-half-foot pole! You are the Grinch. Each night, submit a player to be placed on the naughty list and submit a player to be seer'd. The results of both actions will be returned at the end of the night phase. Also, submit a player to be wolfed. You win by achieving wolf/town parity, which is 1v1 in this game.

Ho Ho Ho! You are Santa Claus. Each night, submit a player (besides yourself) to be placed on the nice list. If you are killed, you can still place one more player on the nice list during a subsequent night. If the Grinch places you on the naughty list, you lose your power. Ho ho ho!

Lol your nose is red??? You must be Rudolph. Each night, submit a player to be seer'd. The result will be returned to you at the end of the night phase.

'sup shorty. You're an Elf. Find that Grinch and get him out of here! However, you could be Frosty the Snowman or Ebenezer Scrooge (admittedly that makes no sense, but just go with it).

(cue music) Grandma tried to get run over by a reindeer! You are Grandma, and your goal is to get lynched by D2, which is the game equivalent of being ran over. You don't have to worry about getting wolfed, but you will be removed from the game if you don't get lynched by D2. If you are lynched, a random player (besides the Grinch) who voted for you will also be run over by the reindeer (killed) with you. Your win condition does not affect the town/wolf win conditions.

1. TheZeldaPianist
2. davy
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. XiaoMigros
6. Oricorio
7. Toby
8. threalmathguy

N3: TZP was grynched! Due to the D3 voting situation, the Grinch wins!

Postgame up shortly.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL