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TWG CXX: Lynch the Grynch Game Thread

Started by SpecsFlyer17, January 06, 2024, 10:01:40 AM

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About 5 minutes left in D2.

Oricorio: 3 votes (BDS, THC, TZP)
davy: 2 votes (davy, Oricorio)

Note this reflects the votes submitted and does not include any potential adjustments made from the naughty list.

If you see a mistake, let me know.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on January 12, 2024, 12:53:31 PMThat is an extremely late-in-the-phase gambit to try to pull off. It's suicide for wolf!Oricorio if no one reacts to it.
Exactly. He's already about to die, so there would be no harm in attempting it, even if it were likely to fail.
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Unvote. I'll eat a phantom so Davy can hit his win condition.


Screw it. Unvote as well. Naughty list shenanigans and whatnot, wanna make sure it happens at least. I did say I want neutrals to win regardless of what side I'm on.
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Expect a short delay in the update. A lot is happening.
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4:00 EST is the cutoff do not post after
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Okay everyone, standby. I need to review everything here.
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


TWG CXX: Lynch the Grynch

1. The Grinch

2. Santa Claus
3. Rudolph
4. Frosty the Snowman
5. Elf
6. Elf
7. Ebenezer Scrooge

8. Grandma (who got run over a reindeer)

Role Descriptions:
Grinch: He hates Christmas so much so that each night, he selects one player to be put on the "naughty list". The following day, that player's vote will not count. This list is cumulative. The Grinch will be informed if the player was successfully added to the naughty list or not. Also, if he places Santa on the naughty list, the Grinch will become seer colored green, and Santa will lose the ability to place a player on the nice list. Also has a seer ability, which can be used each night.

Santa Claus: Each night, Santa selects one player to be on the "nice list". If that player is on the naughty list, they are removed from the list but can be placed on the naughty list later. If the player was not on the naughty list, they are immune from being placed on the naughty list for the rest of the game. Cannot select himself, however the ability can be used once more while dead if Santa dies.
Rudolph: Lights up the night with his bright nose. Each night, he can submit one name to learn their color. Seer role.
Frosty the Snowman: A jolly, happy soul. He's pretty thicc, and his extra weight allows him to survive one wolfing without dying. Does not apply to lynching. Role PM says he's an Elf.
Elf: Just a normal elf.
Ebenezer Scrooge: Despite his harsh appearance, Scrooge has rediscovered the true meaning and spirit of Christmas. Unfortunately, he will flag red if seer'd by Rudolph. Role PM says he's an Elf.

Grandma (who got run over by a reindeer): Or at least she's trying to. Her goal is to be lynched by D2. If she is successful in doing so, one random player who voted from her will also be run over by the reindeer (killed), although the Grinch cannot die via this method (unless no one else voted for Grandma). If she fails to be lynched by D2, she loses and is removed from the game. Cannot be wolfed; a wolfing attempt against her will fail. The game does NOT end if Grandma wins or loses.

Other Rules:
N1 start.
24hr nights, 48hr days (a time extension may be implemented over Christmas, Boxing Day, New Years on a case-by-case basis).
No cardflips.
Vote totals will not be published, just the lynched player (and whether or not it was a KitB).
No instas, phantoms will be awarded for failure to vote.
PMs are permitted, just keep the host included.
If the same player is selected by the Grinch and Santa on a given night, they are placed on the naughty list and then subsequently removed. They can be placed on the naughty list on subsequent nights. The Grinch will still be informed that their power worked, since the player was placed on the naughty list, then taken off it.
If a wolfing fails, a "wolfing failed" message will be announced. If the Grinch doesn't wolf anyone, a "no wolfing" message will be announced.
If the Grinch places Santa on the naughty list, the grinch will be informed and Santa's action's will be voided that night.
If Santa is wolfed, his action that night does not count as his one "dead" action.
Added: If the Grinch correctly guesses Santa and is Seer'd by Rudolph that night, the result will be green.
Added: If a day occurs where the best the town can force is a KitB (due to votes not counting), the Grinch will win (example: 2v1 where one townie is on the naughty list).
Added: For all deaths, a short death post is permitted, provided no gameplay, strategy, etc is share.

Win Conditions:
Grinch: Achieve parity (1v1), or force a situation where the best the town can do is a KitB.
Town: Lynch the Grinch.
Grandma: Get lynched by D2.

Role PMs
I wouldn't touch you with a 39-and-a-half-foot pole! You are the Grinch. Each night, submit a player to be placed on the naughty list and submit a player to be seer'd. The results of both actions will be returned at the end of the night phase. Also, submit a player to be wolfed. You win by achieving wolf/town parity, which is 1v1 in this game.

Ho Ho Ho! You are Santa Claus. Each night, submit a player (besides yourself) to be placed on the nice list. If you are killed, you can still place one more player on the nice list during a subsequent night. If the Grinch places you on the naughty list, you lose your power. Ho ho ho!

Lol your nose is red??? You must be Rudolph. Each night, submit a player to be seer'd. The result will be returned to you at the end of the night phase.

'sup shorty. You're an Elf. Find that Grinch and get him out of here! However, you could be Frosty the Snowman or Ebenezer Scrooge (admittedly that makes no sense, but just go with it).

(cue music) Grandma tried to get run over by a reindeer! You are Grandma, and your goal is to get lynched by D2, which is the game equivalent of being ran over. You don't have to worry about getting wolfed, but you will be removed from the game if you don't get lynched by D2. If you are lynched, a random player (besides the Grinch) who voted for you will also be run over by the reindeer (killed) with you. Your win condition does not affect the town/wolf win conditions.

1. TheZeldaPianist
2. davy
3. BlackDragonSlayer
4. ThatHiddenCharacter
5. XiaoMigros
6. Oricorio
7. Toby
8. threalmathguy

D2: XiaoMigros was lynched via KitB! davy has been removed from the game.

Oricorio: 2 votes (BDS, TZP)
davy: 1 vote (davy)
Xiao: 1 vote (Oricorio)

Phantoms awarded accordingly.

Note this reflects the votes submitted and does not include any adjustments made from the naughty list.

N3 has begun, and will last until:
January 13th, 2023 
9:00p/2100 UTC
1:00p/1300 PST
3:00p/1500 CST
4:00p/1600 EST
10:00p/2200 CET
Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


Current Breathing Mode: MANUAL


God damnit! I was one second too late revoting Oricorio.
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I mean, is there even any way for us to win at this point? Not sure why they game is still going.
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