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Fantastic Ike's Arrangements | (NEW) F-Zero, Persona, Final Fantasy

Started by Fantastic Ike, November 04, 2017, 08:05:48 AM

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Fantastic Ike

It's happened...I've officially gotten too many sheets to fit in one post

Color Key:

Purple Text = Works in progress
Red Text = New arrangements
Orange Text = Currently in Submissions
Green Text = Accepted arrangement
Blue Text = Arrangement is on-site

Part 1/2
Sheets Completed: 152
Sheets Onsite: 37

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising [GBA]

Colin's Theme (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Hawke's Theme (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Yellow CometMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Assassin's Creed Rogue [MUL]

Alemanda in F# MinorMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Bomberman 64 [N64]

Green GardenMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Stage IntroMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 [MUL]

Ends Justify the MeansMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [MUL]

Russian WarfareMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Crypt of the NecroDancer [PC]

Deep Sea Bass (Coral Riff)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Knight to C-Sharp (Deep Blues)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Konga Conga KappaMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

DC (3 sheets, 2 games)


Batman Returns [AL]

Title MusicMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Injustice: Gods Among Us [MUL]

Fortress of Solitude (Laboratory)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Injustice: Gods Among UsMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Deathloop [MUL]

Welcome to BlackreefMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Destiny 2 [MUL]

Guardian's SacrificeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 [PS2]

Fly HighMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age [MUL]

The Hero Goes Forth with a DeterminationMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Etrian Odyssey [DS]

Strife - Rapture [Normal Battle: Final Floor]MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

F-Zero [SNES]

Sand OceanMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy (26 sheets, 14 games)


Final Fantasy [NES]

Flying FortressMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Receive ItemMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Save JingleMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy II [NES]

The Princess's SeductionMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy III [NES]

Let's Play the Piano!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Let's Play the Piano Again!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Shrine of Nept (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
The Way to the TopMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy IV [SNES]

Hello! Big Chocobo!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy Tactics [PS1]

And Thus I FledMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy V [SNES]

I'm A DancerMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy VII [PS1]

Barret's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Good Night, Until TomorrowMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy X [PS2]

Good NightMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy XI [PS2]

Battle ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy XII [PS2]

Level Up!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
The Port of BalfonheimMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy XIII [PS3]

Glory's FanfareMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Sazh's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Vanille's Theme (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy XIII-2 [MUL]

Noel's Theme -Final Journey-MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy XIV [PC]

Crowning AchievementsMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy XVI [PS5]


Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light [NES]

Fight 1 - Player Side AttackMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Story 2 - Each Map's BeginningMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

GoldenEye 007 [N64]

Frigate 'La Fayette' (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Settle the Score with 006 (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Streets (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Golden Sun [GBA]

Battle Theme (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Saturos and Menardi (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Hades [MUL]

Death and IMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Final ExpenseMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
God of the DeadMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Good RiddanceMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Out of TartarusMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
The ExaltedMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Halo 2 [XBOX]

The Last Spartan (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Killer Instinct [ARCADE]


The King of Fighters '97 [NEO]

Rhythmic Hallucination (?? Stage)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals [SNES]

Battle Theme 3MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mario Kart: Super Circuit [GBA]

Bowser CastleMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Yoshi DesertMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Marvel (3 sheets, 2 games)


Marvel's Avengers [MUL]

Hulk SmashMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Marvel's Spider-Man [PS4]

Anything for a StoryMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Negative ViewMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Medal of Honor [PS1]

Merker's Salt MineMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Melty Blood [PC]

GCV2005 - Neko ArcMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops [PSP]


Metal Max 2 ReLoaded [DS]

Red Zone MoreMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mother 3 [GBA]

Enter the Pigmasks!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Porky's PorkiesMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

One Piece (6 sheets, 3 games)


One Piece: Pirate Warriors [MUL]

The ChallengersMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Climb This MountainMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 [MUL]

Face a CrisisMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Here Comes the NavyMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 [MUL]

Sand Country AdventuresMUSMIDIPDFOriginal


Fantastic Ike

Color Key:

Purple Text = Works in progress
Red Text = New arrangements
Orange Text = Currently in Submissions
Green Text = Accepted arrangement
Blue Text = Arrangement is on-site

Part 2/2
Sheets Completed: 152
Sheets Onsite: 37

Persona 4 Arena Ultimax [ARCADE]

Blood Red MoonMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Persona 5 Strikers [MUL]

Welcome to the JailMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Plants vs. Zombies [PC]

Crazy Dave (Intro Theme)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart [PS5]

Ode to NefariousMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Romancing SaGa 3 [SNES]

Four Noble Devils Battle 1MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Sable [MUL]

Mask Caster's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game [MUL]

Just Like in the MoviesMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Sea of Thieves [MUL]

Maiden VoyageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

SoulCalibur II [ARCADE]

History Unfolds (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Fox (4 sheets, 2 games)


Star Fox [SNES]

Venom Base (Level 1 & 3)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Venom Base (Level 2)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Fox 64 [N64]

Star Wolf (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Sector X (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal


Star Wars (6 sheets, 3 games)


Star Wars Battlefront (2015) [MUL]

Darth Vader ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Dengar ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Nien Nunb ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Wars Battlefront II (2017) [MUL]

Count Dooku ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Obi-Wan Kenobi ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic [XBOX]

The Unknown WorldMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Stellar 7: Draxon's Revenge [3DO]

Track 5MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter (17 sheets, 13 games)


Street Fighter [ARCADE]


Street Fighter Alpha 2 [ARCADE]

Stage - SakuraMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter Alpha 3 [ARCADE]

Behind You (Birdie's Theme)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter Alpha: Warrior's Dreams [ARCADE]

Charlie StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Ryu StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter EX Plus Alpha [PS1]

Precious Heart (Sakura's Theme)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior [ARCADE]

Ryu's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Balrog's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter III 2nd Impact: Giant Attack [ARCADE]

Bottoms Up ~ Germany ~ Hugo StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter III: New Generation [ARCADE]

CAVE MAN ~Stage Brazil~MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter IV [ARCADE]

Snowy Rail Yard Stage - RussiaMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Theme of AbelMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter V [MUL]

Theme of F.A.N.G.MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition [MUL]

Theme of JuriMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers [ARCADE]

Dee Jay StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Street Fighter IV [MUL]

Theme of Dee Jay -SSFIV Arrange-MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Mario (6 sheets, 4 games)


Mario Golf [GBC]

Outer Fields - Practice Holes (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mario Sports Mix [Wii]

Waluigi PinballMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Koopa Troopa BeachMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mario Super Sluggers [Wii]

Nice Hit!MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Waluigi Spitballs ChanceMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Super Mario Sunshine [GCN]

Proto Piranha / Mid-Boss (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tales (3 sheets, 3 games)


Tales of Symphonia [GCN]

A Wood Carving Star (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tales of Vesperia [XB360]

Might of the Gigantic FortressMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tales of Zestiria [MUL]

Flames of MalevolenceMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tekken (7 sheets, 4 games)


Tekken [PS1]

King George Island, AntarcticaMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tekken 2 [ARCADE]

Fighter Select (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tekken 4 [ARCADE]


Tekken Tag Tournament 2 [ARCADE]

IT'S NOT A TUNA! (Bountiful Sea)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Sadistic Xmas (Arctic Dream)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2 [DS]

Gentle BreezeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Uncharted: Drake's Fortune [PS3]

Nate's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Sir Francis DrakeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Untitled Goose Game [PC]


Versus (9 sheets, 4 games)


Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds [MUL]

Theme of DormammuMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Theme of M.O.D.O.K.MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Theme of She-HulkMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes [ARCADE]

Theme of Captain CommandoMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Theme of GambitMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

X-Men vs. Street Fighter [ARCADE]

Juggernaut StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Magneto StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 [MUL]

Theme of Nemesis T-Type ~Unstoppable Nemesis~MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Yakuza: Like a Dragon [MUL]

Substory StartMUSMIDIPDFOriginal
War MakerMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Ys I: Ancient Ys Vanished [NES]

Beat of the TerrorMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

In-Progress Sheets (4 sheets)


Dragon Quest IX [DS]

Cross The Fields, Cross The MountainsMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy XIII [PS3]

Hope's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Romancing SaGa 3 [SNES]


Other pieces I'm considering arranging:
[PC] CrossCode - "Ba'kii Kum"
[MUL] It Takes Two - "Murder Microphones"
[PS1] Monster Rancher 2 - "Training (Drill)"
[XB360] Star Ocean: The Last Hope - "Blood on the Keys"
[MUL] The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - "Forged in Fire"

Fantastic Ike

One of these might make their way into Christmas (December) submissions

Final Fantasy Tactics [PS1]

And Thus I FledMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Hades [MUL]

Good RiddanceMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tekken [PS1]

King George Island, AntarcticaMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Out of all the Street Fighter sheets I've arranged, you'd think I would've done one of the most iconic ones by now

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior [ARCADE]

Ryu StageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Mario Super Sluggers [Wii]

Waluigi Spitballs ChanceMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

X-Men vs. Street Fighter [ARCADE]

Theme of MagnetoMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 [MUL]

Russian WarfareMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Final Fantasy [NES]

Save JingleMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds [MUL]

Theme of M.O.D.O.K.MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Sea of Thieves [MUL]

Maiden VoyageMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Wars Battlefront (2015) [MUL]

Darth Vader ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

And finally, my 100th sheet...

Hades [MUL]

God of the DeadMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

A bit more focus than usual when it comes to songs completed

One Piece: Pirate Warriors [MUL]

Climb This MountainMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 [MUL]

Sand Country AdventuresMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Fox [SNES]

Venom Base (Level 1 & 3)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal
Venom Base (Level 2)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Whoops, had forgotten to update

Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising [GBA]

Colin's Theme (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Metal Max 2 ReLoaded [DS]

Red Zone MoreMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Persona 5 Strikers [MUL]

Welcome to the JailMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Been a hot minute hasn't it

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age [MUL]

The Hero Goes Forth with a DeterminationMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Marvel's Avengers [MUL]

Hulk SmashMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tales of Symphonia [GCN]

A Wood Carving Star (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Quote from: Fantastic Ike on March 06, 2023, 06:23:52 AMDragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age [MUL]

The Hero Goes Forth with a DeterminationMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Hey, I know this track! Thanks for covering it, and keep up the great arranging.
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements

Fantastic Ike

QuoteHey, I know this track! Thanks for covering it, and keep up the great arranging.

Of course! Thanks!

Fantastic Ike

Why do I do these huge orchestral sheets they make me want to tear my hair out by the time I'm done

Final Fantasy XIII-2 [MUL]

Noel's Theme -Final Journey-MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Injustice: Gods Among Us [MUL]

Fortress of Solitude (Laboratory)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Star Fox 64 [N64]

Sector X (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

What? More fighting game OSTs from me? Shocking, I know

Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light [NES]

Story 2 - Each Map's BeginningMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tekken 4 [ARCADE]


Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes [ARCADE]

Theme of Captain CommandoMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Been a while, hasn't it?

Final Fantasy VII [PS1]

Good Night, Until TomorrowMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Killer Instinct [ARCADE]


Mario Sports Mix [Wii]

Koopa Troopa BeachMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Don't have much as of recently but it's better than nothing

Goldeneye 007 [N64]

Settle the Score with 006 (Replacement)MUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior [ARCADE]

Balrog's ThemeMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Fantastic Ike

Yay more stuff

Destiny 2 [MUL]


One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 [MUL]

Face a CrisisMUSMIDIPDFOriginal

Tekken 2 [ARCADE]