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The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Started by, March 17, 2017, 08:47:02 PM

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Cashwarrior1's Quiz!

This quiz has a few rules. Firstly, it's only one track per series, meaning there are 20 different series in this. I also cannot use pokemon music since I'm doing a pokemon themed quiz, so no pokemon (happy now?). Points will work the way I usually do them, if you guess the game title you get 1 point and if you guess the game and song title you get 2 points (a total of 40 points). Also, if you guess the game series, I will let you know if you are correct.

You can use one of these two hints on all tracks (I don't know if the tracks are hard or not, so I'm being nice with hints). Since you can use a hint on every track, there's a hidden point counter. If anyone ties, the person who used less hints will win the tie (if the hint count ties then it'll just be a tie).

Remake? If you ask for the remake hint, I'll tell you if the game has a remake or not (re-releases don't count, the game has to be a "dx," "hd," etc.). If the game has a remake, that narrows your search down to games that got remakes.

New or Old? For this hint I'll tell you if the game is new or old based on its original release (I'm going by first thing I see on google btw). New games have been released within the last 5 years. Old games have been released 15 years or further. If it's between that, I'll say "neither new nor old."

In addition to getting these hints, I'll be announcing what series each track is from on Sunday, February 28th. The quiz ends on March 3rd, I'm hoping to get a lot of answers!


It's time for...

Trasdegi's Melody Quiz Nr. 6: Weeb Edition™

Quote from: mastersuperfan on February 20, 2021, 09:10:04 PM20 melodies, mostly anime, with some other weeby stuff thrown in there. Have fun u nerds

I will give a reasonable amount of hints.

Answers in... roughly a week I guess?

Welcome back, everyone, to...

The NSM PrettyFrequently Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Once again, we had a pretty great turnout on this quiz! And unlike last time, our quizzers managed to recognize every single melody -- that's what I call a success. So without further ado, here are the answers!

The Answers
Normal Section

Melody #1
1. [WiiU] Yoshi's Woolly World - "Yarn Yoshi Takes Shape!"

Timestamp: 0:27

Quote[8:46 PM] ShyYoshiGuy: I've literally arranged #1

This theme was used in most of this game's trailers, so even if you haven't played this game, you've most likely heard this song. And what a fun one it is, too. Totaka's so good at what he does.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, Radiak488417, Dudeman, Latios212, ShyYoshiGuy

Melody #2
2. [GB] Metroid II: Return of Samus - "Ancient Chozo Ruins"

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote[9:32 PM] Dudeman: #2: Wow, this one's quirky. The weird jumps at the end sound familiar. Gives me GB Zelda vibes.

He was on the right track!

... hrmm. Two correct guesses. Well, that's better than that of my last Metroid melody.

Guessed by: Radiak488417, Maelstrom

Melody #3
3. [PS2] Final Fantasy X - "To Zanarkand"

Timestamp: 0:09

I need to apologize for this one; I forgot to add an 8va, so my transcription is an octave lower than it needs to be. Sorry about that!

Guessed by: Latios212, Beenya

Melody #4
4. [NES] Mega Man 2 - "Air Man Stage"

Timestamp: 0:38


Contrary to popular belief, Air Man is not hard; on normal mode, he dies with three hits from his weakness, and takes more damage from the Mega Buster than most other bosses. He's just nearly impossible to beat without taking damage at least once; the early Mega Man devs weren't too keen on playtesting.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, BlueKirby, Dudeman, Jake_Luigi, Maelstrom, Atcero, Static

Melody #5
5. [GEN] Sonic the Hedgehog - "Marble Zone"

Timestamp: 0:31

Quote[9:29 PM] BlueKirby: while looking for what i thought was 14 i accidentally found 5: marble zone from sonic 1

Quote[10:07 PM] Yug Guy: #5 - Labyrinth Zone from Sonic
[10:08 PM] you're half right
[10:08 PM] Yug Guy: what do you mean
[10:08 PM] Yug Guy: i did an arrangement of this song
[10:08 PM] Yug Guy: wait
[10:08 PM] Yug Guy: my wires crossed
[10:08 PM] Yug Guy: it's Scrap Brain Zone
[10:09 PM] you're still tangled
[10:09 PM] Yug Guy: dammit
[10:09 PM] Yug Guy: Marble Garden

Close enough. ^^

I'm relieved to see people know more Sonic songs aside from Green Hill Zone.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, BlueKirby, Dudeman, Jake_Luigi, mastersuperfan, Atcero, Cashwarrior1

Melody #6
6. [SWITCH] Fire Emblem: Three Houses - "The Night of the Ball"

Timestamp: 1:12

Quote[9:07 PM] mastersuperfan: #6 is from FE3H... somewhere
[9:08 PM] mastersuperfan: is it Life at Garreg Mach Monastery
[9:08 PM] no
[9:08 PM] mastersuperfan: bah
[9:08 PM] mastersuperfan: I'll find it at some point
[9:08 PM] mastersuperfan: ...could you at least pick a part that isn't the literal main theme
[9:08 PM] what?
[9:08 PM] mastersuperfan: #6
[9:08 PM] mastersuperfan: the part you picked
[9:09 PM] mastersuperfan: that's the FE3H leitmotif that appears in like 80% of the OST
[9:09 PM] well how was i supposed to know
[9:09 PM] mastersuperfan: well if you didn't know, you could always accept anything else with the motif in it in the same key?
[9:09 PM] it's in the same key?
[9:09 PM] mastersuperfan: yes
[9:10 PM] fck
[9:10 PM] that's it
[9:10 PM] no more FE
[9:10 PM] mastersuperfan: it's in the same key for most of the time it appears in the OST
[9:10 PM] i give up
[9:10 PM] mastersuperfan: Life at Garreg Mach Monastery is the exact same tempo too
[9:11 PM] the night of the ball is the track i chose
[9:11 PM] mastersuperfan: ah
[9:11 PM] if they're so similar
[9:11 PM] what's the point of calling it a "new track"
[9:11 PM] mastersuperfan: well the rest of the Night of the Ball is not the main motif
[9:11 PM] mastersuperfan: you just happened to pick the one part that was
[9:11 PM] not a FE fan
[9:11 PM] and at this point, that's not changing

Apologies for this one, too! Apparently, it uses the motif heard in lots of other songs, notably, "Life at Garreg Mach Monastery". This is what I get for not knowing Fire Emblem music.

-- but my man Dudeman still recognized this specific track, so he gets an extra half of a point!

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, BlueKirby, Dudeman, Radiak488417, Latios212, mastersuperfan, Maelstrom, Beenya

Melody #7
7. [DS] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks - "Realm Overworld"

Timestamp: 0:06

Never played this game, but it sounded like a nice track. And it came out of the DS era, so I was sure plenty of people knew it. (They did.)

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, BlueKirby, Dudeman, Radiak488417, Latios212, mastersuperfan, Maelstrom, Atcero, Cashwarrior1, Whoppybones

Melody #8
8. [N64] Super Smash Bros. - "Bonus Game"

Timestamp: 0:04

Quote[10:12 PM] Yug Guy: oh, #8 is from Smash Bros 64
[10:12 PM] Yug Guy: training mode?
[10:12 PM] maybe that too? idk, but it's the break the targets theme
[10:13 PM] bonus game
[10:13 PM] Yug Guy: okay, i just checked & training mode is a different skong
[10:13 PM] i'll still give it to you

Get out of here with that "Break the Targets" garbo from Melee -- this is where it's at.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, BlueKirby, Dudeman, Radiak488417, Jake_Luigi

Melody #9
9. [ARCADE] Haunted Castle - "Can't Wait Until Night"

Timestamp: 0:15

Did I put this single Castlevania melody in here to keep Atcero happy? Well, yes, buuuuut this song's also in Smash, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, BlueKirby, Jake_Luigi, mastersuperfan, Atcero

Melody #10
10. [SNES] Kirby Super Star - "Grape Garden"

Timestamp: 0:32

Quote[2:27 PM] mastersuperfan: might look for #9, dunno if I'll look for #10 because I don't have the slightest clue where to look
[2:27 PM] mastersuperfan: sounds like a recent game though
[2:27 PM] mastersuperfan: although if it's Star Allies I wouldn't know it

Quote[10:20 PM] Radiak488417: 10 is """"grape garden""""

Quote[6:14 PM] Atcero: shiiit
[6:15 PM] Atcero: bro
[6:15 PM] Atcero: Grape Garden?
[6:16 PM] Atcero: bruhhh
[6:16 PM] Atcero: youre not gonna fucking believe this
[6:16 PM] Atcero: like im not shitting you it was already on the song from the LAST time i had to look up this song
[6:17 PM] Atcero: but thank you

I think Radiak said it best. Thanks to a single line of dialogue and GilvaSunner's lack of context, the whole Internet's got this song confused with another one, which is actually played in Grape Gardens. But look at it this way: it was either this, or "Orange Ocean". There's no real way to win here.

Guessed by: BlueKirby, Radiak488417, Maelstrom

Melody #11
11. [GBC] Pokémon Crystal Version - "Eusine's Theme"

Timestamp: 0:07

Quote[9:32 PM] Dudeman: #11: This one also sounds familiar. I'm getting the vaguest amount of Sonic vibes from it, but I'm pretty sure that's not it. Also part of me thinks it's from a Mega Man fangame like Unlimited, but that can't be it...right?

Quote[9:16 PM] mastersuperfan: #11 sounds like Mega Man lol

Yep, you guys fell for it. The ol' "song-that-sounds-like-Mega-Man-but-isn't" trick. This was also a good way to get a console rep for the Game Boy Color.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, BlueKirby, Latios212, Cashwarrior1

Melody #12
12. [PC] Yume Nikki - "(Working... please wait...)"

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote[10:17 PM] Yug Guy: oh you sly dog
[10:17 PM] Yug Guy: #12 - Save Theme from Yume Nikki

I always knew Yume Nikki was a niche game, but apparently it's less popular around here than I thought. In hindsight, I should've swapped this melody with #15 over in the obscure section. Good thing Yug had my back.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy

Obscure Section

Melody #13
13. [Wii] Wii Music - "Main Theme"

Timestamp: 0:01

Quote[9:32 PM] Dudeman: #13: Main Theme - Nintendo's E3 Presentation 2008 Wii Music (I actually had this game, once upon a time. Barely played it. Shit's bad, yo.)

Quote[3:52 AM] Trasdegi: WOW
[3:52 AM] Trasdegi: 13 is the only one I have xD
[3:53 AM] Trasdegi: It's wii music

Quote[7:57 PM] Whoppybones: Found this by complete accident. A jazz arrangement of the song was on my Youtube recommended page. Thank you, YouTube algorithm!

Thank God people know this song. This game was partially responsible for me getting involved with music as a kid, and I still enjoy playing it with my sibs to this day.

Guessed by: Dudeman, Whoppybones, ShyYoshiGuy

Melody #14
14. [GBA] Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 - "Bonus Room"

Timestamp: 0:01

Quote[9:48 PM] Jake Luigi: 14.) Bonus Room (SMA4:SMB3) [I'm so lucky that I grew up with this one.]

What a happy little song. Static, Jake -- you two are legends. I hope you know that.

Guessed by: Static, Jake_Luigi

Melody #15
15. [DSi] Nintendo DSi BIOS - "DSi Shop"

Timestamp: 0:00

Quote[9:23 PM] mastersuperfan: what in the world is on this quiz that you put DSi shop at #15

Yeah, yeah, guys, I get it. This melody didn't belong in the obscure section like I thought it did. It's at least relieving to know time hasn't forgotten this gem.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy, Radiak488417, Latios212, mastersuperfan, Static, Beenya, Whoppybones

Congrats to everyone that participated! This was a joy to put together, and a blast to watch everyone play it; I'm glad I started making quizzes again. But wait, what's this? A new melody champion -- this is unheard of! NSM's resident meme lord has claimed victory! It's...

Papi Palindrome himself...

... with a fantabulous score of 10/15!!




The Scoreboard
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I really need sleep...
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 31 – Answers and Results!

Quote from: mastersuperfan on February 20, 2021, 09:10:04 PMGuess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF's Weeb Round

#1 (2/10)
"This Game" –  No Game No Life OP (Konomi Suzuki)

Timestamp: 0:26
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix
  • Trasdegi

#2 (5/10)
"Zenzenzense" – Your Name / Kimi no Na wa (RADWIMPS)

Timestamp: 1:07
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Trasdegi

#3 (1/10)
"Lost One's Weeping" – Vocaloid (Neru ft. Kagamine Rin)

Timestamp: 1:15
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix

#4 (2/10)
"My Soul, Your Beats!" – Angel Beats! OP (Lia)

Timestamp: 0:53
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • Static
  • Trasdegi

#5 (3/10)
"Geki! Teikoku Kagekidan" – Sakura Wars / Sakura Taisen OP

Timestamp: 0:20
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix
  • Maelstrom
  • Static

#6 (4/10)
"Shelter" – Porter Robinson & Madeon

Timestamp: 0:49
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • braix
  • Kaphita
  • Maelstrom

#7 (1/10)
"Little Busters!" – Little Busters! OP

Timestamp: 1:05
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix

#8 (0/10)
"Believe in You" – Re:Zero S2 ED2 (nonoc)

Timestamp: 0:45
YouTube Link

Guessed by:

#9 (1/10)
"Kizuna Music" – BanG Dream! / Bandori! S2 OP (Poppin'Party)

Timestamp: 0:44
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix

#10 (6/10)
"Ievan polkka" – Vocaloid (Hatsune Miku, arr. by Otomania, originally a Finnish song)

Timestamp: 0:17
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • braix
  • Dekkadeci
  • Maelstrom
  • Radiak488417
  • Trasdegi

#11 (1/10)
"Seishun Satsubatsuron" – Assassination Classroom S1 OP

Timestamp: 0:47
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • Trasdegi

#12 (2/10)
"Koi wa Chaos no Shimobe Nari" – Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W OP

Timestamp: 1:07
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix
  • Dekkadeci

#13 (1/10)
"Ready Steady Go!" – Fullmetal Alchemist OP2 (L'Arc-en-Ciel)

Timestamp: 0:59
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • Atcero

#14 (2/10)
"Moonlight Densetsu" – Sailor Moon OP (DALI)

Timestamp: 0:17
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • braix

#15 (0/10)
"Never Say Never" – Danganronpa: The Animation OP

Timestamp: 0:34
YouTube Link

Guessed by:

#16 (3/10)
"Fukashigi no Carte" – Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai ED

Timestamp: 1:02
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • braix
  • Maelstrom
  • Trasdegi

#17 (2/10)
"Awaken (Pillar Men Theme)" – JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Timestamp: 0:03
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • braix

#18 (1/10)
"Mission! Health Comes First" – Cells at Work! OP

Timestamp: 1:02
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom

#19 (2/10)
"Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari" – Love Live! The School Idol Movie ED

Timestamp: 1:16
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • braix

#20 (6/10)
"Pokémon Theme" / "Gotta catch 'em all!" – Pokémon S1 OP

Timestamp: 0:53
YouTube Link

Guessed by:
  • Atcero
  • braix
  • Dekkadeci
  • Kaphita
  • Latios212
  • Trasdegi


With a score of 14/20! Sugoi!

And congratulations to our runner-up, Trasdegi, with a score of 7/20!

Score List (out of 20)
braix (14): 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20
Trasdegi (7): 1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 16, 20
Maelstrom (6): 2, 5, 6, 10, 16, 18
BlueKirby (4): 6, 10, 17, 19
Atcero (3): 13, 14, 20
Dekkadeci (3): 10, 12, 20
Kaphita (3): 2, 6, 20
Latios212 (2): 2, 20
Static (2): 4, 5
Radiak488417 (1): 10

Average Score: 4.50

Thanks for playing, everyone! I'm never doing one of these again
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.



Come one, come all, to NinSheetMusic's first melody quiz potluck! The round will begin on Sunday, February 28th at 7:00 PM EST / 4:00 PM PST. (Right now, the folder is empty, so don't go looking for quizzes yet :P)

The event will primarily be conducted over Discord. If you're interested in competing but are not in the Discord server, send me a forum PM and I'll provide you with more details.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


The round has opened! Let the quizzing begin!

For reference, here is a list of all quiz-makers (forum names):
  • Atcero
  • BlueKirby
  • braix
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Dekkadeci
  • Jake_Luigi
  • Latios212
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Static
  • Trasdegi
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Weakforced
  • Whoppybones
  • Yug_Guy
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on February 24, 2021, 08:26:50 AMCashwarrior1's Quiz!

Answers to the quiz!

Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker - Razzle Dazzle Slider

Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes - Main Theme

Super Metroid - Big Boss Confrontation 1

Atcero, BlueKirby, Dekkadeci, Jake Luigi, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Static, Weakforced, Whoppybones
Super Smash Brothers Melee - Opening

Atcero, BlueKirby, Dekkadeci, Jake Luigi, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Static
Halo 2 - Earth City

No one :(
Xenoblade Chronicles - Central Facotry

BlueKirby, Radiak
Sonic the Hedgehog 3 - Balloon Park

No one :(
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz - Monkey Island

Kirby's Adventure - Butter Building

Atcero, BlueKirby, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Static
F-Zero - Sand Ocean

Kid Icarus Uprising - Lightning Chariot Base

BlueKirby, Mastersuperfan, Radiak
Chrono Trigger - Primeval Mountain

BlueKirby, Jake Luigi, Mastersuperfan, Static
Earthbound - Winters White

Latios, Radiak
Animal Crossing - Meteor Shower

Star Fox 64 - Katina

No one :(
Donkey Kong Country - Ice Cave Chant

BlueKirby, Static
Shovel Knight - An Underlying Problem (The Lost City)

Atcero, Jake Luigi, Mastersuperfan, Radiak
Mega Man - Bomb Man Stage

Jake Luigi, Radiak, Static
Yoshi's Island - Overworld Theme

BlueKirby, Jake Luigi, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Static, Whoppybones
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - The Steel Samurai

Jake Luigi, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Static, Trasdegi

In 3rd place..
It's a tie! Between BlueKirby and Mastersuperfan with 16 points and no hints used :o, congrats!!
In 2nd place...
It's Static! Who got 22 points and only used 1 hint. Congratulations!!!
In 1st place....
It's Radiak! Who got 24 points with no hints :o. Congratulaaaaaaaations!!!!

Answers youtube playlist


This quiz is probably a bit unbalanced due to the melodies I could find fitting the theme :) here are the results!

#1 (5/15)
"In the Refugee Camp" – [Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 0:12
YouTube Link

Quote from: mastersuperfanthis is another one of the Xenoblade tracks that I will only get if it is "beautiful and relaxing"
Quote from: Latioswell now I know what to avoid

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • BlueKirby
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Beenya

#2 (11/15)
"Viridian Forest" – [GB] Pokémon Red/Blue Version

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Also appears in a similar form in Gold/Silver. And the gen 1 and 2 remakes.

Quote from: Kaphita2 is mt moon
or something from very early pokemon i'll figure

silph co?

what else
it's gen 1
team rocket

pokemon mansion

pokemon tower

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • BlueKirby
  • Yug Guy
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Kaphita
  • Trasdegi
  • Atcero
  • Beenya
  • braix
  • Weakforced

#3 (10/15)
"Slots/Minigame" – [NES] Super Mario Bros. 3

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Also a minigame theme in a lot of Mario games since. Any of them were marked as correct.

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • BlueKirby
  • Static
  • Yug Guy
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Whoppybones
  • Trasdegi
  • Jake Luigi
  • Dekkadeci

#4 (2/15)
"Twinkle Elementary School" – [NES] EarthBound Beginnings

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Many people recognized this as the rather universal clock/bell theme.

Quote from: braix#4 sounds like the japanese school bell sorry that's all ive got

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Yug Guy

#5 (3/15)
"Shoot-'Em-Up" – [NDS] Rhythm Heaven

Timestamp: 0:07
YouTube Link

Quote from: mastersuperfanthis was the most memorable RH track for me as a child

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • Whoppybones

#6 (15/15)
"Great Fairy Fountain" – [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Timestamp: 0:03
YouTube Link

Any version of this theme will do (the OoT version has been wiped off of the face of YouTube). Happy to see that everyone who submitted answers got this one :)

Guessed by:
  • Everyone!

#7 (1/15)
"Professor Layton's Theme" – [NDS] Professor Layton and the Curious Village

Timestamp: 1:16
YouTube Link

This one's rather tricky, since this section is pretty far into the song and not as distinctive as the rest of the melody. Coincidentally, insaneintherain released a cover of this theme shortly after I posted my quiz :P

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan

#8 (5/15)
"Another Medium" – [PC] Undertale

Timestamp: 1:36
YouTube Link

I wasn't sure how many people would get this one. Turns out a bunch of people do know it!

Quote from: Radiak488417nice inclusion
that's probably my favorite song from any videogame

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • BlueKirby
  • Static
  • Kaphita

#9 (5/15)
"7:00 P.M." – [3DS] Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Timestamp: 0:21
YouTube Link

This one just consists of two notes, but I think that actually makes it more distinctive than many of the others.

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • BlueKirby
  • Static
  • Whoppybones

#10 (6/15)
"Grass Land" – [Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn

Timestamp: 0:19
YouTube Link

epic yarn good music

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • BlueKirby
  • Static
  • Yug Guy
  • Kaphita

#11 (3/13)
"N's Castle" – [NDS] Pokémon Black/White Version 2

Timestamp: 0:01
YouTube Link

N's Castle from Black and White uses the same progression, so I had hoped people would recognize it from there. Admittedly, this one was a bit mean. Fortunately, the only person it threw for a loop was MSF.

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Trasdegi

#12 (1/15)
"Lonely Rolling Star" – [PS2] Katamari Damacy

Timestamp: 3:46
YouTube Link

One of my favorite songs ever. It's really deep into the song so I didn't expect many people to know this one. Radiak's got my back for this one though ^^

Guessed by:
  • Radiak488417

#13 (9/15)
"Game Over / Ending" – [NES] The Legend of Zelda

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Quote from: mastersuperfan>Static uses it and only 1 out of 15 gets it
>Latios uses it and 9 out of 15 get it

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • Radiak488417
  • BlueKirby
  • Static
  • Yug Guy
  • Cashwarrior1
  • Whoppybones
  • Atcero
  • Jake Luigi

And the scores! Congrats to MSF for recognizing all but one of them.

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My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!




Answers Time!

#1 (2/6)
"Sakura Skip" – GAME NAME HERE

Timestamp: 0:35
YouTube Link

Neither, the similarity with Gakkou Gurashi and the fact that I used the exact same part as braix were intentional :p

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • braix

#2 (0/6)
"All the Way" – Kino no Tabi

Timestamp: 0:46
YouTube Link

There are actually 2 completely different anime adaptations of Kino no Tabi, and I picked the one I like better. Unfortunately, it also is the oldest of the two, so that definitely didn't help...

Guessed by:-

#3 (0/6)
"Un monde sans danger" – Code Lyoko

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

I had no idea how popular this was among English speakers. It's definitely a big thing in French-speaking countries, though.

Guessed by:-

#4 (1/6)
"Endless Tewi-Ma Park" – Touhou/IOSYS

Timestamp: 0:38
YouTube Link

Of course, BlueKirby got the Touhou ones :p

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby

#5 (0/6)

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Another old anime I happened to watch, and I quite liked it!

Guessed by:-

#6 (0/6)
Nice Boat. (School Days)

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

A bit of history: when School Days was broadcasting, a murder quite similar to some events in the last episode actually happened a few days before its airing. So it was cancelled, 30min of norvegian boats pictures with classical music were broadcasted instead, and obviously, this became a meme.

Of course, this is Air on the G String. And unfortunately, I didn't know there was actually an anime based completely on it... Sorry MSF! I'll still give you your 0.20 points for G Senjou no Maou :p

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan (approximately)

#7 (0/6)
"おねがい☆すにゃいぱー;Please, Sniper, Meow!" – No Game No Life

Not-YouTube Link
Timestamp: 0:22

This thing is absolutely cursed, and I guess it was removed from all subsequent broadcasts/releases, because it's very hard to find. I only know it because it pops up randomly in AMQ, but now that I've heard it, you have to hear it too :p

Guessed by:-

#8 (0/6)
"Kami-iro Awase" – Danganronpa 3

Timestamp: 0:44
YouTube Link

[quote auther=mastersuperfan]maybe more people would've gotten the DR3 OP?[/quote]

Guessed by:-

#9 (0/6)
"Kimino Shiranai Monogatari" – Bakemonogatari

Timestamp: 3:22
YouTube Link

Listen to the full version of this. Immediately.

Guessed by:-

#10 (1/6)
"Bye Bye Yesterday" – Assassination Classroom

Timestamp: 0:32
YouTube Link

Quote from: Atcerooh boy
i swear
if you used some of mine
ill cry
Quote from: Atcerooh boy
i swear
if you used some of mine
ill cry

Guessed by:
  • Atcero

#11 (3/6)
"Cirno's Perfect Math Class" – Touhou/IOSYS

Timestamp: 0:12
YouTube Link

Quote from: mastersuperfanwhat in the name of god is this

Guessed by:
  • BlueKirby
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan

#12 (0/6)
"Kyrie II" – Death Note

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

I'm a bit surprised that no one found this, given how popular it is and, well, my attempt at gregorian writing :p

Guessed by:-

#13 (1/6)
"全力☆Summer!" – Aho Girl

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Quote from: Maelstrom13 is
i hate that I know this
and watch this video

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom

#14 (1/6)
"Touch Off" – The Promised Neverland

Timestamp: 0:09
YouTube Link

For some reason, I thought this one would be a bit better-known?

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom

#15 (6/6)
"Guren no Yumiya" – Attack on Titan

Timestamp: 0:36
YouTube Link

Of course, everybody found this one. Yay!

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom
  • BlueKirby
  • Atcero
  • mastersuperfan
  • braix
  • dekkadeci

#16 (0/6)
"Kimi no Gin no Niwa" – Puella Magi Madoka Magica the Movie: Rebellion

Timestamp: 0:21
YouTube Link

Hands-down the best anime movie I've ever watched. All 3 endings of the movie trilogy still give me shivers everytime I listen to them. Unfortunately, nobody got it :(

#17 (1/6)
"Orange Mint" – Tsukimonogatari

Timestamp: 0:24
YouTube Link

Quote from: Maelstrom17 is the best monogatari opening of course :umu:
Idk, they're all great :p

Guessed by:-

#18 (2/6)
"Sono Chi no Sadame" – JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Timestamp: 0:39
YouTube Link

I still can't believe I bamboozled 4 out of 6 people by choosing the most obscure part of this :kekdog:

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom
  • Atcero

#19 (2/6)
"This Game" – No Game No Life

Timestamp: 3:10
YouTube Link

Yeah, this is This Game again :p Like with #9, I wrote down a longer part, since I went out of the TV Size cut.

Guessed by:
  • mastersuperfan
  • braix

#20 (0/6)
"Unmei no Farfalla" – Steins;Gate

Timestamp: 0:59
YouTube Link

Argh, I love this ending, maybe even more than the true route's one...

Guessed by:-

And now...

Maelstrom (6)
mastersuperfan (4.20)
braix (3)
BlueKirby (3)
Atcero (3)
Dekkadeci (1)

Thanks for playing ^^


NinSheetMusic's First Melody Quiz Potluck (2/28/21) - Answers and Results!

Thanks so much to everyone who participated! I'm really glad this event was such a success and went as smoothly as it did. We had 16 quizzes (for a total of 80 melodies) and 17 competitors!

You can find all the quiz files and the scoresheet here:

Quote from: mastersuperfan on February 27, 2021, 07:48:31 PMMELODY QUIZ POTLUCK FOLDER


Atcero's Quiz

All my melodies were guessed. I am content.

"Dracula's Castle" – Sympony of the Night

Timestamp: 0:52
YouTube Link

Quote from: mastersuperfan#1 has got to be FF
ok probably don't know it
probably is CV and it just reminds me of similar songs from elsewhere
don't know 3

Quote from: AtceroMSF let's be real
Would I really not put a CV track in a quiz?

Quote from: mastersuperfanyou definitely would
Like hell I will never put a CV track in a quiz.

"The Legendary Hero" – The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker

Timestamp: 0:09
YouTube Link

Obligatory Zelda Track

"Nerevar Rising/Call of Magic" – The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind

Timestamp: 1:27
YouTube Link

I didn't use a reference on this, so I accidently used the version featured in the Skyrim song upon listening to it. Whoops.

"Gangplank Galleon" – Donkey Kong Country

Timestamp: 0:38
YouTube Link

Best track in the OST, fight me.

"Magma Flows" – Kirby Air Ride

Timestamp: 0:53
YouTube Link

Wanted to use Checker Knights but MSF used that in a quiz a bit ago. Also was shocked about the amount of people who got this until I found out it was in another Kirby game.

BlueKirby's Quiz

i am bad at balancing. also the "theme" was quieter/more relaxing songs.

"Mysterious Trap - Kirby Triple Deluxe"

Timestamp: 0:04
YouTube Link

Quote from: LeviR.stari was gonna go nuts if i didn't find it

"Spirit Crucible Elpys - Xenoblade Chronicles 2"

Timestamp: 0:27
YouTube Link


"Night Sakura of Dead Spirits - Touhou 13: Ten Desires"

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Quote from: mastersuperfan#3
Quote from: BlueKirbydo u know it
Quote from: mastersuperfannope
moving on
Quote from: BlueKirbyu should
Quote from: mastersuperfangee I wonder
nope I definitely don't know it
so obviously I'd never arrange it right
why would I arrange something from a game I know nothing about y'know
Quote from: BlueKirbyyou'd never finish the arrangement
Quote from: mastersuperfanthat's why I'd never start in the first place

once again this song is given away and no one realizes it. i thought since i post it so much it would be a tad more well known. also i was in the middle of listening to it before i realized i had the motivation to actually type this up.

"Footlight Lane - Super Mario 3D World

Timestamp: 0:06
YouTube Link

Quote from: Waluigi in #melody-quizzesI just managed to find #4 on BlueKirby's lol.
It was the only one that truly drove me insane, so I don't really mind missing others at this point.


"Surf - Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald"

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Quote from: braixuh i know 5
i feel like its from oot
no actually
majoras mask
never mind i cant figure it out lmao
this is the closest vibe i could find
Astral Observatory - Majora's Mask
Quote from: BlueKirbynot even close
Quote from: braixfigured
also the first few notes made me think of this LOL Start Dash
Quote from: BlueKirbyis that love lice
Quote from: braixyeah love lice
Quote from: BlueKirbyL O V E  L I C E

braix's Quiz

My quiz has the highest average score so that means I win right?

"Bubblegum K.K." – Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Timestamp: 0:28
YouTube Link

I don't have the game, never played it. Maybe you haven't either, but there's a chance you might've heard it here, here, or here.

"Canalave City" – Pokémon Diamond and Pearl

Timestamp: 0:26
YouTube Link

Thought I'd include the section with the triplets in the melody to make it easier. Also for the record I picked this melody first.

"Kotake & Koume" – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Timestamp: 0:16
YouTube Link

Pretty short track so I think I added in about as much information as I could in the four measures I had. More people got it than I expected though.

"Rosalina's Comet Observatory" – Super Mario Galaxy

Timestamp: 0:08
YouTube Link

I've also never played this game in my life, but I'd assume this probably one of the most iconic tracks in the game from what I've seen.

"StreetPass Mii Plaza Theme 1" – Nintendo 3DS

Timestamp: 0:01
YouTube Link

Maybe the most obscure out of the 5, but hopefully balanced out by the fact that I included the full arrangement. Pleasantly surprised with how many people got this one.


Cashwarrior's Quiz

I made my quiz with music in it and people guessed the songs that I put in the quiz :)

"Overworld" – Link's Awakening

Timestamp: 0:32
YouTube Link

This track was chosen because it was from a link game and it was good

"Port Town" – F-Zero

Timestamp: 0:40
YouTube Link

bada baaa baaa baaa baaa baaaaa bada badaaaaaaaa

"Pokémon Center" – Pokémon Red and Blue

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Static didn't get this one. That's it, that's your funny comment

"Mario Circuit" – Super Mario Kart

Timestamp: 0:18
YouTube Link

The first measure of this sounds like koopa beach.

"Tressa, the Merchant" – Octopath Traveler

Timestamp: 0:35
YouTube Link

Tress best girl

Dekkadeci's Quiz

Shucks, upon reflection, this quiz was tougher than I thought - I originally anticipated one melody possibly having no correct answerers, but I didn't anticipate another melody having only 1 correct answerer.

"Vellumental Battle" – Paper Mario: The Origami King

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

The Vellumental Battle (Thinking) theme also counts!

This theme's opening riff hooked me right off the bat. The rest of the theme is worse, IMO (except when the riff comes back), but that experience was enough to convince me that all you need of this theme for this quiz is the first 2 measures.

I was going to transcribe the drums for this as drum beats for this quiz, but then I tried transcribing Melody #2 and figured I'd hold all my melodies to the same standard.

"'Friends and the Sound of Those Crossing Blades'/友と交わるその剣の音" – Kirby Star Allies

Timestamp: 0:43
YouTube Link

Just mentioning that this is Meta Knight's theme from Kirby Star Allies also counts.

Yes, I leaned into the above by quoting the one portion of Meta Knight's new theme that quotes his old theme. I honestly thought that people would pick up on that. My large hint for this melody leaned towards that, too (namely the similarity of Meta Knight's theme to Ridley's theme).

Don't you hate it when the only official name for a theme is in Japanese, and you can't completely trust any of the fan translations?

To my shock, only one person got this correct, despite Meta Knight being a popular character with music that is often in demand. Remind me that Kirby Star Allies music is considerably harder than I keep anticipating it to be - the last time I tried music from that game in a quiz, nobody got it correct, even though I picked what I still suspect is the most popular theme in that game - Hyness's Phase 2 boss theme. (I suppose it's a sign that I keep forgetting the Friendly Field theme when I remember the Stage 1 themes of the previous 3 main-series Kirby games.)

"Onslaught" – Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Timestamp: 1:12
YouTube Link

Mentioning that this is the regular boss theme from Final Fantasy Brave Exvius also counts.

Note that the timestamped portion I actually used sounds very similar to the opening riff at 0:00 except it doesn't slow down at the end.

Oddly, I first heard about this theme from Meinl Cymbals's YouTube channel. It rocks, though!

I've otherwise never heard about Final Fantasy Brave Exvius's music, though, even though I've heard about that game more often, so I figured this was the hardest melody in this quiz - one that had a fair chance of nobody getting it correct. ...And nobody got it correct.

"Those Who Stand Against Our Path" – Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

You gotta love the tritones in this initial melody.

I anticipated this being one of the easier melodies in this quiz, and I was correct. I didn't fully anticipate this one being the melody that the most people got correct, though.

It's coincidence that this is the same riff repeated twice - whenever I sing this theme, I always sing the 4th measure differently from the version I notated.

"The Darkest Lord (First Phase)/Battle (Ultra Demon Lord)" – Miitopia

Timestamp: 1:03
YouTube Link

It does seem that people keep forgetting there's a Phase 2 to this final boss, so I also took "Darkest Lord" only.

I was debating using another obscure melody for this quiz, this time one I've transcribed for piano earlier, but then I figured I'd rather not risk making this quiz too difficult and reused the Darkest Lord Phase 1 theme instead.

Yes, I purposefully picked this melody (which I didn't use the last time I picked this theme) because it involves the same riff four times in a row. Actually, the original theme kinda makes that eight times in a row.

Jake_Luigi's Quiz

Aight, so, here's my answers.

But before we get to that, a word from today's sponsor!

Quote from: today's sponsora word

And now, back to our scheduled results.

"X, The Legend" – Mega Man Zero

Timestamp: 1:27
YouTube Link

Ok, this was the obscure track for the list. I was hoping there'd be a knight in shining armor, taking the gold on my quiz and getting a 5/5... but every quizzer was felled from this melody. It's a decent song though. Expect an arrangement at some point. Maybe.

"Beware the Forest's Mushrooms" – Super Mario RPG

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

F in the chat for my guy who didn't get it.
Atcero had to look through a video titled "Video Game Songs Everyone Knows"
BTW, that free hint?
Quote from: Jake_LuigiThe hint i wanted to give dealt with the power rangers, an evil wedding cake, and, of course, a hidden porn stash.
Square was wild back in the 90s, lemme tell ya.

"Crash Man" – Mega Man 2

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

It's just the beginning of Crash Man. Nothing funny to report.

Move along.

"Elegy of Emptiness" – The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Okay, I was running out of ideas, so I put an ocarina song. A decent number of people either knew the song, or said something along the lines of "hm... this uses the same notes as OoT/MM".

"Dance of Gold" – Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Timestamp: 0:05
YouTube Link

I put this here expecting four people to get it. Only three did. I'll let you guys figure out who betrayed us.

Latios212's Quiz

I tried to keep this one fairly simple, with some pieces being well-known even among people not familiar with the series. As a result, scores were generally fairly good and there were no big surprises.

"Battlerock Galaxy" – [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy

Timestamp: 0:13
YouTube Link

One of the greatest Galaxy tracks.

"Battle! (Champion)" – [GBC] Pokémon Gold Version & Pokémon Silver Version

Timestamp: 0:22
YouTube Link

One of the most well-known Pokémon battle themes.

Quote from: braixyeah i know its from a pokemon battle but no way im gonna be able to narrow it down lol i'll just leave that for later

"Targets!" – [GCN] Super Smash Bros. Melee

Timestamp: 0:06
YouTube Link

[insert witty comment]

"Opening Title ~ Demo" ("the" Fire Emblem theme) – [NES] Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light

Timestamp: 1:00
YouTube Link

Anyone who was able to identify this as the Fire Emblem theme got this one correct.

"Windfall Island" – [GCN] The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker

Timestamp: 0:04
YouTube Link

Quote from: Yug Guy#5 - Outset Island from Wind Waker?
Quote from: Jake Luigi5.) Outset Island from tLoZ:WW
Quote from: Cashwarrior15 is outset idsland form siwned waker
[close]'s Quiz
Do any of you remember Quiz #001 from four years back, by me, which only had five melodies? I guess you could say we're going back to our roots.

That quiz was hard. Go figure.

"Hellfire Hamlet (Stage 2)" – Ghouls 'n Ghosts

Timestamp: 0:02
YouTube Link

All right, no more Ghosts 'n Goblins music. I promise. Not even Atcero knew this one, maybe I should use Gargoyle's Quest songs instead.

"Overture March" – Dragon Quest

Timestamp: 0:26
YouTube Link

Yeesh, I know the Dragon Quest games aren't that popular over here, but come on! This is practically their national anthem over in Japan! Everyone should know this song!

No more Dragon Quest, either.

"Opening Stage" – Mega Man 7

Timestamp: 0:15
YouTube Link

Sorry, Mega Man X. Your opening stage theme is good, but it can't top this one.

"Professor Frankly" – Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Timestamp: 0:04
YouTube Link

I kinda wanted to be mean and use a snippet of the song from the end of the loop, but then I remembered that I'm a merciful God. So declares the Melody Quiz creator.

"Battle" – Zelda II: The Adventure of Link

Timestamp: 0:09
YouTube Link

I think we all owe the international release a thank-you for giving us the better Zelda II soundtrack. Those poor gamers in Japan... at least they got it over a year ahead of us.

mastersuperfan's Quiz

I was pleasantly surprised by how many melodies everyone got and how even the distribution of guesses per melody was. Congrats to Radiak and Yug Guy for both scoring perfect 5/5's on this quiz! I expected no less.

"Song of Healing" – [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Timestamp: 0:34
YouTube Link

To my surprise, I don't think this has even been used before. I put this one first because I thought it would be easiest and most obvious (arguably THE most iconic track from Majora's Mask?), but based on the number of guesses, that was clearly not the case. The other Majora's Mask melody on Jake_Luigi's quiz got more guesses than this...

Quote from: Radiak488417i almost didn't get it
i stopped listening right before it came in
and then i remembered that time i did that on static's quiz with that one animal crossing song and missed it
and decided to listen to the rest

"New Donk City: Daytime" – [SWITCH] Super Mario Odyssey

Timestamp: 0:28
YouTube Link

I thought this particular melody would trip people up because it's short and sounds like the Wii Sports theme, but everyone recognized it instantly. Whoops.

"Ruins" – [PC] Undertale

Timestamp: 1:01
YouTube Link

Aha, I knew this one would drive a few people crazy if they hadn't listened to this track in a while. It's one of the few melodies in the soundtrack that (to my knowledge) isn't quoted anywhere else.

Quote from: Latios212I've definitely heard 3 before but not sure if I'll remember from where

Quote from: BlueKirby3 is killing me a

"Victory Road" – [GBA] Pokémon Ruby Version & Pokémon Sapphire Version

Timestamp: 0:23
YouTube Link

Also in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and onward.

Okay, I thought this one would be really tricky and drive people crazy because I kind of forgot that this melody existed until I listened to the track again, but then everyone got it instantly and said it was really easy. Oh well.

"Baka Mitai" – [PS3/PS4] Yakuza 0

Timestamp: 1:05
YouTube Link

Quote[7:32 PM] Yug Guy: #5 - 馬鹿みたい
[7:32 PM] mastersuperfan: DAME DA NEEEEE
[7:33 PM] Yug Guy: DAME YO
[7:33 PM] Yug Guy: DAME NA NO YOOOOO
[7:33 PM] mastersuperfan: anta ga
[7:33 PM] mastersuperfan: suki de
[7:33 PM] mastersuperfan: SUUUKIIII SUGITEEEEE
[7:33 PM] Yug Guy: DORE DAKEEE
[7:33 PM] Yug Guy: tsuyoi osa~~
[7:34 PM] mastersuperfan: yugamanaiiii
[7:34 PM] mastersuperfan: omoide gaaaa
[7:34 PM] mastersuperfan: baka mitaaaiiii~

Quote from: Jake_LuigiIs this that weird Dane Da Ne song I've been seeing all over YouTube?

Quote from: TrasdegiI HATE YOU

Quote[9:33 PM] Radiak488417: 5 is
[9:33 PM] Radiak488417: what how has this not been used yet
[9:33 PM] mastersuperfan: I know right??
[9:33 PM] Radiak488417: baka mitai
[9:33 PM] mastersuperfan: DAME DA NEEEEE
[9:33 PM] Radiak488417: i almost called it that
[9:33 PM] mastersuperfan: I would've accepted it
[9:33 PM] Radiak488417: and then i remembered it had an actual name

Radiak's Quiz

"Lantern" – Deltarune
Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Not much to say about this one, a slightly obscure Deltarune track that hadn't been used on a quiz yet.

"Beach Overworld" – New Super Mario Bros.

Timestamp: 0:29
YouTube Link

A fun, chiptune-y melody from NSMB. Somehow accidentally gave(?) MSF his 50th point with this one.

QuoteRadiak488417: oh you don't have 2
Radiak488417: i forgot
mastersuperfan: where?
Radiak488417: on mine
mastersuperfan: oh
mastersuperfan: that one's not familiar at all
Radiak488417: interesting
mastersuperfan: Jake, Latios, Levi, and Static? that's an interesting combination...
mastersuperfan: the only intersection I can think of between them is Mario honestly
mastersuperfan: well
mastersuperfan: it's very distinctive
mastersuperfan: I do have an idea...
mastersuperfan: wait
mastersuperfan: AHA
Radiak488417: LOL NICE

"Grassy Bluff"/"Underground Area" – Kirby's Adventure

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Yet another Kirby track without a proper name. Maybe I should make this a tradition?

Quotemastersuperfan: #3 is that one Kirby thing from something somewhere
mastersuperfan: it goes like
mastersuperfan: doo doo doo dodo doo dodoo doo
mastersuperfan: doo doo doo dodo doo dodoo doo (but lower pitch)

"Route 12" – Pokémon Black & White

Timestamp: 0:23
YouTube Link

This one was far too hard, I mainly put it in as an attempt to make Latios miss a Pokémon track. Sadly, it wasn't meant to be...

QuoteLatios: let's see
Latios: route 12?
Radiak488417: yes
Latios: woot
Radiak488417: good job
Radiak488417: was thinking you were gonna miss it
Latios: nah

"Battlefield" – Super Smash Bros for 3DS/Wii U

Timestamp: 1:20
YouTube Link

I was hoping to trip some people up with this one, and it worked. 2 people got it with no problem though.

QuoteCashwarrior1: jeez number 5 is making me angr
Radiak488417: lol
Cashwarrior1: because it's melee's theme but the rhythm throws it off
Radiak488417: mission accomplished

Quote from: mastersuperfanI think #5 is Melee
unless you were a dick

Static's Quiz

"Deep Sea of Mare" – Super Mario Sunshine

Timestamp: 0:39
YouTube Link

"Inside the Ruins" – Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

"You're Not Alone" – Final Fantasy IX

Timestamp: 0:16
YouTube Link

"Snake Eater" – Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

Timestamp: 0:11
YouTube Link

"Glamdozer" – Super Mario Galaxy 2

Timestamp: 0:35
YouTube Link

Quote from: mastersuperfan[11:36 PM] mastersuperfan: it's Zelda battle music
[11:36 PM] mastersuperfan: it has to be

Trasdegi's Quiz

Alright, this one was intended to be sorted from hardest to easiest, and it semi-worked out I guess?

"Musical "Carnival Pokémon"" - Pokémon Black/White

Timestamp: 0:54
YouTube Link

A devilish melody to use, like #1 in cash's last quiz. He was the only one to get it, but I'm quite happy he did.

"Circles" – Osu!

Timestamp: 0:54
YouTube Link

This one rang a few bells here and there, but nobody actually found it...

"World 5" – New Super Mario Bros

Timestamp: 0:05
YouTube Link

This one ended up being the most guessed melody of the quiz, and I'm glad so many people remember this game!

"Canalave City (Day)" – Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Timestamp: 0:05
YouTube Link

With 16 quizmakers and 80 melodies, some overlap was bound to happen :p

"Toad's Theme" – Luigi's Mansion

Timestamp: 0:03
YouTube Link

Seems like this one wasn't so distinctive as I thought...

WaluigiTime64's Quiz

WaluigiTime64 here.

Instead of following instructions, I chose to make my potluck entry not easy. It's not terribly hard either though, with each melody being very notable for each series/circle. The difficulty comes in how distinct and unrelated most of these are.

"Thwomp Ruins" – Mario Kart 8

Timestamp: 0:20
YouTube Link

That being said, this was the only one I didn't design in that way. It's just my typical Mario Kart representation, complete with tricky section to mess with people.

"Stage 1 Theme (Main Theme)" – Super Mario Land 3: Wario Land

Timestamp: 0:03
YouTube Link

It's the main theme of the first two Wario Land games (like in Super Mario Land 2, this means that it's the motif you hear in almost every stage), so if you missed it, it also means you're missing out on the first two Wario Land games. Get on that.

"Doll Judgement ~ The Girl Who Played With People's Shapes" – Touhou 7: Perfect Cherry Blossom

Timestamp: 1:02
YouTube Link

Expected Touhou Project representation, though only one person got it. I picked this track (and this specific part of the track) to reference a particularly well-known remix.

"Corruption" – Terraria

Timestamp: 0:10
YouTube Link

I keep forgetting just how successful this game is. It's very likely within the top 20 best-selling games of all time, and I know there's always a couple of people around who have played it, but no one seems mention it at all outside of dedicated Terraria discussion forums/chats.
This is also just very catchy.

"Brain Power" – Sound Voltex II, Cytus II, etc.

Timestamp: 0:47
YouTube Link

Adrenaline is pumpin'.
Adrenaline is pumpin'.
Automatic lover.

Weakforced's Quiz

First quiz; open to criticism :)

"Welcome to Crocodile Isle" – [SNES] Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

Timestamp: 0:04
YouTube Link

I love the Donkey Kong Country games but I've never played this one. I know the first seconds of the track from watching speedruns of the game on stream, so it was fun to hear the rest.

"Yoshi's Song" – [N64] Yoshi's Story

Timestamp: 0:25
YouTube Link

This one was the most guessed on my quiz likely because it's in Smash Bros. Yoshi's Story is full of similar-sounding tracks so getting the title took some poking around for most guessers.

"Revali's Theme" – [WiiU/SW] The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Timestamp: 0:09
YouTube Link

I haven't played Breath of the Wild yet so I phoned a friend who said this one would be recognizable and I enjoyed the tune. It was guessed by a good number of people as well.

"Peach Gardens" – [NDS] Mario Kart DS

Timestamp: 0:09
YouTube Link

This is one of my very favorites from the Mario Kart series, which is saying a lot when compared to some of the newer live-recorded soundtrack. A few people initially guessed Delfino Plaza, which makes sense.

"Twinleaf Town" – [NDS] Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

When I was making the quiz I heard about the new remakes for Diamond and Pearl so I decided to pull one from here. I didn't play any of the games from the Sinnoh region but this track sounds nostalgia-inducing.

Whoppy's Quiz

Tbh, I'm kind of surprised that so few of you knew these songs.

"Big Rock Finish" – Rhythm Heaven

Timestamp: 1:25
YouTube Link

I was expecting this song to be much harder than the other ones.

"The Lumpy Pumpkin" – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

Timestamp: 1:05
YouTube Link

Only msf got this one? Seriously? I guess I DID choose a more obscure part...

"Staff Roll" – Super Mario Galaxy 2

Timestamp: 2:24
YouTube Link

The specific key signature was a little cheap, but I believe that everyone who guessed an SMG2 song got it eventually.

"Mt. Koltz" – Final Fantasy VI

Timestamp: 0:07
YouTube Link

It's funny how during the results of Levi's quiz, I was so upset with people for trash talking FF6, but almost no one even bothered to search that OST.

"Phendrana Drifts (Deep Lake Area)" – Metroid Prime

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

I'm not too surprised that no one got this. My transcription was a bit weird, but it's my favorite song from the game, so I don't care.

Yug Guy's Quiz

"Ending Theme" – Super Mario Bros. 2

Timestamp: 0:55
YouTube Link

"Hill Top Zone" – Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Timestamp: 0:26
YouTube Link

"Troian Beauty" – Final Fantasy IV

Timestamp: 0:05
YouTube Link

"Don't Slip" – Splatoon 2

Timestamp: 0:50
YouTube Link

"Go Straight" – Streets of Rage 2

Timestamp: 0:00
YouTube Link

Results: Superlatives!

Here are some fun awards for our competitors and quiz-makers...

Quiz with Highest Average
This award goes to braix for making a quiz with an average of 3.1 out of 5!

Honorable mentions: Cashwarrior1 (2.9), Latios [2.8], Weakforced (2.6)

Quiz with Most Perfect Scores
This award goes to Latios212 for making a quiz where four people got 5 out of 5!

Honorable mention: braix (three perfect scores)

Quiz where Nobody Got a 0
This award goes to braix and Cashwarrior1 for making quizzes where every competitor got at least one melody correct!

Honorable mentions: Jake_Luigi, Latios212, mastersuperfan, Weakforced (only one person got a 0)

Quiz with Most Consistent Accessibility
This award goes to Weakforced for designing a quiz where all five melodies got almost equal numbers of guesses! (quantified by coefficient of variation)

Honorable mentions: braix, Latios212, mastersuperfan

Quiz with the Easiest Melody
This award goes to Cashwarrior1 and Jake_Luigi for each using a melody that 15 out of 16 competitors got!

Honorable mentions: braix (14 out of 16), Latios (13 out of 16)

Dishonorable mention: Static and Weakforced for missing those melodies

Most Consistent Competitor
This award goes to for very consistently getting a score of 2 ± 1 on almost every quiz! (quantified by coefficient of variation)

Honorable mention: WaluigiTime64

Most Variable Competitor
This award goes to Radiak488417 for getting 4's and 5's on several quizzes and 0's and 1's on several others! (quantified by standard deviation)

Honorable mention: Yug Guy

Competitor who Never Got a 0
This award goes to Cashwarrior1, mastersuperfan, and Static for getting at least one melody correct on all 16 quizzes!

Honorable mentions: Latios212,, Radiak488417, Yug Guy (0 on one quiz)

Competitor with Most Perfect Scores
This award goes to mastersuperfan and Radiak488417 for getting perfect scores on four quizzes!

Honorable mentions: Yug Guy (three perfect scores), Cashwarrior1 (one perfect score)

Results: Final Scores and Rankings!

This should come as no surprise to anyone since all the scores are viewable on the spreadsheet, but I thought I'd do this for fun anyway.

The top five rankings out of our 17 competitors are given below! (Honorable 6th place mention goes to Static for getting 37.1 out of 80 and missing the top five by 0.7 points...)

In 5th place...

With a remarkable score of 37.8 out of 80!

In 4th place...

With an exceptional score of 38.9 out of 80!

In 3rd place...
Yug Guy!

With an amazing score of 44.2 out of 80!

In 2nd place...

With a phenomenal score of 46.3 out of 80!

And the champion of NinSheetMusic's first melody quiz potluck is...
mastersuperfan! hey that's me!

With a dazzling score of 51.3 out of 80!

Score List (out of 80)
mastersuperfan: 51.3
Radiak488417: 46.3
Yug Guy: 43.8
Cashwarrior1: 38.9
Latios212: 37.8
Static: 37.1
WaluigiTime64: 32.2
BlueKirby: 27.6 25.6
Jake_Luigi: 25.2
Whoppybones: 20.8
Atcero: 18.9
Beenya: 17.0
braix: 11.1
Weakforced: 10.6
Trasdegi: 10.3
Dekkadeci: 8.9

Average Score: 26.22

Graph of Score Distribution


Congratulations to everyone, and thanks so much for playing! I was blown away by how many people participated and how enthusiastic everyone was about the whole event. Future potlucks to come at some point... so stay tuned. :)
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


heyo, its bricks

Made another weeb quiz today: [BRAIX'S WEEB MELODY QUIZ part 2]

Took a different approach from last time, since a lot of the melodies went unguessed on my first quiz:
  • With the exception of like two of them, I was introduced to these melodies outside of the context of the anime itself (covers, background music, compilations, memes, vtubers, etc).
    • Figured this way, i can ensure that they're probably more widely known outside of the genre(s) i watch.
    • I've included some music I personally know to just be normal j-pop, but I wouldn't be surprised if those songs are actually OPs/EDs of some anime I didn't watch
  • each melody is 8 bars long, rather than four
    • My goal isn't to trip people up, so hopefully if you know the melody you'll be able to recognize it from what I wrote
    • Tried to choose obvious sections of each song. again, not trying to trick anyone here
  • I'll be giving out hints liberally (to a reasonable extent), just dm me asking for a hint if you're close and need a little push

Answers will probably be posted by the end of the week (Sat March 13)

Winner will get 1 month Discord nitro
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.




チーム"ハナヤマタ" - 花ハ踊レヤいろはにほ    (Hanayamata OP)
Timestamp: 0:00 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
Kana Asumi, Saki Fujita, Eri Kitamura - SOMEONE ELSE    (Working!! OP1)
Timestamp: 0:41 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
sweet ARMS - Date A Live    (Date A Live OP1)
Timestamp: 1:05 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
the peggies - Centimeter    (Rent-a-Girlfriend OP)
Timestamp: 0:03 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • mastersuperfan
Machico - Tomorrow    (Konosuba! S2 OP)
Timestamp: 0:15 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • Maelstrom
LiSA - Homura    (Demon Slayer the Movie: Mugen Train ED)
Timestamp: 0:15 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
ALI PROJECT - Kyoumu Densen    (Another OP)
Timestamp: 0:16 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • Maelstrom
fripSide - Only My Railgun    (A Certain Scientific Railgun OP1)
Timestamp: 0:13 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
Ikimonobakari - Bluebird    (Naruto Shippuden OP3)
Timestamp: 0:44 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
Yuho Iwasato, Youko Kanno - Genesis of Aquarion    (Sousei no Aquarion OP)
Timestamp: 1:02 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • Maelstrom
  • mastersuperfan
Shoko Nakagawa - Sorairo Days    (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann OP1)
Timestamp: 1:01 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • Maelstrom
mikitoP, Rin Kagamine - Roki 
Timestamp: 0:59 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
EasyPop / BETTI - Happy Synthesizer
Timestamp: 0:03 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • mastersuperfan
May'n - Lion    (Macross Fronteir OP2)
Timestamp: 0:58 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • Maelstrom
Official髭男dism - Yesterday    (Hello World)
Timestamp: 1:00 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
Yorushika - That's Why I Gave Up on Music 
Timestamp: 1:03 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
Motohiro Hata - Stand By Me    (Doraemon)
Timestamp: 1:00 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
JITTERIN' JINN - 夏祭り 'Natsu Matsuri' 
Timestamp: 0:58 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
Masayoshi Ooishi - Kimi ja Nakya Dame Mitai    (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun OP)
Timestamp: 0:45 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
LiSA - GURENGE    (Demon Slayer OP)
Timestamp: 1:00 | YouTube Link

Guessed By:
  • Trasdegi
  • Maelstrom

Final Results+ Stats
Rank  Name  Score  Correctly Guessed 
5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 20
4, 8, 10, 13

Participants:  3
Melodies Guessed:  9
Melodies Not Guessed:  11
Average Score:  4

Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Cashwarrior's Pokemon Quiz 3

:o Rules are the same as last time.
1 point for guessing the game, 2 points for guessing the track name + game (make sure to tell me the game, some people forget to)
For hints, you can get 1 hint and you can ask what generation the game came out (Anything that releases after the first game in a new generation counts).

Results will be announced on Wednesday the 24th


The schedule is looking a bit empty after the potluck so I thought I'd make another one.

Guess-That-Melody Quiz: MSF Round 32

There are 4 Mario melodies here. Yoshi counts as Mario; Wario and Donkey Kong do not. Otherwise, no series is used more than twice. Good luck! Answers to come probably next Saturday.
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Quote from: cashwarrior1 on March 16, 2021, 10:56:07 AMCashwarrior's Pokemon Quiz 3

Answers time!

Answers playlist

Sword and Shield - Gym Leader Battle

Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan
(only guessed game) Weakforced
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity - Come on in to Post Town!

Blue Kirby, Braix, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Trasdegi
Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon - Ultra Necrozma Battle

Blue Kirby, Dekkadeci, Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak
Diamond and Pearl - Professor Rowan's Laboratory

Blue Kirby, Braix, Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Trasdegi, Weakforced
Ruby and Sapphire - Rival Battle

Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Weakforced
Red and Blue - Mt. Moon

Blue Kirby, Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Weakforced
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers - Craggy Coast

Blue Kirby, Braix, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Trasdegi
Sun and Moon - Lusamine Battle

Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak
(only guessed game) Braix, Weakforced
Ranger - Ranger Base

Blue Kirby, Braix, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Trasdegi
X and Y - AZ

Braix, Latios, Radiak, Trasdegi
(only guessed game) Kricketune
Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team - Friend Area ~ Forest

Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak
Black 2 and White 2: Route 23

Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan
Heart Gold and Soul Silver - Sinjoh Ruins

Kricketune, Latios, Mastersuperfan, Radiak, Trasdegi
Platinum - Global Terminal

Colosseum - Mt. Battle

Rumble - Rocky Cave

nobody got it :(
Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity - Glacier Palace ~ Western Spire

(only guessed game) Braix
Shuffle - Easy Stage

nobody got it :(
Ranger: Guardian Signs - Renbow Island

Pinball - Red Field Theme


in 3rd place..
Radiak! With 20 points!
in 2nd place....
Mastersuperfan! With 26 points!
in 1st place.....
Latios! With 28 points!

quiz stats