The NSM Guess-That-Melody Quiz!

Started by, March 17, 2017, 08:47:02 PM

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new record

i should really change my profile pic




5 Mario

2 Kirby

2 Pokémon

11 whatever the hell else I thought of...
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


Answers and Results!

This was one heck of a quiz, but I think the round went better than I expected. Let's get to the answers now...

#1 (2/10)
"Floral Fields" - [3DS] Kirby: Triple Deluxe

Timestamp: 0:41 - 0:47

Also in: [WiiU] Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Latios212

#2 (3/10)
"Fire Field" - [SNES] F-Zero

Timestamp: 0:18 - 0:22

Also in:

Guessed by:
  • Dekkadeci
  • Static
  • Yug_Guy

#3 (1/10)
"Mechonis Field" - [Wii] Xenoblade Chronicles

Timestamp: 1:50 - 1:56

Quote from: MaelstromI just started and 3 is bothering me
i'll get back to you on that
Quote from: Maelstrom3 is legit driving me insane

Guessed by: Latios212

#4 (4/10)
"Petal Meadows" - [GCN] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:03

Quote from: WaluigiTime64ok #4 annoys me
it's superstar saga i think but idk
Quote from: WaluigiTime64bleaugh #4 is bothering me
Quote from: WaluigiTime64i am certain that #4 is a mario melody that will make me upset when the answers are posted

Guessed by:
  • InsigTurtle
  • Latios212
  • Static
  • ThatHiddenCharacter

#5 (3/10)
"Mt. Coronet" - [NDS] Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Versions

Timestamp: 0:53 - 0:59

Also in: [NDS] Pokémon Platinum Version

QuoteInsigTurtle: 5 is the the thing
mastersuperfan: the thing
InsigTurtle: it big
InsigTurtle: what's it called
InsigTurtle: mountain
InsigTurtle: yes
mastersuperfan: which mountain
mastersuperfan: there are many mountain
InsigTurtle: uh
InsigTurtle: c
InsigTurtle: ccc
InsigTurtle: succ
InsigTurtle: cornet
InsigTurtle: coronet
InsigTurtle: cock
mastersuperfan: ...
mastersuperfan: ...correct

Guessed by:
  • InsigTurtle
  • Latios212
  • FlamezofDeath

#6 (3/10)
"Phoenix Wright ~ Objection! 2004" - [NDS] Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations

Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:05

Also in:

QuoteInsigTurtle: wait is 6 an AA thing
InsigTurtle: oh no i forgot which one this one
InsigTurtle: oh no i forgot english
mastersuperfan: it's okay you still remember canadian doncha
press f to pay respects to this arrangement
mastersuperfan: my eyes
InsigTurtle: "suspense" is the best sheet on site
mastersuperfan: I agree
InsigTurtle: i'm gonna be late for class but i have no clue which beep it is
InsigTurtle: hmmm
InsigTurtle: tbh the ace attorney section needs some huge overhaulerino
mastersuperfan: it really does
InsigTurtle: also why is there no t&t cross examination
InsigTurtle: i'm so sad
mastersuperfan: because other CE themes are better
mastersuperfan: like Allegro 2002 :^)
InsigTurtle: i love that one though
InsigTurtle: i'm sad

Guessed by:
  • FlamezofDeath
  • InsigTurtle
  • Maelstrom

#7 (2/10)
"Polargeist" - [MOBILE] Geometry Dash

Timestamp: 0:25 - 0:31

QuoteLatios212: I haven't heard this song in quite a while
mastersuperfan: neither have I
mastersuperfan: but one day I randomly woke up with it stuck in my head
Latios212: o-o
mastersuperfan: so I was like "I'll put it on a quiz"

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Trasdegi

#8 (2/10)
"Escape from the City" - [DC] Sonic Adventure 2

Timestamp: 0:41 - 0:49

Also in:

Guessed by:
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Yug_Guy

#9 (4/10)
"Deep Dark Galaxy" - [Wii] Super Mario Galaxy

Timestamp: 0:18 - 0:27

Quote from: Staticdeep dank galaxy isnt it

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Static
  • ThatHiddenCharacter
  • WaluigiTime64

#10 (2/10)
"Hazy Pass (Highlands)" - [3DS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Timestamp: 0:31 - 0:44

Guessed by:
  • InsigTurtle
  • Latios212

#11 (0/10)
"Power-Hungry Fool" - [GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

Timestamp: 0:36 - 0:41

Also in: [Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Guessed by: :'(

#12 (8/10)
"Main Theme" - [Wii] Wii Shop Channel

Timestamp: 0:19 - 0:25

Also in: [Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Guessed by:
  • FlamezofDeath
  • InsigTurtle
  • Latios212
  • Maelstrom
  • Static
  • ThatHiddenCharacter
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Yug_Guy

#13 (4/10)
"Cocoa Cave" - [SNES] Kirby Super Star

Timestamp: 0:28 - 0:31

Also in:

Quote from: WaluigiTime64#13 is uh... idk

See melody #14 for all your other chocolatey needs.

Guessed by:
  • InsigTurtle
  • Latios212
  • ThatHiddenCharacter
  • Yug_Guy

#14 (4/10)
"Choco Island" - [SNES] Super Mario Kart

Timestamp: 0:01 - 0:09

See melody #13 for all your other chocolatey needs.

Also in:

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Static
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Yug_Guy

#15 (2/10)
"Halo" - [Xbox] Halo: Combat Evolved

Timestamp: 1:09 - 1:16

Also in: probably other Halo games? I know nothing about this series

Guessed by:
  • Maelstrom
  • Yug_Guy

#16 (1/10)
"Unbreakable Determination" / "Ryu's Determination" - [NES] Ninja Gaiden

Timestamp: 0:16 - 0:22

Also in: [MUL] Warriors Orochi 3

Not to be confused with the Ryu from #17.

Guessed by: Maelstrom

#17 (1/10)
"Ryu's Theme" - [ARCADE] Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

Timestamp: 0:34 - 0:41

Also in:

Not to be confused with the Ryu from #16.

Guessed by: Yug_Guy

#18 (3/10)
"Koopa's Theme" - [N64] Super Mario 64

Timestamp: 1:03 - 1:12

Did you know? The four measures after this melody are the same as the four measures that precede melody #19.

Guessed by:
  • ThatHiddenCharacter
  • WaluigiTime64
  • Yug_Guy

#19 (2/10)
"Honeylune Ridge: Escape" - [SW] Super Mario Odyssey

Timestamp: 1:04 - 1:10

Did you know? The four measures before this melody are the same as the four measures that follow melody #18.

Yeah, this motif is taken from the Bowser battle fight... but people listen to this track more anyways.

Guessed by:
  • Latios212
  • Yug_Guy

#20 (2/10)
"Lobby" - [PC] Kahoot!

Timestamp: 0:07 - 0:15

I'm not sorry.

Quote from: Staticwhy

Quote from: FlamezofDeathYES YOU ARE A MEMER

Quote from: WaluigiTime64#20 is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh
it's familiar

Guessed by:
  • FlamezofDeath
  • Static



With an excellent score of 11/20!

QuoteLatios212: wooooo
Latios212: wow I think I like
Latios212: redeemed myself almost maybe
Latios212: I got all of them that sounded really familiar
Latios212: all like 5 of them
mastersuperfan: with both Kirby and both Pokémon to boot
Latios212: Woooooooo

And congratulations to our runner-up, Yug_Guy, with a score of 9/20!

Score List (20)
Latios212 (11)
Yug_Guy (9)
InsigTurtle, Static (6)
ThatHiddenCharacter, WaluigiTime64 (5)
FlamezofDeath, Maelstrom (4)
Dekkadeci (2)
Trasdegi (1)

Average Score: 5.3 (26.5%)

Mario Melodies (5)
Latios212 (4)
Static, ThatHiddenCharacter, WaluigiTime64, Yug_Guy (3)
InsigTurtle (1)
Dekkadeci, FlamezofDeath, Maelstrom, Trasdegi (0)

Average Score: 1.7 (34%)

Kirby Melodies (2)
Latios212 (2)
Dekkadeci, InsigTurtle, ThatHiddenCharacter, Yug_Guy (1)
FlamezofDeath, Maelstrom, Static, Trasdegi, WaluigiTime64 (0)

Average Score: 0.6 (30%)

Pokémon Melodies (2)
InsigTurtle, Latios212 (2)
FlamezofDeath (1)
Dekkadeci, Maelstrom, Static, ThatHiddenCharacter, Trasdegi, WaluigiTime64, Yug_Guy (0)

Average Score: 0.5 (25%)

Other Melodies (11)
Yug_Guy (5)
Maelstrom (4)
FlamezofDeath, Latios212, Static (3)
InsigTurtle, WaluigiTime64 (2)
Dekkadeci, ThatHiddenCharacter, Trasdegi (1)

Average Score: 2.5 (22.7%)
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.


Do I get bonus points for only guessing the "other" melodies


Quote from: Maelstrom on December 01, 2017, 01:41:28 PMDo I get bonus points for only guessing the "other" melodies
no you get fail points for not getting the xenoblade one when I did
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I am legitimately sad that I missed the Kahoot one. I don't meme or anything, I just happen to like Kahoot's music.
Discord server (We have continental breakfast):

Jointers Discord server (We have continental music):

Ko-fi page (I have continental continents):


Here I am late again with the quiz!

Static's Miscellaneous Melody Quiz XIV (Round 95)
[Folder of Stuff]

I tried to make this one easier, let's see if it worked


MSF's was legitimately easier this time; I beat my previous record again! :D


I'm not exactly sure how to become a host, but sign me up! I think it's about time that I put my hat in the ring.


The schedule is absolutely borked right now so uh... I guess we'll just have you go next Saturday, if you're good with that
Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on February 11, 2016, 03:00:36 PMthere's also a huge difference in quality between 2000 songs and 2010 songs
Quote from: Latios212 on February 11, 2016, 03:29:24 PMThe difference between 2000 songs and 2010 songs is 10 songs.


It's that time again...

Melody I

[SWITCH] Super Mario Odyssey - "Forgotten Isle 2"
Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:07
# of Correct Responses: 4/8 (WaluigiTime64, Latios212, mastersuperfan, Yug_Guy)
Melody II

[PC] Cave Story - "Meltdown 2"
Timestamp: 0:34 - 0:47
# of Correct Responses: 1/8 (Maelstrom)
Melody III

[N64] Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards - "Shiver Star"
Timestamp: 0:13 - 0:26
# of Correct Responses: 0/8
Melody IV

[SNES] Final Fantasy VI - "The Decisive Battle"
Timestamp: 0:09 - 0:18
# of Correct Responses: 3/8 (mastersuperfan, Maelstrom, Yug_Guy)
Melody V

[NES] The Legend of Zelda - "Game Over"
Timestamp: 0:05 - 0:16
# of Correct Responses: 3/8 (ThatHiddenCharacter, Maelstrom, Yug_Guy)
Melody VI

[Wii] Kirby's Epic Yarn - "Snowy Fields"
Timestamp: 0:58 - 1:15
# of Correct Responses: 3/8 (Latios212, mastersuperfan, FlamezofDeath)
Melody VII

[GBA] Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones - "Rise Above"
Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:12
# of Correct Responses: 2/8 (mastersuperfan, Maelstrom)
Melody VIII

[Wii] Super Paper Mario - "Castle Bleck"
Timestamp: 1:04 - 1:12
# of Correct Responses: 4/8 (Latios212, ThatHiddenCharacter, mastersuperfan, Yug_Guy)
Melody IX

[NES] Mother - "Snowman"
Timestamp: 0:25 - 0:38
# of Correct Responses: 3/8 (Latios212, mastersuperfan, Yug_Guy)
Melody X

[ARCADE] Metal Slug - "Assault Theme"
Timestamp: 0:18 - 0:34
# of Correct Responses: 0/8
Melody XI

[SNES] Chrono Trigger - "The Hidden Truth"
Timestamp: 0:01 - 0:09
# of Correct Responses: 1/8 (mastersuperfan)
Melody XII

[GBA] Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga - "Gwarhar Lagoon"
Timestamp: 0:08 - 0:17
# of Correct Responses: 2/8 (ThatHiddenCharacter, Maelstrom)
Melody XIII

[PC] Touhou Youyoumu ~ Perfect Cherry Blossom - "Crystallized Silver"
Timestamp: 0:10 - 0:23
# of Correct Responses: 2/8 (WaluigiTime64, Maelstrom)
Melody XIV

[N64] Super Mario 64 - "Slider"
Timestamp: 0:46 - 0:57
# of Correct Responses: 4/8 (WaluigiTime64, Latios212, ThatHiddenCharacter, mastersuperfan)
Notes: backround banjo part
Melody XV

[GCN] Kirby Air Ride - "Frozen Hillside"
Timestamp: 0:42 - 0:54
# of Correct Responses: 3/8 (Latios212, mastersuperfan, Yug_Guy)
Melody XVI

[SNES] Super Mario All-Stars - "Title Screen"
Timestamp: 0:00 - 0:08
# of Correct Responses: 1/8 (ThatHiddenCharacter)
Melody XVII

[GCN] Animal Crossing - "Toy Day"
Timestamp: 0:09 - 0:27
# of Correct Responses: 0/8
Melody XVIII

[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - "Mountain Village"
Timestamp: 0:12 - 0:38
# of Correct Responses: 2/8 (Maelstrom, Yug_Guy)
Notes: accepted wide variety of answers
Melody XIX

[PC] Undertale - "Respite"
Timestamp: 0:36 - 0:54
# of Correct Responses: 8/8 (WaluigiTime64, Latios212, ThatHiddenCharacter, mastersuperfan, FlamezofDeath, Maelstrom, Yug_Guy, Dekkadeci)
Melody XX

[NDS] Mario Kart DS - "Rainbow Road"
Timestamp: 0:44 - 0:57
# of Correct Responses: 5/8 (WaluigiTime64, Latios212, mastersuperfan, Yug_Guy, Dekkadeci)

Congratulations to the winner...
...mastersuperfan, with 11/20 correct responses!

Other Scores
Yug_Guy: 9/20
Latios212: 8/20
Maelstrom: 8/20
ThatHiddenCharacter: 6/20
WaluigiTime64: 5/20
FlamezofDeath: 2/20
Dekkadeci: 2/20
# of Correct Responses per Melody
I: 4/8
II: 1/8
III: 0/8
IV: 3/8
V: 3/8
VI: 3/8
VII: 2/8
VIII: 4/8
IX: 3/8
X: 0/8
XI: 1/8
XII: 2/8
XIII: 2/8
XIV: 4/8
XV: 3/8
XVI: 1/8
XVII: 0/8
XVIII: 2/8
XIX: 8/8
XX: 5/8
Correct Responses per Contestant
mastersuperfan: I, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XIV, XV, XIX, XX
Latios212: I, VI, VIII, IX, XIV, XV, XIX, XX
Maelstrom: II, IV, V, VII, XII, XIII, XVIII, XIX
ThatHiddenCharacter: V, VIII, XII, XIV, XVI, XIX
WaluigiTime64: I, XIII, XIV, XIX, XX
FlamezofDeath: VI, XIX
Dekkadeci: XIX, XX
Other Data
# of Contestants: 8
# of Melodies Correctly Guessed: 17/20
Average Score: 6.375/20
Most-Guessed Melody(ies): XIX



My Arrangements (All Outdated)
My Compositions (All Outdated)
Quote from: WaluigiTime64I strive for second place and I will fight for the position.