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Submissions for the July 28 Update [Update is up!]

Started by Nintendude73, July 21, 2009, 11:24:51 AM

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For the next update. ;D  You may post a single post with 2 songs you think are ready for submission.  I will go through this topic over the course of the week and check the submitted songs.  Hopefully around Sunday-ish, I'll have a selection of songs that are ready for upload and I'll update.

SPECIAL NOTES:  If one or more of your songs did not get accepted in the last thread, you may repost those and ONE more song for submission. Unless I tell you otherwise.  Also, I play favorites.  Work hard and maybe you'll be a favorite, too.  I'm willing to accommodate special interests, but don't just assume you have special permission if I haven't given it to you explicitly.

(All Submission topics are still in this thread, just no longer stickied.)

I now have Finale 2009, so I will be able to fix small formatting issues with songs if that's the only problem.  But PLEASE make this easier on me and just format it correctly yourself the first time.  The easier on me you all are, the longer I'll be able to keep up updates without hating myself and getting frustrated.I WILL ALSO CHECK FOR COPYRIGHT AND NEW NSM URL SO PLEASE EDIT THIS, TOO.  I don't care if the guidelines say it's optional.  I want it.  It looks nicer.

Any extra posts will be deleted.  I will edit your post with rejection reasons, or to tell you it's accepted.  I may accept both or just one or none of your submissions.

So, in a lovely step-by-step process:
1.  Perfect up to 2 songs for submission
2.  Make sure they are formatted PERFECTLY
3.  Post links to the submissions here, mus and midi
4.  Did I mention I want them perfectly formatted?  Repeat steps 2 and 3 if you didn't listen to me
5.  I will review submissions and either accept or reject, editing your post as necessary
6.  Around Sunday, I'll close the thread to submissions
7.  When I start the update, I'll close the thread to revisions
8.  All of the songs I have accepted will be uploaded and we'll start this circus again

Got it?  If yes, make your post and submit your songs!  If not, PM me with questions.  Don't muck up my nice thread.

Questions I've Received (or made up):
-Do I need to break up a medley? No, it counts as one submission
-Do I have to include copyright and the site URL?  Yes.  The copyright is just <Publisher> © <Year Published> without the <> obviously.  The URL is
-How do I make a MIDI? Open the MUS in Finale, click File>Save As... and choose MIDI from the dropdown list.
-When can we submit? Now!  Just do it.
-How can I respond to your comments in my post? Edit your post or PM me.
-What if I disagree with your rejection comments? Edit your post to appeal.  If it starts getting too long-winded we'll take it to PM.
-Can I still submit after you've swept-through the posts? Yes.  You can submit up until I post that the thread is closed for submissions.


My arrangements:

[NGC] StarFox Adventures:
"Mammoth ride" MUS   MIDI   MP3

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
"Ilia's Theme" MUS MIDI MP3

Nintendude73: Both seem fine, just format them.

Fixed everything :)

Nintendude73: Ilia's Theme link leads to the Mammoth Ride MUS and Ilia's Theme MIDI link is invalid...

Its not my fault... Mediafire is acting like jerk... This thing is always happening now...


Nintendude73: OK, got it. ;D


[GBC] Pokemon G/S/C - "Rival Battle"   MUS  ~  MIDI

Nintendude73: Sounds fine, but is there any chance there's a key signature that fits it?  At least in some spots.  There are a ton of accidentals.

Tangy: Okay, I changed it to the key of b flat minor. Looks much nicer I think. ;D

Nintendude73: Yes, major improvement!  Accepted. :)


[GBC] Pokémon GSC - "Team Rocket"
Mus | Mid

[GBC] Pokémon GSC - "Champion Battle"
Mus | Mid


Both of these are a bit more advanced. Plus, being Pokémon, is a complete bitch when it comes to key signatures. I did the best I could of fixing them, but they're just like that.

Nintendude73: Both accepted, nice work as usual. :)

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


[Xbox] - Halo 2 - "Unforgotten" - Martin O'Donnell & Michael Salvatori (.mus) (.mid)

I hope I got the formatting right this time. Let me know if I didn't.  

Nintendude73: Perfectly formatted and accepted.  Nice work.

Swordomar: Cool, thanks. BTW: not that it really matters, but on my last submission (final fantasy III "Doga and Unei Theme") you put it up as "Umei" instead of "Unei". I don't know if you want to fix it or not, but I'm just letting you know.

Nintendude73: Ack, sorry, I'll fix that.

Swordomar: Thanks  ;D
Visit my Submissions Page =D
Finale Reader, a free solution for opening .mus files


[GCN] Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance "To Challenge Ashnard" ~~Pyre


Nintendude73: Well done, accepted.

EDIT: One more?

[SNES] Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War (Seisen no Keifu) "Disturbance in Agustria" ~~Pyre


Also, one question. Maybe for the Fire Emblem section, you could change the heading of "Fire Emblem" to "Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword," since I've been doing some Japanese-only games, and that's the translated title for it? It may cause confusion, so...

Nintendude73: Disturbance in Agustria is accepted.

I'm not sure what you mean.  Do you mean change the name of the entire Fire Emblem section (with all the games?) or just change the one game section titled "Fire Emblem" to "Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword"?


-[PS1] Metal Gear Solid "Encounter" Arranged by mantis985

-[PS2] Dark Cloud 2 "Zelmite Mine"  Arr. by mantis985

Nintendude73: Zelmite Mine is accepted.  Encounter is fine except for the fact that in measure 11 the really low note on the treble staff overlaps the note on the bass staff.  You might just want to cut out the really low note,  but if you can think of a better way to deal with it, go ahead.

mantis985: I just took out the note.  It should be okay now.

Nintendude73: Yep, accepted. :)


[GB] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - "Game Over" ~ jake3343
mus | midi
[GB] The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - "Animal Village" ~ jake3343
mus | midi

Nintendude73: Both accepted.  Wow, Game Over goes high.  I actually looked up the range of a piano to see if it's possible, but it is. :P



[GCN] - Animal Crossing - "8 A.M." - WiiMan96

[WII] - Sonic Unleashed - "Apotos Day Mission" - WiiMan96

Nintendude73: 8:00 A.M. is accepted.  Apotos is very nice, but I noticed a few spots where Piano 1's hands overlap.  For examples... measures 40, 41, 45... that pattern repeats itself quite often, and at all of those points there are places where the two hands are playing the same note.

WiiMan: I just noticed that now. :P Would raising Piano 1's right hand up an octave be an adequate solution?

Nintendude73: If you don't think it would stray too far from the original song (which I've never heard), go for it.

WiiMan: It's high strings or whatever, so I think it's the best way. Now I need someone with Finale Full 2009 who can put the entire Piano 1 (right hand only) in 8va. You know, using the dynamic symbol, not the red line going over the top. Having that line go through the entire piece would look disgusting. :P

Nintendude73: I feel like an idiot for asking, but what dynamic symbol?

WiiMan: Under the Expression tool, Technique Text. In PrintMusic anyway, but it might be different in Finale Full. An 8va symbol can be found there that makes all notes an octave higher. Only in Finale Full can this be done so it only affects the one staff. It's alright, though, Brassman's doing it for me. :)

WiiMan: It seems as though putting an 8va sign affects the entirety of Piano 1, so I put a text note explaining how it is to be played. I've updated the links above. Is this acceptable?

Nintendude73: I suppose so.  I think it would make more sense to just remove one of the two duplicate notes, but if you think this is best, you probably know more about piano than I do.  So... accepted!

WiiMan: Thank you! But... I'm having my first piano lesson today. :P

Nintendude73: Still better than me. :P


N64-Banjo Kazooie: Mad Monster Mansion: [Mus] [Midi]
N64- Banjo Kazooie: Boggys igloo- Sad: [Mus] [Midi]

Nintendude73: MMM accepted, huge improvement over the version on the site.

Nintendude73: Boggy's Igloo has some issues with formatting.  For one, his name is Boggy, not Boggey (1st page) or Bogey (2nd page).  The title should read "Boggy's Igloo - Sad" not "Boggeys igloo- sad" and you added a period after the game name again.  The song seems fine otherwise.

Petpetfood: Ok, it should be fixed now.

Nintendude73: No... all you did was take the 'e' out of the title and remove the period from the game name... Punctuation and capitalization are important to formatting, too.  But I'll just fix it myself so I don't have to go through this again.  So it's accepted.


[Wii] Super Smash Bros. Brawl - "Ground Theme (Super Mario Bros.)" - Nana1Popo2

Nintendude73: Accepted, game name font was too large, minor enough that I fixed it.
Kappa Kappa Psi, National Honorary Band Fraternity; ASU Alumnus '16; DCP '16


[NES] Super Mario Bros. 3-"Athletic"-MaestroUGC           MUS MID
[NES] Super Mario Bros. 2-"OverWorld"-MaestroUGC         MUS MID

Nintendude73: I haven't looked at these yet and it will probably be obvious when I do, but are these more Virtuoso arrangements or are they intended as replacements?

MaestroUGC: Virtuoso, and that goes for all of my arrangements in the future; but if you need me to reverse engineer and make simpler versions to replace existing sheets, just let me know.

Nintendude73: Great, both accepted.  I also changed the name of the current Athletic theme for SMB3 on the site from Overworld 2 to Athletic, just so you don't think it got deleted.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


[Wii]-LOZTP-Twilit ice mass-blizzeta-part one MUS Midi
[N64]-Mario Party-Faster Than All   MUS Midi

olimar12345- fixed wat u said on measure 3 of blizzeta... had no idea what was wrong with the bass cleff in measure 4...but whatever...

Nintendude73: Oh, wow, I'm sorry.  I didn't see the clef change on measure 4 and the measures after it.  There was no problem.  My bad!  You fixed the other thing, so now Blizzeta is accepted, as is Faster Than All.  Sorry again!

Olimar12345- ok good :) (that was driving me crazy!)

Nintendude73: Yeah, looking for a problem that doesn't exist could'nt have been fun. :P
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


[NGC] Pokémon Colosseum - Semifinal Battle - GreekGeek: MUS MIDI
[GBA] Pokémon Gold/Silver - New Bark Town - GreekGeek: MUS MIDI

Nintendude73: New Bark Town is accepted, but Semifinal Battle needs to be formatted correctly.

What's wrong with the format of Semifinal?

EDIT: kotor told me what's wrong with Semifinal and I (think I) have fixed it. Please lemme know.

Nintendude73: It's formatted fine now, with the exception of the arranger line being bold when it shouldn't be and should just be italic, but whatever.  The sheet looks awful, just because of all the red but I really don't know what could be done about it, so it's accepted.  I edited the shape of the slurs so they don't overlap any notes (they still function the same, just looks cleaner).

That's it: I don't know how to solve it in another way, so it has to be like this. Or something has to have a suggestion?

Nintendude73: Don't worry about it, there's really nothing that could be done except messing around with some of the note lengths to fit it all on the first layer, but that could end up making it look worse and/or changing how the song plays which is a no-no.

Composer #40

[GBA] Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - "Aquarius" - Commander6 (midi)
[GBA] Castlevania: Circle of the Moon - "Fate To Despair" - Commander6 (midi)

Let's try Castlevania, these tend to be my more messier arrangements.

Nintendude73: Both accepted.  Castlevania has some awesome music.

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