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GWAF is making a Pokemon rom hack

Started by Trainer Ave, August 29, 2017, 07:58:26 PM

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Trainer Ave

Hello everyone. I am currently in the process of creating my very own Pokemon rom hack. This ROM hack will include various changes including map and story edits, some Pokemon evolution changes, some changes to Pokemon attributes the ability to catch all 493 Pokemon (because I'm hacking Platinum), some new items and various other miscellaneous tweaks. All changes will be documented in this thread.

If anyone is interested in helping me with Alpha/Beta testing, please shoot me a PM.

The project currently does not have a title and is in stage Alpha 0.2.2.
changes for Alpha 0.2.1
Increased text speed.
Lower case Pokemon names.
Starters have been changed to Magby, Spheal, and Hoppip
All moves have been updated to the Gen 6 stats (move power, physical/special, accuracy)(this does not include the Fairy Type being added)
evolution changes
Vapereon will now evolve into Suicune when levelled up with a Ho-Oh in the party.
Flareon will now evolve into Entei when levelled up with a Ho-Oh in the party.
Jolteon will now evolve into Raikou when levelled up with a Ho-Oh in the party.
Phione will now evolve into Manaphy when exposed to a Water Stone.
Machoke will now evolve into Machamp at level 36.
Kadabra will now evolve into Alakazam at level 36.
Graveler will now evolve into Golem at level 36.
Haunter will now evolve into Gengar at level 36.
Kirlia will now evolve solely based on gender at level 30 (Gardevoir if female; Gallade if male). The Dawn Stone is no longer required.
Wurmple will continue to evolve at its normal level (7) but will now only evolve into Silcoon during the day and only into Cascoon during the night.
Nincada will now evolve into Shedinja when exposed to a Fire Stone.
Eevee will now evolve into Espeon using the Dawn Stone.
Eevee will now evolve into Umbreon using the Dusk Stone.
Scyther will evolve into Scizor by levelling up with a Metal Coat.
Onyx will now evolve into Steelix by levelling up with a Metal Coat.
Porygon will now evolve into Porygon2 when levelled up with an Up-Grade.
Porygon2 will now evolve into Porygon-Z when levelled up with a Dubious Disc.
Because I am Dark as fuck, Cubone will continue to evolve at level 28 but will now only evolve into Marowak if male. If female, Cubone will evolve into Kangaskahn at level 28.
changes for Alpha 0.2.2
All changes present in Alpha 0.2.1 are present in this update.
Pokemon Ability Changes
The Bulbasaur line now gets Chlorophyll as a Second Ability
The Charmander line now gets Drought as a Second Ability
The Squirtle line now gets Drizzle as a Second Ability.
The Feebas line now gets Cute Charm as a Second Ability.
The Torchic line now gets Speed Boost as a Second Ability.
Evolution Changes
Golbat now evolves into Crobat at level 40
Poliwhirl now evolves into Politoed when leveled up with King's Rock.
FIXED A mistake led to Kadabra evolving into Alakazam at level 16. It now evolves at level 36.
FIXED A mistake led to Machoke evolving into Machamp at level 28. It now evolves at level 36.
Ponyta now evolves into Rapidash at level 30 as opposed to 40.
Slowpoke now evolves into Slowking when leveled up with King's Rock.
FIXED A mistake led to Onix not having the altered evolution method. It now evolves when leveled up with a Metal Coat.
FIXED A mistake led to Cubone's evolution not being totally gender-defined meaning it could have evolved randomly into Kangaskhan or Marowak if female. It now evolves into Kangaskahn at level 28 if female and into Marowak at level 28 if male.
Dusclops now evolves into Dusknoir when leveled up with a Reaper Cloth.
Snorunt now evolves into Glalie at 42 if Male and into Froslass at level 42 if female.
Clamperl now evolves into Huntail when leveled up with a DeepSeaTooth and into Gorebyss when leveled up with a DeepSeaScale
Feebas now evolves into Milotic at level 20
Budew now evolves into Roselia at level 10
Riolu now evolves into Lucario at level 16.
Larvitar now evolves into Pupitar at level 16.
Pupitar now evolves into Tyranitar at level 36.
Other Tweaks
Nidorina and Nidoqueen are now in the Monster and Field egg groups. This needs testing.
Raikou Entei and Suicune are now in the Field egg group. This needs testing.
Celebi now has a gender ratio of 99% female/1% male. This needs testing.
Unown is now in the Amorphous egg group. This needs testing.
Combee's gender ratio has been altered to 10% male 90% female making evolution into Vespiquen easier. This needs testing.
Azurill's gender ratio has been altered to 50/50. Azurill will now longer change genders upon evolving. This needs testing.

how to apply patches

Patches for Alpha 0.2.2
Decryption Key.

This step is only necessary for the first time that you are patching the ROM. Skip to the second paragraph if this is not your first time.To apply the following patches you will need the Universal Pokemon Game Randomizer. Search that exactly into google and it will be the first link. Open up the randomizer and then click Produce Seed and open the Presets file I gave you. It should be a different file extension than any of the other items in the archive. Open up the ROM and apply the settings. Now you need to save it.

Next you are going to want to open Nitro Explorer 3 (If you don't have it, search on Google. It will be the first link). Open your ROM that you just saved through the Randomizer.
Expand the poketool folder
Expand the personal folder
Replace the .narc files with the ones with the corresponding name in the archive. (Example: Replace the evo.narc in the rom with the evo.narc in the archive. )
You should only have to replace 3 .narc files.
You are done. Close the program.
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First of all if you're making a pokemon Rom fix the balance issues that exist in the main games plssss

Second of all sure I'm in for testing

Trainer Ave

This will only include the Pokemon, types, items, moves and abilities that exist in Generation 4. I will attempt to fix the balance issues that existed back then. However the only ones I can think of off the top of my head is Sableye and Spiritomb not having a weakness.

Awesome. While this project is in stage Alpha no map or story edits will be made. Almost all edits will be on the Pokemon. I'm not sure about everything I'll need yet it terms of testing but I'll let you know.
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Quote from: BoywithoutaFairy on August 29, 2017, 07:58:26 PM
evolution changes
Vapereon will now evolve into Suicune when levelled up with a Ho-Oh in the party.
Flareon will now evolve into Entei when levelled up with a Ho-Oh in the party.
Jolteon will now evolve into Raikou when levelled up with a Ho-Oh in the party.
Phione will now evolve into Manaphy when exposed to a Water Stone.
Machoke will now evolve into Machamp at level 36.
Kadabra will now evolve into Alakazam at level 36.
Graveler will now evolve into Golem at level 36.
Haunter will now evolve into Gengar at level 36.
Kirlia will now evolve solely based on gender at level 30 (Gardevoir if female; Gallade if male). The Dawn Stone is no longer required.
Wurmple will continue to evolve at its normal level (7) but will now only evolve into Silcoon during the day and only into Cascoon during the night.
Nincada will now evolve into Shedinja when exposed to a Fire Stone.
Eevee will now evolve into Espeon using the Dawn Stone.
Eevee will now evolve into Umbreon using the Dusk Stone.
(I may be making a possibility of Mew evolving into Mewtwo but I'm not sure yet. It may have to wait until a future update.)
Scyther will evolve into Scizor by levelling up with a Metal Coat.
Onyx will now evolve into Steelix by levelling up with a Metal Coat.
Porygon will now evolve into Porygon2 when levelled up with an Up-Grade.
Porygon2 will now evolve into Porygon-Z when levelled up with a Dubious Disc.
Because I am Dark as fuck, Cubone will continue to evolve at level 28 but will now only evolve into Marowak if male. If female, Cubone will evolve into Kangaskahn at level 28.
These are all the evolution changes that will be present in Alpha 0.2.
Those are some damn cool evolution edits you've got there, son. The only one I have a big deal with is Nincada to Shedinja; I've always loved the concept of an empty space in your party suddenly being filled with Nincada's shedded skin. It's your hack so do as you please, but if you want to make a direct evolution from Nincada to Shedinja, I'd rethink using a Fire Stone; that doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I wish I had a better idea but I don't. Neat stuff, though.
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Suggestion: replace all the music with high quality rips

Oh, and I can help with the testing, too


And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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Trainer Ave

I would like to replace the music but I haven't found a tool to do that yet.
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Can't you just replace the sound files?  It might take some time to find them in the Rom, but they should be there.  I used to change league music all the time

Trainer Ave

Possibly. I'm using Nitro Explorer 3 so it shouldn't be too hard to find them
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Trainer Ave

bump. I have released the patch files for Alpha 0.2
Expand the spoiler tag to find the link
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First of all, that isn't a bump. Second of all, I'm trying this out asap.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!

Trainer Ave

Ok. As far as I know the action replay cheats for Pokemon Platinum should still work for this hack. Feel free to test any of the new evolution methods.

@Dudeman My idea was the Fire Stone burning away the Nincada and the Ghost is the only thing that's left. I may change this later.
Also I am keeping that evolution method for some other Pokemon. More on that later.
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Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on August 30, 2017, 07:20:02 AMCan't you just replace the sound files?  It might take some time to find them in the Rom, but they should be there.  I used to change league music all the time

The problem is to convert the files, you need midi, samples, link them, convert them, and you even need to do hex editing if you want it to loop iirc.
I tryed to do it once, but I didn't succeed....


Oh yeah looping is something that I didn't do