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The Easy VGM Sheets Playlist! :) (always open for suggestions ^^)

Started by daj, July 31, 2017, 07:13:25 AM

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You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I don't know if you've played Cave Story, but my arrangement of Toroko's Theme is nice and easy. It's on my personal arrangement thread.
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


Quote from: Yug_Guy on August 05, 2017, 09:59:03 AMNice! I take it this video will be public soon? (Currently it's unlisted)

Yep! In fact, it's going to be the first of the opening week of videos - after I publish the intro video where I talk to a camera, I'll do one of these videos every day from Monday to Friday of the next week! ^^ And all the little details have already been settled, ehehe <3

If everything goes to plan, then I'll do the intro video next Sunday, and the week of five videos right after ^^

Quote from: Zunawe on August 05, 2017, 10:51:28 AMLink to sheets in description?
Of course! ^^

Quote from: Olimar12345 on August 05, 2017, 11:29:25 AMI don't know if you've played Cave Story, but my arrangement of Toroko's Theme is nice and easy. It's on my personal arrangement thread.
And as a side note, I've saved this one for future playing :)


Folder is up! Link's in the OP too. This is where you can check out all the sheets in a super-organised way, and my scans are up there too! ^^

And I also create folders for future weeks' stuff, so if you're reaaally that interested I guess you can take a peek xD

whee folders yayy


On second thought, the one song I suggested may be a bit too hard, sort of getting into the intermediate range.

Here's some easier ones:
Id~Serenity from Fire Emblem Awakening
Valak Mountain (Night) - Xenoblade Chronicles
Agniritha, Mechonis Capital (Night) - Xenoblade Chronicles
Combat Preparations - Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Mother 3 Love Theme
You - Higurashi
Lavos' Theme - Chrono Trigger
Eight Melodies - EarthBound

Edit: And Kaine Salvation from NieR


Quote from: Maelstrom on August 09, 2017, 06:21:28 PMOn second thought, the one song I suggested may be a bit too hard, sort of getting into the intermediate range.

Here's some easier ones:
Id~Serenity from Fire Emblem Awakening
Valak Mountain (Night) - Xenoblade Chronicles
Agniritha, Mechonis Capital (Night) - Xenoblade Chronicles
Combat Preparations - Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
Mother 3 Love Theme
You - Higurashi
Lavos' Theme - Chrono Trigger
Eight Melodies - EarthBound

aaand boom. i'll probably be playing most of those. xD especially lavos' theme - that one is absolutely huge, and it's super rewarding for a sheet that only lasts one page and stretches over four minutes~

These suggestions are pretty solid as difficulty gauges! ^^ The hardest track in this playlist should be Midna's Lament - and I'm using that arrangement as a guide because it's tough when you look at it, but it only needs two technical tweaks to secure, and once those are done it is one of the most rewarding arrangements to play ever :)


I was gonna recommend my "Poliwrath River" sheet but seeing how you called Midna's Lament a bit though, I'm probably not the best person to gauge difficulty, haha. Maybe Lament of Falling Stars?

Other sheets I think would be cool:
Story Music Box - SMW2 Yoshi's Island
Fortree City from Pokémon R/S/E
Verdanturf Town from Pokémon R/S/E
Goodnight - PMD EoT/D/S
Jubilife City - Pokémon D/P/P - quick leaps and balancing voices may be a problem
Northerly Town from Pokémon Rumble Blast -  parallel fourths and leaps may be a problem

I'm not too good at knowing what's easy and what's not, if you couldn't tell ^_^;


Quote from: InsigTurtle on August 09, 2017, 11:47:48 PMI was gonna recommend my "Poliwrath River" sheet but seeing how you called Midna's Lament a bit though, I'm probably not the best person to gauge difficulty, haha. Maybe Lament of Falling Stars?

Other sheets I think would be cool:
Story Music Box - SMW2 Yoshi's Island
Fortree City from Pokémon R/S/E
Verdanturf Town from Pokémon R/S/E
Goodnight - PMD EoT/D/S
Jubilife City - Pokémon D/P/P - quick leaps and balancing voices may be a problem
Northerly Town from Pokémon Rumble Blast -  parallel fourths and leaps may be a problem

I'm not too good at knowing what's easy and what's not, if you couldn't tell ^_^;
Both of those first two you mentioned are pretty easily sight-readable for me. I use those as pick-up-and-play sheets sometimes.

I've tried out all the other ones too. Story Music Box and Fortree City are easy. Verdanturf is pretty easy too but trying to play the B section legato without pedal isn't so much. Goodnight is another fairly straightforward easy one. I've learned JD's Jubilife sheet and it's a big step up difficulty-wise because, as mentioned, lots of big fast jumps and voice managing. It's doable, but takes some getting used to. Northerly Town's the one I've probably played the least out of the above, but I would say it's also harder than everything listed above Jubilife.

Oh, and if you would like more of my sheets, I completely forgot about a bunch of my Zelda sheets on site - Tarrey Town, Mipha's Theme, Ilia's Theme, Ordon Ranch! (among a few others).

Quote from: Maelstrom on August 09, 2017, 06:21:28 PMId~Serenity from Fire Emblem Awakening
Mother 3 Love Theme
I really love these two (they're a couple of my favorite video game pieces!) and would definitely put them in this ballpark of difficulty that we're aiming for.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Thank you for the suggestions, Insig and Lat! ^^ Hehe, I'll go check them out soon~

I think I won't be doing that much Pokemon stuff, because the bulk of my channel is Pokemon stuff. :p The PMD stuff though...hmm. Could consider. ^^ And yeah Insig, the Poliwrath River pushes the limits juuuust a little haha - not that I'm lazy to learn it, know, those thirds, and that one instance of inner voicing. Totally not lazy~

Zelda stuff is also quickly populating my folder haha, so I'll cut back on those if necessary. xD But hey, if it's good, it'll go on reserve :)

Anyway! Did something new, and if you guys have suggestions/criticism especially I'll love you <3

This here if my first attempt at doing a technical tutorial! ^^ I've always wanted to do one of these for Midna's Lament especially, because I believe it's really not as tough as some people put it out to be, even though it's a little unusual. In this tutorial, my goal is to jump-start the learner's practice process by drawing the focus only to the left hand, and to three specific techniques used in the left hand (in a super-micro sense) that pretty much control the whole piece.

I just enjoyed doing this so much that I'm almost certain I'll be doing it for some of the other pieces in this collection - mentioned two of them in the video. And I'll be opening a technical advice thread on this site soon if that's okay! ^^ Not that I'm a pro haha, I'm quite scrub in the real world of performing, but if it means guiding some people to play basic meaningful stuff I suppose I can sacrifice just a tiiiiiny bit of my pride :p

I'd love to hear comments about anything in the video! :) The voice, the progression, the accent; the stuff I wore (it was hot so i chose a loose shirt, probably will use something more presentable next time), the camera angle, presentation in general - more than open to hearing your criticism, and I'd appreciate honesty more than anything :)

Oh, and here's the original Midna's Lament recording for reference!~


Hey daj, that new video you posted isn't showing up in your videos column and I didn't get the notification, also couldn't find it in your channel and could only access it on here (which is probably why it has 2 views after 24 hours instead of a few hundred).

Anyway, thanks for making this playlist, I'm a new pianist so I plan on trying these out.


Quote from: swimswamit on August 11, 2017, 02:53:29 PMHey daj, that new video you posted isn't showing up in your videos column and I didn't get the notification, also couldn't find it in your channel and could only access it on here (which is probably why it has 2 views after 24 hours instead of a few hundred).

Anyway, thanks for making this playlist, I'm a new pianist so I plan on trying these out.

Hey swim! ^^ That video is unlisted haha, so that means you can only access it if you have the link. I didn't make it public instantly because it'd mess with my channel's upload schedule. ^^;

And if you'd like, I've already got the PDFs and scans of the sheets for the first 17 videos! ^^ (yep, seriously) So if you'd like to try something without an accompanying live video, you can pick up the sheets from there. And if you have anything on the technical side you want to ask...I think I'll start a thread for that soon xD


Quote from: daj on August 11, 2017, 06:37:13 PMHey swim! ^^ That video is unlisted haha, so that means you can only access it if you have the link. I didn't make it public instantly because it'd mess with my channel's upload schedule. ^^;

And if you'd like, I've already got the PDFs and scans of the sheets for the first 17 videos! ^^ (yep, seriously) So if you'd like to try something without an accompanying live video, you can pick up the sheets from there. And if you have anything on the technical side you want to ask...I think I'll start a thread for that soon xD
thanks daj! I knew it was just my bad youtube skills :) will definitely check the new thread out!


I think I have the two simplest sheets on site, both in the Mario section:

"Countdown to race start" from Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and "Retro Theme 2" from Super Mario Galaxy. That last one might require a rather large finger/arm span, but the timing and keys should not be particularly hard to pull off.
Emergence - a story exclusive to NSM

Yes, I'm still around from time to time. For quicker response, you can reach me by PM, or drop by Smogon to say hi. I go by "Codraroll" there, because of a bet.

Hey, I remember looking at Galaxy sheets about 6 years ago on Saturday mornings! Good times. :)
Check out my Youtube channel for remixes and original music!'s Remixes

Also check out my piano arrangements here on my PA thread!'s Arrangements


Quote from: Cobraroll on August 12, 2017, 07:23:25 AMI think I have the two simplest sheets on site, both in the Mario section:

"Countdown to race start" from Mario Kart: Double Dash!! and "Retro Theme 2" from Super Mario Galaxy. That last one might require a rather large finger/arm span, but the timing and keys should not be particularly hard to pull off.

Mm, thanks for the suggestions man! ^^ But I think these are good examples of sheets I won't include in this collection - lemme explain myself and hop on your suggestions as a starting point, if i may:

While, yes, people want to play something that's simple, if you're going to put in effort into searching for a sheet to play and learning it, you'd like a rewarding experience as the end product. So, minimum effort for maximum reward - minimum difficulty for maximum satisfaction.

Musical satisfaction is a product of, mainly, musical progression - in theory, "structural progression". You'd like to hear the progression of a melody that keeps coming back in different moods, because that outlines a metaphysical journey of some sort that our ears follow. In essence, I believe the main essence of a satisfying piece is good structure.

While little snippets of music like these are nice, there's very little structural progression to it, and if you were to commit the effort to learning these, chances are you'd be disappointed that at the end of it, you just played a jingle that ends as it is. You want to create a musical journey and draft it to your personal compass, and for that, you need structure. :)

A nice little example: "Kass' Theme" from Breath of the Wild (arr. Latios212) ends in 30 seconds if you do the repeat, which is probably shorter than your "Retro Theme 2"...but within the 15-second repeat of music, you get the development of a two-bar melody and a recurring motif with harmonic movement - big words for "musical movement in a clear direction".

Hope this makes sense, and sorry I had to make an example out of your suggestions haha. </3 Thank you for suggesting, though ^^


Shouldn't these videos be set to Unlisted so we can see them? Or did you mean to set it to Private?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.