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Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon

Started by Waddle Bro, May 10, 2016, 06:22:01 AM

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best tapu?

tapu koko
tapu fini
tapu lele
tapu bulu


Quote from: Dudeman on November 21, 2016, 04:48:10 PMAs a rival, Hau is the worst rival of all time.
He has the basic decency to actually heal your Pokémon when ambushing you for a battle
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Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



I just want another scumbag rival :(

there hasn't been a scumbag rival since GEN 2 HGSS don't count, those are remakes
Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book





Tapu Koko is clearly the best. Reasons:
- Tapu Koko brings forth Electric Terrain, which makes Xurkitree even scarier.
- Tapu Koko does not hide in its shell like Tapu Fini; no, it goes forth and FIGHTS, like a TRUE GUARDIAN DEITY.
- Tapu Koko doesn't want anything to do with that prissy-a** Psychic Terrain like Tapu Lele does. Like seriously, whoever designs this stuff had a serious grudge against all things priority. TWO abilities weren't enough already? Thanks for breaking BH, guys!
- Tapu Koko doesn't cower in fear against Poison types like Tapu Bulu; also, Tapu Bulu's about as ugly as I thought it would be.
- Tapu Koko has great speed. It has the greatest speed. It puts the speed of all the others to shame.

Eh you know what, screw Ash-Pikachu... I want Tapu Koko wearing Ash's hat!!!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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The Dread Somber


Quote from: Dudeman on November 21, 2016, 05:19:29 PMI just want another scumbag rival :(

there hasn't been a scumbag rival since GEN 2 HGSS don't count, those are remakes

Gen III may was that way IMO as she'd come out of nowhere and battle you when you least exoect it

And then blocks the entrance to a helpful store if you don't battle her

Moreso entitled than anything else

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Primaries is basically water gardevoir


No Move Tutors... WHY? (I mean other than Draco Meteor, Volt Tackle, etc.)

Quote from: TheDreamingHawk on November 21, 2016, 07:48:06 AMAt least the post-story was good this time around.
I haven't figured out if I'm even in the postgame yet lol
Please note I use Musescore and transfer it into Finale Notepad, so formatting may be messed up and help would be appreciated.


Quote from: DocDoom2 on November 21, 2016, 07:58:05 PMNo Move Tutors... WHY? (I mean other than Draco Meteor, Volt Tackle, etc.)
I haven't figured out if I'm even in the postgame yet lol
All the good move tutors are in the third game and the remakes of each generation. At least stuff can learn Draco Meteor in every game.

In the meantime, I'm still amused at how none of the Guardian Deities fulfill any "duties" towards guarding humanity:
  • Tapu Koko often won't answer calls for help, although it/he'll likely rescue you if it/he's passing by.
  • Tapu Lele hands out healies and Stimpaks to everyone, regardless of whether anyone actually needs them. Game Freak even says this over-distribution is harmful.
  • Tapu Bulu will defend its/his territory, but is otherwise too lazy and/or docile to care.
  • Tapu Fini outright thinks enough of humanity is evil to force everyone to go through thick fields of fog for its/her healies.
...Well, at least Tapu Koko goes out and meets people.

A day or two later, leading candidates to get banished to Ubers from OU are Aegislash (again), Pheromosa, and Zygarde (at least with Power Construct, 50% Forme, and Thousand Arrows). Landorus-I is avoiding getting called out like a boss. I hear the occasional mutter that Magearna will get the axe after Aegislash does because she checks too many Pokemon in a similar manner.


After hearing multiple proclamations about the Merged Lusamine battle being hard/annoying, I found it to be much easier than I expected. Her clefairy was annoying in the sense that it used recover 3-4 times in a row, but other than that it wasn't all that bad. My pokemon were 0-3 levels above hers, with the exception of my lvl 48 kadabra (which contributed significantly against bewear). It would've been a lot harder (and more interesting) if it was some sort of 2 on 1 battle where we fight Merged Lusamine along with her team but I can see why that didn't happen

Imo the Mallow trial was more difficult (not the only one, but the one that stands out the most) and I actually had to restart a few times. Maybe it was just my unbalanced team composition leaning towards more SE moves against Lusamine as opposed to Lurantis. I don't fare well against grass and fire either

All that being considered, I can definitely see how this game is harder than the average pokemon game and it makes me intrigued to see how a nuzlocke (especially randomized with the whole calling for help thing) would play out. Also, the game seems like it could have a sequel with the league fully built-in as well as some Kanto business with Lillie (it doesn't have to mean returning to Kanto ourselves), but I'm not expecting it

Quote from: K-NiGhT on November 21, 2016, 12:19:30 PMSo I finished the game. I'm very pleased with it, all in all. I thought the story was actually really good. It was also slightly challenging due to the team I had put together. I was missing some key type coverage going into the Elite Four and nearly paid dearly for it.

Of course, the whole thing culminated in the battle with the "Champion," Professor Kukui, which was a very exciting match. It came down to my last Pokemon, my signature Jolteon that I've had through every game that he was obtainable in the series, which was already at low health from the previous opponent. Kukui's last Pokemon ended up being his Braviary, which worked out in my favor. Unfortunately, I misclicked the first turn and used Thunder Wave, which ended up working out in my favor because para hax won the day, and I ended it off with a sick Gigavolt Havoc to beat the game. It was so fitting that my favorite Pokemon was the one to beat the Champion, especially since he hadn't done much at all through the rest of the game. Nearly brought a tear to my eye.
taking the spoiler into account
I share nearly the same sentiment as you about the game, except the Title Defence battle was more enjoyable due to the setting/circumstances rather than it being that close of a battle. Overall I really liked the new direction GameFreak took (not just this, but in general)


I was really disappointed that kanto isn't in the post game, I thought that was gonna happen.  I saved my master ball for mewtwo and everything

Edit: that being said this post game is AWESOME.  I just ran into this pokemon named necrozma?


Quote from: Dekkadeci on November 21, 2016, 11:08:09 PMAegislash (again)
It's hard to support this when I have so much on my teams that can setup in its face without danger and then proceed to OHKO Aegislash-Shield. Personally, the more Aegislash, the merrier.

Understandable, though I worry about how it will fare in Ubers.

QuoteZygarde (at least with Power Construct, 50% Forme, and Thousand Arrows)
I understand why, but I wouldn't like it. Coil Zygarde-Complete is an absolute beast (and it beats Dragon Dance sets!).

QuoteLandorus-I is avoiding getting called out like a boss. I hear the occasional mutter that Magearna will get the axe after Aegislash does because she checks too many Pokemon in a similar manner.
I wouldn't mind Landorus-I getting banned, personally, if only because it would make my team work so much more smoothly. I've only encountered a few Magearna thus far; IMO, it's better in Doubles, and rather lackluster in singles because of its low speed (super prone to getting revenge killed, which makes its ability less useful).

Meanwhile, Alolan Marowak is being a pretty nasty thorn in my side in non-Pokebank OU (and unlike any of the others you mentioned, it has a very very low probability of being banned). At least it doesn't get STAB Earthquake anymore.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


The day stupid Landorus T gets banned from VGC/Rating battles is the day I'll be happy

Sick of seeing that stupid thing everywhere

Speaking of competitive, I just spent a good 15 minutes grinding on SOS gastly for EVs and when I took out who knows how many of them my stupid Komono gained only like 10 evs

I miss super training and horde battles already. Seriously how do folks get so many EVs with these SOS battles? It can't just be Pokerus and Power items, since the EVs for SOS battles are supposed to double and I defeated around 20 of them at least, so shouldn't I have over 100 or so?

Argh, add one point to my hatred of artificial padding out of a game since I can't import my Pokerus spreaders and finding a new one is impossible

EDIT: Found out I was only getting two per battle the entire time despite guides that claimed it would constantly double

I feel angry right now.

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Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. Towards the end of the game MY TEAM CONTRACTED POKÉRUS NATURALLY

Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Quote from: NocturneOfShadow on November 20, 2016, 12:12:36 PMAnyone else find the story and characters boring to the point of obnoxious?
It can't be worse than X/Y at least..right

me irl


I FEEL THE NEED TO SHARE MY UNFATHOMABLE GLEE WITH YOU AT THIS POINT IN MY LIFE. I was trying to get a good nature for my Litten and ended up with this on the fifth attempt!  ;D


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