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Started by ETFROXX, February 06, 2012, 02:46:02 PM

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My friend is really short. Honestly, I don't notice someone's height when I like them until I think about it.


Quote from: Ruto on May 01, 2016, 04:44:44 PMdont google what I just googled
Best guess for this image: shaquille o neal net worth

Tut, tut, Ruto, we know your secret!
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
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The Dread Somber


Quote from: Bubbles on May 01, 2016, 05:36:28 PMZunawe would you date someone 4+ inches taller than you? Just curious bc you said you were tall (and don't lie lmao the whole point is that to doesn't make you an ass). Like if you're already that tall I feel you have the right to only choose people shorter because that's who you're most likely to come in contact with and therefore grow more comfortable with
I'd have no problem with that. At all. Granted, I don't actually know how many girls I've even met in the past few years who are taller than me. It honestly doesn't seem like an issue to me.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


Bubbles you're only 6 foot, right


Quote from: braixen1264 on December 03, 2015, 03:52:29 PMDudeman's facial hair is number 1 in my book


Sorry, who let one of the seven dwarfs in here?  Would have been fine with dopey or sneezy but nooo



My advice would be to wear 3 inch heels
My gut says that will solve a lot of your problems
Also I bet you can find a really cute pair of heels that would complement your hair well


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 01, 2016, 06:56:11 PMBest guess for this image: shaquille o neal net worth

Tut, tut, Ruto, we know your secret!

sure thats exactly what I googled so let's not wonder about that anymore

I saw this super tall woman on the train who had to be over 6'5" and she was still wearing heels. She had to duck to board the train.

Other advice: wait for guys to stop growing at around 21 before saying everyone is too short. Everyone seemed so tall in the European countries on average...

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


i thought you googled big black guys


So going back to the op...

Quote from: Bubbles on April 30, 2016, 09:49:41 PMbumping my fav thread :-)

One of my friend's friends saw me with her and was interested so he asked her for my number and we've been talking for a little bit now. But the two times he's seen me I've been sitting down, so he doesn't actually know how tall I am (I'm 99% sure I'm  taller than him) and I've never brought it up 😬 should I tell him or should I keep it a surprise for when I see him again and I'm actually standing up

Obviously your height is something that bothers you a lot, so why not use it as an opportunity to confide in him? Something like "I have a confession to make - I'm the longest child" is gonna come across as really weird. Something more along the lines of "Hey can I tell you something? etc. etc. Being tall makes me feel etc. etc. and it sucks" would both clear any uncertainty that he doesn't like tall girls or something and be an opportunity to get closer to him. ;3

Or that's the way it works out in my head glgl
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


That actually seems like reasonable advice.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Are you implying I normally give bad advice?

Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


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Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department