The Prayer Topic

Started by TheZeldaPianist275, November 21, 2012, 08:41:58 AM

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so seabass, why'd you report my prayer request when fa's post is kinda making light of cancer?

imo, making fun of cancer is a worse offense than asking for prayers...


Well I'm making fun of alternative medicine not cancer... either way people only get butthurt about things that directly relate to them. Good luck trying to get a christian to care about microagressions against a muslim or a straight person to care about homophobia.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: FireArrow on February 04, 2016, 07:02:01 PMeither way people only get butthurt about things that directly relate to them. Good luck trying to get a christian to care about microagressions against a muslim or a straight person to care about homophobia.
Not true. Especially if you have close friends that are affected by this.
Simply because I'm straight doesn't mean I can't be appalled by the anti gay sentiment both in the US and around the world.
what is shitpost

Pianist Da Sootopolis

Quote from: Waddle Bro on February 03, 2016, 12:16:58 PMi am fairly certain that literally nobody else read that as a purposefully inflammatory response
please stop taking every line as a personal attack towards you or your beliefs
you could have made a conscious decision to just let dude's comment slide, but you decided to do this the hard way and take it as an attack on you
also this is older but I laughed so hard <3
what is shitpost


What this kind of posting sounds like.

I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


Quote from: Pianist Da Sootopolis on February 06, 2016, 02:58:12 PMNot true. Especially if you have close friends that are affected by this.
Simply because I'm straight doesn't mean I can't be appalled by the anti gay sentiment both in the US and around the world.

I consider people with close gay friends and family as a part of the LGBT community. If you really have no affiliation with gays and yet still stand up for us, then I commend you as a person.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Exactly what do the lot of you hope to gain by illegitimatizing the well-wishes of those who wish to sincerely engage this topic?

Congrats, you earned some social justice points. Happy?
Quote from: Nebbles on July 04, 2015, 12:05:12 PM
Someone beat Bespinben to making PMD music?! GASP!

MLF for Chatroom Mod next Tuesday

Waddle Bro

Quote from: Bespinben on February 07, 2016, 02:09:01 AMExactly what do the lot of you hope to gain by illegitimatizing the well-wishes of those who wish to sincerely engage this topic?

Congrats, you earned some social justice points. Happy?
With all due respect, no one can illegitimatize the points one wants to make with one's well-wishing!! If something is legitimate or illegitimate, no one can change that point. Anything you say already is either legitimate or illegitimate, and nothing someone else has to say about it can change it.

You're being needlessly condescending about this though. People can have their viewpoints about prayers and no one can make your prayers or belief about prayers more or less valid, it's about subjective faith anyway. However, this all goes for the people you think are "trying to illegitimatize" your own prayers too.

Outside of that, there's the matter of good taste of what to say in a public forum. Reasonable satire(in the sense of criticism) should be all right, but it's when things go past that, when the problems start to emerge.

Quote from: FireArrow on February 04, 2016, 07:02:01 PMWell I'm making fun of alternative medicine not cancer... either way people only get butthurt about things that directly relate to them.
Empathy though?


Quote from: Bespinben on February 07, 2016, 02:09:01 AMExactly what do the lot of you hope to gain by illegitimatizing the well-wishes of those who wish to sincerely engage this topic?

Congrats, you earned some social justice points. Happy?


Here's a thought: pray for everyone here regardless, even if their problems aren't what you would consider "legitimate."

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The standard "don't be a dick" rule applies here.  Yes, you can have your satire and amuse yourself about the merits of prayer, but have some common sense about the boundaries between what is acceptable and what is not.

me irl


Quote from: Bespinben on February 07, 2016, 02:09:01 AMExactly what do the lot of you hope to gain by illegitimatizing the well-wishes of those who wish to sincerely engage this topic?

Congrats, you earned some social justice points. Happy?

I think ruto is the only person who's actually doing this, and that's just ruto being ruto tbh. Iirc, everyone got their panties in a knot because people attacked and misunderstood dude's post, not because people don't approve of prayer.

Quote from: Waddle Bro on February 07, 2016, 05:33:04 AMEmpathy though?

I'm just a bitter person I guess. People in my experience seem more interested in legitimizing the way they act instead of trying to change their behavior, or at best they just stay out of it without truly supporting either side.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

E. Gadd Industries

E. Gadd's sermon on the discussed (and undiscussed) issues
If you guys haven't already found out, I'm a Christian, but I'm not a stereotypical Christian. I believe that the Big Bang happened, but I don't necessarily credit that to the big bang theory (not the show). I also believe that evolution is a thing (But imo, anyone who doesn't believe that is someone who wants attention), but I don't believe in evil-lution, and would prefer it that my ancestors weren't called monkeys. But all that aside (I know this is derailing the topic to a degree, but I figured it ties to what I'm about to say), concerning the homosexual discussion held, my best friend is gay. Now, does that mean that I approve of his lifestyle? No. But I don't hound on him for it! In God's eyes, sin is sin is sin, and so what I don't understand is why so many people are SOOOO against LGBTs when they are committing sins just the same (well, maybe not the SAME, but you understand what I mean). God loves the sinner, but hates the sin, and if you're (this term is used generally) a true Christian, you want to be like God, which includes loving the sinner and hating the sin.
"Everyone is crazy but me"
-The Sign Painter

Mfw I help an Italian plumber fall into the abyss while he was shouting something about red coins



^You are what all Christians should be, tolerant of others.



Hey sorry to stop all of this amazing conversation, but I have a prayer request:
It seems very likely that I'll be moving to another state in the near future because of a job, and I would appreciate if some of you could pray for a smooth transition. Especially since it'll be near the end of the school year, I feel it could get a little awkward for me.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.