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Started by ETFROXX, February 06, 2012, 02:46:02 PM

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Despite what people tend to say, I have seen long distance work well. The problem comes from when people have doubts about it working. I wouldn't expect that you won't see each other until after college. Going to college, even out of state, is not the same as moving away. All this being said, this is a conversation you need to have with her. It'll just take the courage to bring it up.

Double ninja'd.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things

Trainer Ave

I think both of us want to spend the rest of our lives together. It does kind of sound silly to say since she's 16 and I'm 18 and relationships at this age don't generally work out but we both get the feeling that there is more than just romance in the air (now that's a skyward sword pun right there). For both of us, this relationship has been the first where every problem was talked out between the both of us and a solution was reached. It has been the first time either of us has been able to talk to someone who could really understand who we are. We share the same political and religious beliefs. I think the both of us are less concerned with being long-distance and more concerned with how we will be able to get back to a closer distance relationship. As I said we are both visually impaired so a lot of our resources are limited with transportation being the most difficult.
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Ahhh, then hmm. I don't know how to help in that department. Maybe discuss it with your parents? Would they be willing to help provide transport?
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel

Trainer Ave

as of right now the plan is that after i graduate I'm going to attend a community college that is actually pretty close to the school. After that she'll be graduating high school and I'll be moving out of my parents house and going to a four year college in the southern region of the state (i live in the northern region). She plans to go to a trade school for two years in the central part of the state. After that's over I'll still be in college for another two years. Right now neither of us know which one will be easier but we seem to have 3 options
1) long distance relationship for the whole time i'm in four year college than I move closer
2) she completes trade school and then moves closer to me
3) we both finish all our schooling and both move to somewhere between where we were previously living

If you can think of anything else let me know but that's all we've been able to think of.
And it is highly unlikely that we will be able to get assistance from either of our parents. (we both only have a mother)
OMG I'm listening to the midi files of my favorite arrangements and the song "I Don't Want to Say Goodbye" came on. F**ked up timing
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When you say you go to a boarding school do you mean you literally sleep over/live there or it just draws students from a large area?

What are you guys doing now if you say you won't be able to visit her after you graduate--just being together during school?

Trainer Ave

I mean that we literally spend weeks at a time living at the school. The school currently draws in students from all areas of the state. And yes the only time we see each other is at school. Of we have tons of things we do off-campus after school hours and on weekends but we never see each other otherwise.
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There isn't a way you guys could plan to go to the same 4-year college is there?
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department

Trainer Ave

She's not planning on going to college. She's planning to go to a trade school
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Ok so I need a good free dating site that has an option for gay men.

Preferably not tinder or grindr or anything phone based.



I dunno, and other popular sites are usually gay friendly and are gonna have a lot more selection. They're not bi friendly though so yeah idk.
Quote from: Dudeman on January 23, 2017, 05:35:59 PM
straight from the department of redundancy department


Quote from: MasterProX on December 14, 2015, 10:26:54 PMSigh... girls are difficult. (Pertinent bump...)

In retrospect, I'm not quite sure why I made this post.


bumping my fav thread :-)

One of my friend's friends saw me with her and was interested so he asked her for my number and we've been talking for a little bit now. But the two times he's seen me I've been sitting down, so he doesn't actually know how tall I am (I'm 99% sure I'm  taller than him) and I've never brought it up 😬 should I tell him or should I keep it a surprise for when I see him again and I'm actually standing up


Be natural. Don't hide it, but don't place specific emphasis on it by mentioning it deliberately.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

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The Dread Somber


Well yeah but it's kinda an important thing so even not mentioning it could be along the lines of hiding it. Like you're going to tell someone you're talking to if you have an std (if you're not a terrible person anyway) because for most people, that's kinda a deal breaker. You wouldn't wait to let them figure it out


Your height is not comparable to an std lmao. BDS is right, just be natural about it.
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