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NSM Weekly

Started by braix, February 25, 2015, 10:08:36 PM

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Quote from: Latios212 on February 26, 2015, 12:34:08 PMWe'll play with it and see how it goes. I think it can go pretty well. Also a recap of each week would help people who only check NSM now and then.

Quote from: braixen1264 on February 26, 2015, 12:14:29 PMI honestly don't know how you guys like my stupid idea I came up with on a sugar rush
I actually had this idea for a long time. I just never mentioned it cause I'm a terrible writer :P


NSM Daily
Delivering NSM News Since 2015

Birth of NSM Weekly
by braixen1264, NSM member
26 February, 2015

NSM Weekly has officially started up... Ellipses are unprofessional. yay.
Also name change. Because apparently daily pushes it. I also took the liberty of changing the name because the original represented an unattainable ideal. Grammar. Because literacy skillz.
Let's get this barrel rolling now, shall we?

PM me for a job interview
Never mind, I'm 14. Never reveal ages if the person is under 18. I don't know how job interviews work. So if you want to be in just say so and you're in.
Also I don't know how this newspaper stuff works(again, I'm 14) No asides, this isn't some personal advice column. Also no ages under 18. so help needed.
And how do you guys want to organize this thread? Leave your suggestions here. Punctuation is both useful and mandatory. Use it correctly or you're fired.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


I call being master reporter :3

Set up a queue of who'd report on what day. They'd be responsible for posting the next issue. For example:
2/28/15: Latios212
3/7/15: braixen1264
3/4/15: mariolegofan

PMing a draft to other staff for review could work, but might not be necessary.

We can post each new news as a reply to the thread and edit as necessary. If there isn't a character limit to post, you can put them all in your original post under spoiler tags, but links are fine as well.

Template could look something like this:

NSM Weekly
Delivering NSM News Since 2015

Issue #XXX
by <current reporter>, <whatever title they are>
<Date> <Month>, <Year>

<Headline 1>
<Description of thing that happened>
Quote from: braixen1264 on February 26, 2015, 09:17:40 PM<stuff>

<Headline 2>
<Description of thing that happened>
Quote from: braixen1264 on February 26, 2015, 09:17:40 PM<stuff>


<Anything else>
<Insert interviews, whatever other stuff you wanna put>

My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



As Editor-in-chief, I took the liberty of modifying your draft of the first issue. I will also personally handle all applications and discuss wages with the applicants.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


In that case, allow me to officially apply.
My arrangements and YouTube channel!

Quote from: Dudeman on February 22, 2016, 10:16:37 AM
who needs education when you can have WAIFUS!!!!!



Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Latios would make a great reporter. He is the Master reporter.
What othr jobs are there?


Don't ask me, I'm an unknowledgeable underaged 18 year old.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


We are looking for:
3 Reporters, 2 Columnists, and at least one person to conduct various interviews.

Latios, I like your zeal and think you'd make a great head writer, but you need to submit an actual story before it's official. As far as the rest of you are concerned, write something and we'll see if it has the potential to be newsworthy for NSM. We'll likely just use the interviews Concerto will give if he ever actually does them. If not then I'll just conduct my own.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


So I'm freelancing for now?  Cool.


We could have a section on Updates, Arrangements, TWG, and Other


No, no, and probably not. This is a gossip magazine, not the New York Times. NSM already dedicates time and space to the arrangements, this is about us, the community.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.
