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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


edit: actually i'm taking this back lol i really don't want to follow through with any more debates


Quote from: SuperFireKirby on November 16, 2014, 05:11:37 PMMLF is just a baby who has yet to see what the world is really all about, so he only has religious dogma and the ideas of others to base his beliefs off of. Give him time, eventually he'll see the light.
Im gonna ignore that....

Quote from: FierceDeity on November 16, 2014, 08:15:45 PMExcept to call heterosexuality "default" as MLF did isn't so much a witty joke as it is a particularly offensive, oft-repeated bit of religious dogma that I'm 99.9% sure he actually believes. Also, the key phrase is "as far as I know". Trust me, there are quite a few of them out there.
Thats just rude talk that way about my religion. I am not making fun/attacking of your beliefs.


Let's all tone it down a notch please
Like fierce said the key phrase is "as far as I know" and I'd like to keep it that way tbh.  I don't really care.


MLF. You cannot troll one day and expect me not to take into account your likelihood of seriousness the next. My "99.9% certainty" was merely meant to address that. Calling it offensive and oft-repeated isn't an attack on your religion; I am stating an observable fact. The fact is, it offends a great many people, and is frequently repeated/emphasized by politically outspoken Christians. Meanwhile, the very claim you made that everybody is heterosexual by "default" is NOT objectively true, according to the evidence we have seen thus far. We have no evidence to suggest that homosexuality is a choice, which is what your "default" statement implies. And, while I am not attacking your beliefs, merely stating the fact surrounding them, you, by making that claim, are once again belittling and insulting the lifestyles of several people on this forum. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this sentiment:

Quote from: FierceDeity on October 30, 2014, 06:21:55 PMyou have to understand the ABSURDLY CONFLICT-ORIENTED NATURE of what you say. If you do, in fact, want me to "take a chill pill", you need to (pardon my french, I've yet to find one of these miraculous pills of which you speak) watch what you fucking say, or else by your logic, I am allowed to go on anti-religious tirades, with the expectation that you will not do so much as bat an eye in response. Understood?


I think we should back off. MLF is too far gone to help and I think he legitimately believes he's doing nothing wrong. As long as his comments aren't directly being mean to anyone I as part of the queer community here am willing to overlook them.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


dammit i promised myself i wouldnt get into this

Catholics and I'm assuming Christians are NOT against homosexual people and literally the pope himself said to (and I'm paraphrasing here) cut the shit and stop discriminating. The church is only against homosexuality when it comes to marriage, which is completely different that being born a certain way


Well, technically no. There are some interpretations of the bible that are "homo-friendly", but they still generally don't support premarital sex, and are relatively few and far between the "LOOK AT THIS ONE PASSAGE IN LEVITICUS" interpretations that seems to dominate the political scene.

Also, keep in mind that a lot of Catholics aren't particularly satisfied with Pope Francis right now.


dammit i promised MYSELF i wouldnt get into this

Quote from: Bubbles on November 16, 2014, 08:46:02 PMdammit i promised myself i wouldnt get into this

Catholics and I'm assuming Christians are NOT against homosexual people and literally the pope himself said to (and I'm paraphrasing here) cut the shit and stop discriminating. The church is only against homosexuality when it comes to marriage, which is completely different that being born a certain way

Christianity is COMPLETELY against homosexuality and the fact that Christians are "only" against gay people having marriage rights DOES NOT MAKE IT A MINOR ISSUE. No one should be allowed to use their religion as an excuse to discriminate. Don't tell me that's not discrimination because they are in favor of denying a group of people rights that all other people have.
Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


*casually changes subject*

Hey guys, does anyone know the exact year in which unicorns became extinct?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Quote from: Tobbeh99 on April 21, 2016, 02:56:11 PM
Fuck logic, that shit is boring, lame and does not always support my opinions.


When Noah called all the animals to get on the ark, The unicorns were in the forest playing teatherball, so when the flood came none of them survived, and God forgot how to create the horn so that is how unicorns became extinct, and how horses came into this world.


Quote from: SlowPokemon on November 16, 2014, 08:49:43 PMdammit i promised MYSELF i wouldnt get into this

Christianity is COMPLETELY against homosexuality and the fact that Christians are "only" against gay people having marriage rights DOES NOT MAKE IT A MINOR ISSUE. No one should be allowed to use their religion as an excuse to discriminate. Don't tell me that's not discrimination because they are in favor of denying a group of people rights that all other people have.
It's not an excuse though, that's the problem. The whole concept of marriage according to Catholics is a bond between two people that eventually leads to offspring, obviously which a homosexual couple could not do. I'm not denying there's a shitton of exceptions and gray areas (infertile couples, couples that never plan to have children anyway) but that's just the "law". The way it's supposed to be, the church is not against the gays themselves but sees the basic biology being held up against an ancient "definition". It's been generalized and blown out of proportion though. Imo the way things are going now it'll be legalized pretty soon, but again this is within the church. Government is a completely different issue and basing marriage laws on a religion is complete bullshit and is most definitely discrimination

I promise I'm done because I don't even recognize myself as a true catholic despite going to catholic schools for literally my whole life


Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.