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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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Quote from: Jamaha on June 05, 2014, 12:46:04 PMMy commute is too short to earn 10 play coins on my 3DS, I get only 8 when walking to work and back.

This is probably the definition of a first world problem.
Take slightly smaller steps?
Quote from: MaestroUGC on August 19, 2015, 12:22:27 PMBraixen is a wonderful [insert gender] with beautiful [corresponding gender trait] and is just the darlingest at [stereotypical activity typically associated with said gender] you ever saw.


Quote from: Jamaha on June 05, 2014, 12:46:04 PMMy commute is too short to earn 10 play coins on my 3DS, I get only 8 when walking to work and back.

This is probably the definition of a first world problem.
Or do what I do and spend another 2 minutes shaking the thing in your hands. Nintendo would be proud. XD
Classical / Jazz / Contemporary
Performer / Arranger / Educator
Bb, A, C & Bass Clarinet / Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Baritone Saxophone / Basset Horn


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on May 20, 2014, 08:03:43 PMIn recent video gaming news.

Good. Good.
Quote from: maelstrom. on May 20, 2014, 08:10:35 PM......And this is why no one wanted facebook to buy oculus rift. What happened to "By gamers, for gamers?"

Wait I'm confused, why is this a bad thing?
It doesn't force you to do anything, it literally provides no negatives whatsoever, it's just chuck e cheese trying to make use of a new technology.
I liked the Wii for a lot of its first-party titles, but that doesn't mean I stop enjoying the system upon learning that people have used Wiimotes as sex toys. Is it weird? Yeah. Would I use it for that purpose? No. Does it have any impact on me whatsoever? Not at all.


Quote from: FierceDeity on June 05, 2014, 06:08:43 PMWait I'm confused, why is this a bad thing?
It doesn't force you to do anything, it literally provides no negatives whatsoever, it's just chuck e cheese trying to make use of a new technology.
I liked the Wii for a lot of its first-party titles, but that doesn't mean I stop enjoying the system upon learning that people have used Wiimotes as sex toys. Is it weird? Yeah. Would I use it for that purpose? No. Does it have any impact on me whatsoever? Not at all.
Seeing that this is the way they choose to use the new technology is extremely disappointing- the "negative" is wasted potential.
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


i'm sorry, what life-changing projects would you have chuck-e-cheese embark on instead


Quote from: FierceDeity on June 05, 2014, 06:43:46 PMi'm sorry, what life-changing projects would you have chuck-e-cheese embark on instead
...Chuck-e-cheese? Chuck-e-cheese isn't the one who bought Oculus VR, silly. :P
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I'm not talking about facebook's acquisition of oculus rift. I'm talking about chuck-e-cheese's utilization of it, and people's apparent hatred for this usage. It's not diminishing the capabilities or potential of the oculus rift in any way, it's just using it for a different purpose than you might like, in a setting that you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever have to experience.


Quote from: FierceDeity on June 05, 2014, 06:52:41 PMREAD WHAT I QUOTED, DAMN YOU
I'm not talking about facebook's acquisition of oculus rift. I'm talking about chuck-e-cheese's utilization of it, and people's apparent hatred for this usage. It's not diminishing the capabilities or potential of the oculus rift in any way, it's just using it for a different purpose than you might like, in a setting that you will never, ever, ever, ever, ever have to experience.
I assume that Facebook is the company that is allowing Chuck-e-cheese to utilize the Oculus Rift in the first place, given that they are the current owners of the company that manufactures it. The reason why people are mad is because it shows how they're wasting the technology instead of using for something logical (video games, for an example commonly brought up), or even using it for other, more practical purposes (as in, medical technology; imagine how VR technology can branch out from here- e.g. read this article I found from a quick Google search). It would be like developing an exosuit technology and only using it for an amusement park.

In short:
Sure, it isn't diminishing the potential of the device, but it's leaving its potential completely untapped, and shows how it's being used (or, rather, misused).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


I'm just hung upon the fact that you WOULDN'T use a wiimote as a sex toy, Seriusly, what kind of depraved animal are you?

On another note, I'm taking a life-changing road trip in 4 days. And I lack an essential road-tripping tool, that being a fucking car. So I have 4 days to make the largest purchase of my life thus far and the car I was planning on buying is no longer available because the universe hates me or some shit. FACK

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on June 05, 2014, 07:06:18 PMI assume that Facebook is the company that is allowing Chuck-e-cheese to utilize the Oculus Rift in the first place, given that they are the current owners of the company that manufactures it. The reason why people are mad is because it shows how they're wasting the technology instead of using for something logical (video games, for an example commonly brought up), or even using it for other, more practical purposes (as in, medical technology; imagine how VR technology can branch out from here- e.g. read this article I found from a quick Google search). It would be like developing an exosuit technology and only using it for an amusement park.

In short:
Sure, it isn't diminishing the potential of the device, but it's leaving its potential completely untapped, and shows how it's being used (or, rather, misused).

Then the problem isn't that chuck-e-cheese is getting to use it, it's that other potential developers aren't. It's not like there's a set number of developers who would be allowed to lose it, and now a genius, worthy developer is out of a spot. No, it just means that some kids who still enjoy chuck-e-cheese are going to get to use the oculus VR the way that chuck-e-cheese would have it utilized. There is no net negative in this particular situation, and so there is nothing to complain about.

And besides, it's not like facebook is actively saying "No, game developers, we do not want you to make awesome video game experiences on this headset." The developers themselves are so put off by Facebook to begin with that they're refusing to even work with them. At least, Notch is. Much as I agree with Notch most of the time, I think he was pretty unreasonable in cutting off his development of minecraft for the oculus rift as soon as facebook acquired it. He did it before any negotiation with them, before any sort of announcement or discussion about what their acquisition would mean for his game. So don't blame the people that ARE taking advantage of the oculus rift; it's not chuck-e-cheese's fault that they want to "tap its potential", and one of the most influential game developers of all time doesn't.


Quote from: FierceDeity on June 05, 2014, 07:22:57 PMThen the problem isn't that chuck-e-cheese is getting to use it, it's that other potential developers aren't. It's not like there's a set number of developers who would be allowed to lose it, and now a genius, worthy developer is out of a spot. No, it just means that some kids who still enjoy chuck-e-cheese are going to get to use the oculus VR the way that chuck-e-cheese would have it utilized. There is no net negative in this particular situation, and so there is nothing to complain about.

And besides, it's not like facebook is actively saying "No, game developers, we do not want you to make awesome video game experiences on this headset." The developers themselves are so put off by Facebook to begin with that they're refusing to even work with them. At least, Notch is. Much as I agree with Notch most of the time, I think he was pretty unreasonable in cutting off his development of minecraft for the oculus rift as soon as facebook acquired it. He did it before any negotiation with them, before any sort of announcement or discussion about what their acquisition would mean for his game. So don't blame the people that ARE taking advantage of the oculus rift; it's not chuck-e-cheese's fault that they want to "tap its potential", and one of the most influential game developers of all time doesn't.
The problem is that Facebook's first order of business (assuming that they are the ones directly responsible for the transaction, which they likely are) after purchasing the company was allowing Chuck-e-cheese to use the Oculus Rift, which implies mixed-up priorities (instead of taking the initiative- which they certainly can do- to do something else with the technology to demonstrate that it's in responsible hands instead of that of a money-hungry company who will do anything they want with it :P).
And the moral of the story: Quit while you're a head.

Fakemon Dex
NSM Sprite Thread
Story Thread
The Dread Somber


Put Fierce and BDS in a room together for 1 hour and see who dies first what happens


So a thing happened on Wednesday that's really put a damper on my life. I don't know how to describe it in a different way other than to those who are also aware of the situation, so hopefully by quoting my friend's post and one of my own, you can get a feel for the situation.

Via my friend Katie Zerbst:

"two girls who i graduated with last month were is a really bad car accident tonight. one of them died. the other is still badly hurt. i couldn't believe it... no way it was real. my senior govt teacher who i am rly good friends with always told us "graduation is the last time you all are truly together." and i was like "yeah, sure ms snider." ya know, cuz that's morbid but also has truth. but holy shit it was true. it's unbelieveable that something like this could happen to someone so young.

adults are always saying "you teens think you're invincible" and it's true. you think you have the whole world at your feet and life is yours for the taking. and those things are definitely true. everything IS just beginning. there's No way something bad is going to happen to you. but life's a cruel bitch and it does. it happens all the time. i know that life ends someday, and that day is a mystery, and i am very nihilistic most of the time because i get lost in my own existential crises where i think about how someday all my family is going to be dead and i'm going to be alone. but you never think that today, or tomorrow could be your last. that is never what you think. i know that i take life for granted because at this lull in my life, the summer before college, the leap into adulthood, that i'm taking life for granted. i spend my days doing nothing too meaningful or important. and i never think that i'm going to die. dying seems like something in the far off future, or something that will never come to pass. but it does, and it will. and you just have to accept that it will and never forget that you might probably only get one life, so do whatever the FUCK you want with it. this event tonight has brought tears to my eyes because two wonderful girls had something really bad happen to them. but it's also helped me see for real and in the true light that life is WAY too short and precious to sit around idly, to take it for granted, to not do what you want. in this life, you don't have time to take other people's shit. you gotta do whatever u want, because someday we are all going to be dead, one at a time. you gotta make do with what ya got, and make what ya got better. it's cliche as shit, but you GOTTA live life to its fullest, because death is a mystery. i know im going to fall into monotony and taking life for granted again, because everyone always does, but this has changed me. i've never lost anyone super close to me before, and elizabeth and i weren't close, but our class all has a bond with each other, that makes us special. this has affected us all. we're all changed for this.

my last thought is this, its some advice. whenever i get really fuckin depressed about death and everyone i know and love dying, and my own death someday, i think of this. it sounds kinda lame, but it does help.

"No, the journey doesn't end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass. And then you see it. White shores... and beyond, far green country under a swift sunrise." - Gandalf.

so a lotr quote sounds lame when i say it brings me comfort, but it honestly does. i hope it brings others comfort as well.

rest in peace lizzie."

Here are the two girls. Lizzie is the girl on the left, who died in the crash, and Larissa on the right is still in the hospital in "fair" condition. This picture is going crazy all over my facebook, and I feel as if most of my class members have this as their profile picture, including myself.

My own reflection of these events:
"It's my turn, now. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't know Lizzie as well as I would have liked to. Unfortunately we didn't have mutual friends, so our paths never crossed very often. The closest I was to her was the day of Graduation, when our mandatory lines brought us together within a small group of us who talked amongst each other because, let's admit it, grad rehearsal was really boring.

I always remember being intrigued by her last name, Schack. It always stuck with me for it's uniqueness. I guess my brain just works that way. I remember her coming into my Econ class during first semester. I swear, almost EVERY DAY she would come in with a pass for somebody, or at least it felt that way. Additionally, I always thought she was really pretty, even though I never really had the opportunity/the guts to do so.

I've realized that this memoriam has gotten slightly awkward, but unfortunately it's the best I can do. I don't care how well I knew her; I miss her, and we all have to admit it: Ms. Snider was right (Points at Katie Zerbst).

My prayers go out to the mourning Schack family and the recovering Brown family. I hope Larisa makes a full physical recovery, but I know she will never be the same after this experience. Nobody would."

Rest In Peace, Elizabeth Irene Schack- June 4, 2014.
Party Hard!


Dude, there's no way this wouldn't put a damper on your life. It's a huge event, regardless of how much you personally knew the girl.

My whole life that I can remember, I've never lost anyone close or even remotely close to me. All in the last year or so however, two family members and three other semi-close friends died, and it was a huge change for me. They were either diagnosed and deteriorating over the course of a few months and the death almost expected, or waking up one day and being completely caught off guard. Honestly, I felt nothing. The first death made me cry everywhere I went, and it wasn't even that close of a friend - just the father of someone who I played basketball with (but he was pretty tall too, so we had an unspoken bond). When my two close family members died, of course I cried, but not nearly to the extent as the first person. It didn't feel real, and there were many times where I would sit and (cliche as it is) wonder when I would wake up from the dream. It was sad, but no matter how much I forced myself to I could not feel sadness after the first few days.

But, and I've been saying this a lot recently, these last two years I feel as if I have changed the most. Maybe it was because of this, but I'm definitely different. I've become a huge crybaby and I cry all the time now, even at happy things. Every little thing in everyday life gets me so emotional and into a deep thought because it's just so amazing. I can't remember any time in the last year where I was genuinely angry or hateful towards another person, and even the girls in high school flaunting themselves or whining about homework made me smile. I don't know if it's just a coincidence or that I'm noticing it more, but a lot of great things happen to me that I never imagined would. I dropped the "cool girl" act and allowed myself to feel, and I have honestly never been happier with myself and general life.

tl;dr, You can decide on how this affects you. You can sit in a dark room and wallow in the thought of one day being dead and the world having no memory of you, or that tomorrow could be your last. Or, take it as a learning experience. Find something that you really enjoy doing and that makes you view the world differently, like that LotR quote. I'm not expecting you to force yourself to get over something like this right away, but don't let yourself stay in that dampered mood forever.


Well said you two. Hard to think that the end came so soon after a celebration of a new beginning.
Thoughts and prayers to Larissa, Lizzie, and their families.
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