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Submissions for Next Update

Started by Olimar12345, May 05, 2014, 10:49:47 AM

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Post a maximum of 3 Submissions.

1) Make a SINGLE post with your three pieces. Any other posts will be deleted. (We have a general questions topic) Discussions about arrangements should take place in individual threads.
2) Submit sheets using ONLY dropbox. It's more efficient and safer than mediafire.
3) Put separate links for all your files (MUS, Midi, and PDF) for each sheet.
4) Before posting, be sure that your sheets are in tip-top shape (i.e. formatted to perfection, well arranged, etc.). This is NOT the place to ask updaters to fix things for you. This is.
5) Your post will be edited with feedback.

Here are the Formatting Rules. Please read & follow them, it makes things easier and it makes the site look more professional. If a sheet is not formatted properly, we may not even bother to look.

Please provide PDF, MUS, and MIDI format, and make sure to write the arranger name in your post, if it is not your own username. Just to avoid mix-ups.

If you are submitting a replacement, be sure to check out the New Guidelines for properly crediting the arranger.

List of Currently Accepted Sheets:

[WiiU] - Super Mario 3D World - Captian Toad Goes Forth! - Maelstrom
[SNES] - Final Fantasy VI - The Devil's Lab - Yugi
[PS1] - Castlevania-Symphony of the Night - Lost Painting - Petpetfood
[GBA] - Golden Sun - Battle![Saturos] - Petpetfood
[N64] - Super Mario 64 - Bowser Clear - JDMEK5
[3DS] - Pokemon X/Y - Route 4/5/6/7 - Clanker37
[PC] - Chris Sawyer's Locomotion - Sandy Track Blues - Clanker37
[PC] - Long Live The Queen - Shanjia - McDucky
[NDS] - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - Lower Brine Cave - Rosabellis
[3DS] - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Thieves' Hideout - Bloop
[3DS] - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Ravio's Theme - Bloop
[N64] - Pokémon Snap - A Mysterious Sighting - JDMEK5 (Replacement)
[N64] - Pokémon Snap - Snapshot Lullaby - JDMEK5 (Replacement)
[N64] - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Middle Boss Battle - Zunawe
[3DS] - Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 1:00 A.M. - mariolegofan
[3DS] - Animal Crossing: New Leaf - 2:00 A.M. - mariolegofan
[GB] - Pokémon Red/Blue Version - Cycling - Echo
[GB] - Pokémon Gold/Silver Version - Surf - Echo
[PS1] - Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - The Tragic Prince - Petpetfood
[N64] - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - Gerudo Valley - Zunawe (Replacement)
[SNES] - Mega Man X - Spark Mandrill - Yugi
[N64] - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - Song of Soaring
[GCN] - Paper Mario 2: The Thousand-Year Door - Doopliss Battle - mariolegofan (Replacement)
[3DS] - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Lorule Castle - Bloop
[NDS] - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky - Defend Globe - Rosabellis
[3DS] - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds - Hilda's Theme - McDucky
[PC] - Papers, Please - Main Theme - McDucky
[PC] - The Binding of Issac - Pride - Yugi
[PC] - To the Moon - World's Smallest Ferris Wheel - YouAreNotATadpole
[SNES] - Chrono Trigger - Lavos's Theme - Maelstrom
[NES] - Tetris : The Soviet Mind Game - Troïka - YouAreNotATadpole
[3DS] - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-Gates to Infinity - Desperation (Light Arrangement) - zoroark1264
[NDS] - Pokémon Mystery Dungeon-Explorers of Time-Darkness-Sky - Sky Peak Final Pass - Rosabellis
Visit my site: VGM Sheet Music by Olimar12345 ~ Quality VGM sheet music available for free!


[SNES] Final Fantasy VI - The Devil's Lab: [PDF] [MUS] [MIDI]

Olimar12345: Yeah, it looks fine. Though I don't think you're going to get much of a difference in sound between the two feet if they are doing the same thing. Accepted.

[SNES] Mega Man X - Spark Mandrill: [PDF] [MUS] [MIDI]

Olimar12345: Basic formatting errors like incorrect text alignment, missing measure numbers, and "pno." are prevalent.

Yugi: Fixed everything but the pno part. If you could fix that for me, that would be great.

Olimar12345: I'll do the formatting changes this time, but in the future please try to have them prepared before you submit them. We have a template file and help topics if you are using notepad.
-All D naturals should be C*'s
-Redirect your beams when you split layers so that they don't collide.
-You're missing three measures at the end, and the last one has the pick ups to the repeat.

Yugi: Fixed, except for the layer thing, which I can't do because finale notepad 2012.

Olimar12345: I'll finish it up. Accepted.

[PC] The Binding of Issac - Pride: [PDF] [MUS] [MIDI]

-The game title is "The Binding of Isaac".
-The last four notes in the second bar are B - C - D - D# (RH).
-Put that last chord in the LH in root inversion (Spelled, from lowest to highest E (Below the staff) G-B-E. Also make it a whole note, put a fermata on it, and add a diminuendo between the two staves.
-Remove the staccato mark from the LH and add one to the last chord in the RH.

- It is????
- Fixed
- Fixed
- Fixed

Olimar12345: "The Binding of IsaAc" :J


Olimar12345: Cool, I'll do the rest. Accepted.


Super Mario 3D World

Captain Toad Goes Forth!

maelstrom.: Only got one for now. Do I just add others later by editing by post?

Olimar12345: Yep!

Looked over it, and you have done a great job! There were a few small things I have to address, but since it wasn't much, I did the changes for you (here).

-When you have many composers, list them in two lines rather than one long one.
-Keep the "by" lower-case in the arranger and composer name spots.
-The repeats at measure 3 and the end were removed for clarity. Just specifying that you need to repeat back to measure 3 at the end is enough.
-Rhythm in the LH at measure 8 was fixed.
-The double tied eighth notes on the up-beat of three (RH measures 11, 13, 15, and 17) have been changed into quarter notes. This is more commonly seen for this rhythm.

One question though: What do you want your username to appear as? On the forums it is "maelstrom." but in the sheet it is "Maelstrom". Which one would you prefer to be on the site?

Maelstrom: Maelstrom. I'm stuck with the period because I entered the wrong e-mail adress the first time I signed up, so, since the period doesn't really detract from the name, I put it in.

Olimar12345: Okay, cool. Accepted.

Chrono Trigger

Lavos's Theme
[PDF] [.mus] [midi]

-Add a tempo marking.
-I don't think those planing sus chords at the beginning are actually there in the original.
-Add an Ab to the bottom of the chord in the RH at 5.
-The C's in the LH of measure 7 should be Db's.
-Add an Eb to the bottom of the chord in the RH at 9 (and tie it through to 10).
-In the second layer of the LH at 10: change the two eighth note Bb's on beat three to one quarter note. Then change the following sixteenth notes to F's, not Bbs.
-Personally, I don't think the piano marking at 9 is necessary. If you want to keep it there, add a dynamic marking above the RH as well (if they're different) or move it between the staves (if they are the same).
-The high Bb in the LH at 11 should be an Ab (do the same thing at measure 14).
-The Last eighth note in the LH of 12 should be an Eb.
-The D in the RH of measure 12 should be a Bb (same change again at measure 16).
-Meaure 13 needs some work. Here's what I'd suggest:
RH) Starting with the right hand, untie that dotted quarter note "C" and remove the dot. Delete everything after it, too. Now  after that C, add a dotted eighth note Ab and a sixteenth note Eb (below the preceding C).

LH) Change that high "A" into an eighth rest. Then change the last note (Eb) to a C
-The whole note in measure 14 should be an "F".
-Make the last eighth note in measure 17 (LH) a "C".
-Copy what you have in measure 22 (for the LH) to 21 as well.
-Add the whole notes Cb and Bb (in the staff) to measures 19 and 20 for the LH.
-Change the whole notes Ab and Gb in measures 19 and 20 (in the RH) into a Gb and F.
-Add a double barline at the key change in measure 21.
-Your copyright info is colliding with your pedal markings.
-For the second layer part in 23-26, make the following changes:
23-25) Change the quarter note to a dotted eighth+two thirty-second notes as well. Also change the last two eighth notes to a C in the staff and F below the staff.

26) Remove the half note and add a quarter note, then four sixteenth notes, all on the same "F".
-Add ab 8va above the RH from measures 23-26
-It looks like your second layers aren't always lining up with the first layer (beat one of 9, beat one of 26, etc.). To fix this, you can reset the alignment by clicking on the Special Tools (the hammer) ant selecting the first tool in the bar, the note position tool. Make sure you're in the second layer and click on the measure where it occurs. When the boxes appear, Click+drag to select them all, then hit the 'Delete' key.
-Try not to have one-measure systems at the end of a piece like that. If you make every system (excluding the first) have four measures in it, then this will solve your problem.

Maelstrom How do I do the 8va right? I can get it, but I can't end it or only get it to effect one hand, because of notepad.
Making the other changes now....

Olimar12345: You're using notepad? Then you might not be able to make those last three changes. Just do everything else and I'll do them for you.

Maelstrom: Yep, but I'll be getting '11 soon (hopefully). I got the layers to line up and, although I'm not sure what I did, there are now two measures in the last line. I also couldn't get the tempo marking (quarter=66) or the double bar at the key change. Everything else was fixed and the links updated.

Olimar12345: Made the remaining changes. Is this alright?

Maelstrom: Not quite. I made a few changes: I added crescendos durring the drum thing and changed the final 8th note in measures 23-25 so it repeats the one before it (C). Now it's fine.

Olimar12345: But...those C's are supposed to be F's. They're F's in the original.

Maelstrom: You're right, but they're an octave higher, unlike where you put them. Just threw me off.

And, could I add one more? It's 99% complete, and spore spawn is pretty hard to screw up. But it has the Pno. and missing measure #s, the final measure is an entire line, and the repeat doesn't play back. All notes are accurate. If this needs to wait until the next update, that's fine.

Olimar12345: The more I listen to it, the more it sounds like a 'C', just down an octave. F or C, it goes down d:

Maelstrom: Either way is fine. I see you already did spore spawn (mini boss) :(
Olimar12345: Accepted, btw. d:

Bravely Default

Cave of Darkness
[PDF] [.mus] [midi] (Youtube)


Lost Painting (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) [Playstation 1]

-Title needs quotation marks.
-remove "score" from the top-left corner of the file.
-Site url should not be italicized.
-The expressions dolce, atempo, and rit should be placed above the top stave, not between the two.
-Replace all octave clefs with 8va's. Those clefs aren't typically seen in piano literature.
-Measures 11 and 15 have only a quarter note tied to nothing. Replace them with a whole note.
-Place all dynamic markings between the staves, unless each hand is playing at different dynamics. If they are, specify both on the outer ends of the staves.
-Your crescendo from measures 4-5 is colliding with the dynamic markings.

Petpetfood: Sorry about that  :-\ all problems found were fixed. I will fix the other sheet since that one most likely has the same problems as this.

Olimar12345: GAh! I missed two small things:
-There's a rhythm grouping error in measure 38-make that dotted quarter note into a quarter tied to an eighth note.
-The sixteenth notes in measure 39 are all scrunched together-space them apart so you can read them.

Do these last two things and we're good.

Petpetfood: Done

Olimar12345: Looks Good. Accepted.

The Tragic Prince (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night) [Playstation 1]

Petpetfood: This replaces Calling from Heaven (Duet). I took a lot of liberties on the baseline, but it sounds very similar to the original. I did this because the bass would be too repetitive for such a long piece (almost 4 minutes).

Olimar12345: There are many rhythm grouping errors. In 4/4 time, be sure to show the four individual beats. Use ties to cross beats for the syncopation, not dots!

Petpetfood: Should look better, but I'll fix up the spacing between ties when I get home from work.

Olimar12345: Definitely do that-some are missing, and others are so small that they LOOK like they're missing xD
-When you split into two layers, beam them in different directions throughout the bar.
-Having a quarter note on the up beat of one and three is perfectly fine, and sometimes preferred over the tied and beamed eighth notes.
-Overall spacing is kind of cramped. Update your music spacing if your finale product can do it. (you could also reduce the document size to 85% sometimes that works too.)

Petpetfood: I tried my best to fix the problems, details are in the message.

Olimar12345: We chatted about this one. Accepted.

Battle! Saturos-Replacement  (Golden Sun) [Game Boy Advance]

The replacement for Battle! Saturos was done from scratch, by me.

-The tempo mark should relate to the time signature, so instead of quarter = 130, make it dotted quarter = 87
-The 5/4 section needs to be changed to 5/8 and the rhythms need to be grouped accordingly (2+3, I believe)
-Rhythm grouping error in measure 29 (the 4/4 bar) the third eighth note (both hands) should be changed to two sixteenth notes tied together.
-Why are the optional runs in the 3rd layer? Move them to the 2nd.
-The first note in measures 37 and 38 are out of alignment between layers. Realign them.
-Make sure your beam direction doesn't collide between layers. change the beam direction in the 3rd layer in measure 39 and 40 to look like 37, and in measure 41 have the first layer beamed down then up, and the third layer beamed up then down.
-Try to eliminate the need for that fourth page. If you reduce the size of the rest of the file, I'm sure you can fit it all on 3 pages.

Petpetfood: I decided to make the optional runs mandatory, as the spacing alongside the main melody was just too intrusive. I think the arpeggios sound better as the melody anyways. All other problems were fixed as well. The 5/8 section is the best I could make it, so I apologize for the extremely large measures.

Olimar12345: It looks fine. I might touch it up a tad before uploading it, though. Maybe. Accepted.


I suppose I do have some arrangements I've been sitting on...

[GB] Super Mario Land - Birabuto Kingdom (YouTube)
MUS     MIDI     PDF

Olimar12345: Think you could change it to say "Swing 8's" and "Straight 8's"? (with the "8" being an actual eighth note) I was sure this would be a replacement, but it looks like the old one was taken down d:
-The composer should be bold and the arranger italicized, you have them mixed up d:

Also, why is the LH in the second layer most of the time?

[SNES] Chrono Trigger - Decisive Battle with Magus (YouTube)
MUS     MIDI     PDF: WHENEVER I CLICK "SHARE LINK", DROPBOX IS TELLING ME THAT "The owner has not granted you access to this file." THE HELL IS GOING ON

Olimar12345: All good. But why is the 5/4-7/4 section in layer two?
-Also, those last 8 bars should be in 3/2.
-courtesy tempo mark at the forward repeat wouldn't hurt either  ;)


And thus, the arrangement train once again built up steam, the sheets waiting anxiously to finally get to their destination...

[PC] Chris Sawyer's Locomotion

Sandy Track Blues

Olimar12345: Lots to say:
-Tempo marking and swing 8s marking overlap.
-Copyright needs to be "Publisher © year"
-Rhythm grouping errors in measure 2, 4, 6, 8, 28, 30, 32, 34, 54, 56, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82. Remember to not hide the middle of the bar, and that half notes can't start on an up-beat.
-The down-beat of measure 83 is missing.
-Try to avoid having systems with only one measure. Highlight that last measure and press the "up" arrow key to fix it.
-All Eb's in measures 53-68 need to be D#'s.
-If you're going to use first endings, you need to also use second endings. Add them in at measures 9 and 35.
-Dynamic markings need to go between the two staves, not underneath them.
-Clean up all of your tremolos-they're all over the place. @__@
-Measures 11-26 and 37-52 could use an 8va imo.

Clanker: There's not enough will in the world to make me fix this atrocity.

Olimar12345: Really? I thought that this would be the quickest one to fix, when compared to the other two. Tell you what, if you put the MUS link back up I'll fix it up for you. :J

Clanker: I might look at it later this weekend. I just have to find some time.

Olimar12345:I cleaned up a couple little things. Accepted.

EDIT: As in now.


[XBOX:360] Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts and Bolts

Jiggoseum Japes


-Bold Title
-Subtitle is missing the colon
-No tempo marking
-Remove "Pno."
-Fix copyright
-A lot of harmonies are missing, and in their place are octaves. Try going through it again and catching more of the inner voices.
-The ostinato figure from 14-21 in the LH isn't very pianistic, and won't be easy to play ESPECIALLY that soft.
-I would try to use the sfz marking more, rather than changing the dynamic marking.

Clanker: Ah oops. Idiot Clanker doing idiot things. Hopefully this should be better:


[3DS] Pokemon X/Y

Route 4/5/6/7


-bold the title
-make the subtitle size 12 and italicize it
-adjust the composers name and arranger name so they aren't overlapping
-bold the composers name
-italicize the arrangers name
-remove "Pno."
-remove "score" from the top-left corner
-fix the copyright info
-just about all of the harmony in the LH from 1-16 and 29-31 is incorrect
-LH from 17-28 goes rather low. Either raise it up an octave or use an 8vb (generally use an 8vb if you go lower that A).
-get rid of all use of layer 2 in the RH. It isn't necessary-just put it all in the first layer.
Review this.

Clanker: I feel stupid now. Sorry for wasting your time with such trivial mistakes.


Olimar12345: Much better! Just remember to look over it before posting it-you've been around long enough, you know how to do these things! :J

A couple harmonies are still a tad off-I'll fix them fix em up for you though. Good work! Accepted.


I guess I'll submit some o' me favourites 
[PC] Long Live The Queen

Shanjia (Sapphire)


Olimar12345: Good job with your formatting!
-I'm seeing Pierrotlunaire, Kannazuki, & Kana's Sound Factory listed as doing the music for this game.
-Be sure to include a dynamic marking at the beginning of the piece.
-I'd add the expression "con pedale" under the first measure's LH. It means to be played with the pedal.
-Change all G naturals into F double sharps (F*). You can do this by pressing Ctrl Shift + while the note is selected.
-Make sure to put rit. in if you want a ritardando, and not just a dotted line (put rit. just before it).
-All of the upper G's in the LH part from 1-4 and 17-20 need to be B's
-the repeated LH part from 21-24 should be B-D#-F#-D# (the D# being the one above the staff)
-the arpeggio in the LH at 25 should be C#-E-F#-C# (lowest-up)
-add a half note "B" (Mid staff) to the RH part in measures 26 and 28, and am A# to measure 30.
-measure 44's LH part should read C*-G#-C* (C* = C double sharp)
-measure 45's LH part should read D (mid staff) A#-G#-A# in the same pattern as the measures preceding (up twp notes, down one)
-Remove the second to last measure, as it is just the ritard that creates that effect.

McDucky: thanks, I'll fix it when I get access to a PC. Should I insert the potential composers in a "x, y, or z" fashion?

Olimar12345: I would write it like this:

Composition by Pierrotlunaire,
Kannazuki, & Kana's Sound Factory

McDucky: Ok, I've (hopefully) resolved the points you mentioned and added ritardando to measure 16

Olimar12345: Good work. Accepted.

[PC] Papers, Please

Main Theme


-There should be harmony at the end, not octaves.
-The triplets in measures 27-29 and 35-37 aren't repeated notes, they move by 5ths/4ths like the rest of that section.
-RH from 38-45 isn't going to cut it. The triplets are playing arpeggiated figures, 1-5-1-3-1-5 sort of things.

McDucky: Changed those parts.

-Key sig should be D minor (one flat)
-All A's in both hands in measure 29(and again in 37) should be natural, all Db's should be C#'s, and the Fb should be an E natural (A major chord (V)).
-Remove the "accel." in 38.
-Swap the voices in measure 46 (RH plays the LH part, and vice versa). Move the LH down a third and the RH up a third for the bar.

Key sig changed, accelerato removed, voices swapped and As made natural

Olimar12345: Looks better. Accepted.

[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Hilda's Theme


-Get rid of the octave clef in the RH. Where it's written in the staff is fine.
-Move the LH down an octave.
-Enharmonic spellings are odd at times.
For the sake of time I cleaned up everything for you: [MUS]
If you're okay with this version, I'll accept it in the update.

McDucky:Thanks, you can upload that version.

Olimar12345: Cool. Accepted.


[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky

Lower Brine Cave

-Is there a reason for Db minor? C# minor is more commonly seen because it is easier to read(no double accidentals). I'd suggest changing the key unless there is some good reason that I'm missing.
-Keeping that LH ostinato throughout the piece doesn't work too well, and, for what it's worth, doesn't add enough to make it worth it, in my opinion. I would suggest removing layer 1 of the LH at 17.
-Rhythm grouping errors in the RH in measures 12, 16, 20, and 24.
-Get rid of all of the rolled chord marks.
-Double bars are only supposed to be used for key/time changes, not form (though I am totally guilty of this too). Use rehearsal markings for things like that from now on.

Shouldn't it be in G# minor, to get rid of the accidentals?
Also, do you mean only removing the left hand part of the ostinato in measure 17, or removing it entirely from every measure after and including 17?

Olimar12345: C# minor. Key signatures are supposed to establish tonality, not eliminate accidentals. Also, I meant removing layer 1 from LH starting at measure 17 and for the rest of the piece. That was my suggestion, at least.

Rosa: Fixed, but Dropbox doesn't like the MID file, so I don't know if it has changed.

Olimar12345: That's fine. Accepted.
BTW capital "R" or lowercase "r" for "Rosabellis"?

Rosa: I'd prefer it with a lowercase r.

Olimar12345: The file has a capital "R", so I'll change it.

[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky

Defend Globe

Olimar12345: I think we talked about this one before, as I recognize the tune and haven't played the game xD
Everything looks and sounds good. My only suggestion would be to but the last four bars of the LH in bass clef. It isn't that high, and eliminates the need for a courtesy clef change, which is much more work than it's worth d:

And capital "R" again. Would you like it to be Capital instead?

Rosa: Changed. The sheet I currently have on the site also has a capital R, so I guess it'd be better to leave it uppercase. Likewise with the previous one.

Olimar12345: Gotcha. Accepted.

Sky Peak Final Pass

Rosa:The MIDI file seems to have some issues with its playback- I'll try to fix it later.

Olimar12345: Hm. This one's kind of all over the place, with colliding layers and individual instrument's lines and whatnot. Here's my suggestion of how to organize this one:

1) Since that two bar ostinato is doubled in both the low strings and the bells, I'd start it off like that. get rid of the whole note and put the LH part in the RH, but up two octaves. Do this for measures 1-4. (also, add a courtesy accidental for that B natural that follows the B flat)

2) From measures 5-8, move the current RH part to the LH, and have the RH continue what it was doing in the previous four measures.

3) For measures 9-12, get rid of the parenthesis in the LH and remove the lower octave from the RH. (This will make it the opposite of what just happened in the previous four measures)

4) For measures 13-20, delete the LH part you have. For this section, I'd switch to the syncopated bass line. You'll get less collision and more functional harmony.

5) From 21 to the end, I'd swap the hands' parts. Put the RH part in the LH as written, then the LH part in the RH up two octaves. ONE EXCEPTION: Leave measure 25 as written, but move the sixteenth note pick-ups to the LH.

I believe that this reorganization will make this a better arrangement for the piano.

Rosa: Hmm, I want to mess around with this arrangement a bit, since I want to keep the ostinato the whole way through.

Olimar12345: You could if you ignore step 4. (Though I think it might be a little too much, it could work)

Rosa: Alright, I made the changes, but I left the whole note in, since that's where one of the phrases ends, and I doubled the ostinato where possible.

Olimar12345: looks much better. One last thing. I think it might be easier on the performer if you put the last two sixteenth notes in the RH, for the sake of the repeat. That's a leap of a seventh for the LH as is, but it would only be a second for the RH.

Rosa: Ok. I also moved some notes at measure 20 to the left hand to make the right hand's jump easier.

Olimar12345: Awesome, Accepted.



[3DS] The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
Lorule Castle

Olimar12345: Really nice, just one small thing an it's accepted. At times it is unclear what the dynamic marking is. Make sure that it goes between the staves, and if each hand is at a different volume, specify it in both hands on the outside of the staves.

Bloop: Alright, fixed it (or do I have to do the (de)crescendos too?)

Olimar12345: Just the one in measure 106. Move it up between the staves. Since the RH isn't playing, it's implied that it is only for the LH.

Olimar12345: Looked through the new one. There are still many instances where dynamics aren't clearly specified. I'd suggest not worrying about making each staff a different volume (RH mf and LH mp is unnecessary). Pianists generally know how to balance dynamics.Looking through it, I don't see one instance where the separate dynamics are necessary. Move all dynamics and (de)crescendos to be between the staves.

Bloop: Whoops totally forgot about this. Fixed!

Olimar12345: Looks much better. Accepted.

Ravio's Theme

Olimar12345: That tremolo in the LH looks odd, but I suppose it is the best way to write something like that. Accepted.

Thieves' Hideout

Olimar12345: I added a few more courtesy accidentals. Accepted.


Awesome! Submissions are back :)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
1 AM

-Use either "Composition by" and "Arrangement by" OR "Composed by" and "Arranged by". Don't mix the two.
-Split your composers names into two lines like this:
Composition by Manaka Kataoka
               & Atsuko Asahi
-Remove all staccato markings from the piece.
-Move all pedal markings under the LH

mariolegofan:  Fixed

Olimar12345: two more things:
-Copyright year is 2013, not 2001.
-Title is "1:00 A.M."

mariolegofan:  Fixed Again

Olimar12345: Accepted.

2 AM

-Copyright year is 2013, not 2001.
-Title is "2:00 A.M."
-Use either "Composition by" and "Arrangement by" OR "Composed by" and "Arranged by". Don't mix the two.
-Split your composers names into two lines like this:
Composition by Manaka Kataoka
               & Atsuko Asahi

mariolegofan:  Fixed

Olimar12345: Accepted.

Paper Mario 2: The Thousand Year Door
Doopliss Battle (Challenge Replacement) Started from scratch on this one. There were so many wrong notes, accidentals, articulations, etc.

Olimar12345: Good formatting. Just a few things:
-LH measure 19/21/23/25: change the 12th and 16th sixteenth note to an "E" and an "F"
-LH measure 20/24: change the last eight notes in the measure to the following arpeggio: F#(below the staff) - A - C - Eb - F# - A - C - Eb
-Change the 12th, 13th, and 14th sixteenth notes in measure 22's LH to F - E - C (descending)
-Lower the fortissimo mark in the last measure so we can see the articulation.
-Change the first beat in the RH of measure 11(as well as 13, 15, 17, since they're the same thing) to [ 16th rest - 16th note "E" - 16th note "A" in the staff - 16th note "A" below the staff.

mariolegofan: Fixed. I just don't know what "below the staff" means...

Olimar12345: click this

mariolegofan:  Fixed

Olimar12345: Sorry, should have specified:
-LH measure 19/21/23/25: move the 12th and 16th sixteenth notes ("E" and an "F") up an octave

Here, I made the changes and added a bass to the last few bars. What do you think? (also fixed a wrong note, the E in the LH of 12 and 16 was supposed to be an Eb). I would also suggest a similar thing in measures 6-9.

mariolegofan: Great! Can you accept it? :)

Olimar12345: If it's okay with you I can. I think it's fine. Accepted.

Oh, and just making a note here, the title of the game is "Paper Mario 2: The Thousand-Year Door" with a hyphen between the "Thousand" and the "Year". I fixed that in the file, but I thought I should let you know since you do a lot of this music :J

mariolegofan: Ok :)


We already went over this one way back:
[N64] Super Mario 64 - Bowser Clear

Olimar12345: Those 16th notes are impossible to play at that speed. Is there another way you could write that figure to make it easier?

JDMEK5: How's that? (Let me know if nothing's changed. I just overwrote the files in the dropbox folder so if something went screwy it should be an easy fix)

Olimar12345: Looks good. Accepted.

[N64] Pokémon Snap - A Mysterious Sighting (Replacement of "Opening")

-We need an opening dynamic marking. How do we know how loud to start the piece? :P
-Need a dynamic marking for the LH at 16.
-Might I suggest moving the two-measure ostinato in the RH from 5-6 to the LH at 7? Maybe an octave down or something? Might make it more pianistic.

JDMEK5: How's that? Good call on the ostinato btw. It really works. :J

Olimar12345: Good Work. Accepted.

Seeing as it doesn't look like you've looked at it yet, I was hoping to change this last one. In case that's not possible for some reason, I still have the original submission in the spoiler below.

[3DS] Pokémon X/Y - Battle! (Wild Pokémon)

-I'm not sure all of the notes in the run at 13 are correct.
-The run in 13 should return again at 17 as well.
-Change the first quarter note in 15 and 18 to an eighth note and an eighth rest.

Old Submission
[N64] Pokémon Snap - Snapshot Lullaby (Replacement of "Pokemon Album")

Olimar12345: I did look at this one last week and it was fine. Accepted.
"Today's goal strongly involves not dying. Because nobody likes to wake up dead."

My Arrangements
Finale Version(s): Finale Notepad 2012, Finale 2012, Finale v26


[WII/GCN] The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess – "Darknut" – spitllama [MUS] [ZIP] (solo) [MUS] [ZIP] (two pianos)

Olimar12345: I need to spend some time with this piece, so I'll come back to this one.

[GCN] Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door – "Story of the Thousand-Year Door" – spitllama [MUS][ZIP]

-The arrangement overall has too much voice/hand crossing and doubled notes in hands. Go through it and weed out all the things written for both hands and make a decision of which hand will play what. An easy way to fix this is to play it at a piano and adjust it to how you play it.
-Try to be consistent with your layer voices. Sometimes have one, sometimes you have two, other times you have four. Just try make it consistent throughout sections.
-Using the pedal might be helpful in places of this arrangement.
-The last eighth note in measure 68 should be a Db in the staff.
-You've got two hands playing the same note in measures 69-71. I'd suggest moving the Eb down an octave in the LH.

[WII] Super Mario Galaxy 2 – "Clock Time Attack" – spitllama [MUS][ZIP]
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - "Dialga's Fight to the Finish!" - Bespinben [MUS] Zip

Olimar12345: Riddled with rhythm grouping errors, non-traditional clefs, and voice doublings that make it unnecessarily difficult to read and play.

[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - "Temporal Tower" - Bespinben [MUS] Zip (replacement)

[NDS] Pokémon Mystery Dungeon 2: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky - "Time Gear" - Bespinben [MUS] Zip
Submissions Page
Currently using Finale 2012


Next attempt. If you didn't see the last post, I'll basically be fine with whatever you guys do for the left hand for Gerudo Valley. This would be the third type of replacement.

(Replacement) [N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - "Gerudo Valley" [MUS] [PDF] [MIDI]

Olimar12345: I'll get back to you on this one shortly.

Zunawe: I may have gone overboard with the rhythm groupings and some of the releases, but they're easy enough to revert if needed.

Olimar12345: How about this one?

Zunawe: I'd prefer keeping the chord in the first beat of the rhythms. (See links) The bass alone doesn't give enough emphasis and it leaves the other three sixteenths feeling a bit awkward. I could see it for somebody who understands what the lower notes are, but this version sounds more like the original and isn't much more difficult (if at all).

Olimar12345: Sure. Accepted.

[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - "Middle Boss Battle" [MUS] [PDF] [MIDI]

-Incorrect enharmonic spellings plague this piece. Remember that sharps lead up and flats lead down. just the opening pick-up measure would be easier to read as a G# than an Ab to A natural. Plus there would be less accidentals that way. (same thing in measure 1, the B natural would be easier to read as a Cb, since it is basically a chromatic scale going down)
-When you add the planing chords at measure 3, keep the intervals consistent (keep them in thirds/fifths). Change the E natural to an Fb in measures 3 and all alike, and the B natural to a Cb in measures 5 and all alike. Go through the rest of the piece and adjust the enharmonic spellings. (I couldn't find it, but I know we have a topic about it somewhere...)

Zunawe: I fixed what you specified I think, but I've never had any sort of theory class or explanation on this, and this isn't exactly the easiest piece to learn on. I'm not completely clear on the "rules", but I'll try. Apologies ahead of time.

Olimar12345: We chatted about this one. Accepted.

[N64] The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask - "Song of Soaring" [MUS] [PDF] [MIDI]

Olimar12345: I'll just leave this here...

Zunawe: This is fine. I would still like a second opinion on the reattack of the last note though. From anybody.

Olimar12345: Accepted.

Zunawe: Just as a warning, I missed a couple of tiny visual things in Gerudo Valley that are fixed in my links now. Also, if you could update the Middle Boss Battle links, I'd be happy. I never replaced my files. Thanks.

Olimar12345: Midboss: [MUS]
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


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