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The In-Progress Topic II

Started by The Deku Trombonist, June 14, 2011, 06:35:25 PM

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Arrangements in progress:
Route 15 (Pokémon X and Y)
Nimbus Land (Super Mario RPG)
Peanut Plain (Kirby Superstar)
Decisive Battle with Magus (Chrono Trigger)
     (or whatever it's called, I've yet to find a single definitive translation for the chrono trigger OST)
Army Dillo 2 (DK 64)
Hideout Helm (DK 64)

Soundtracks currently in my scopes:
Final Fantasy III (using the DS remake version)
Pokémon Pinball (original, not ruby/sapphire)
No specific songs in mind, so if you start working on anything from either of these games, just let me know.


Currently arranging:

Rogueport (Paper Mario : The Thousand-Year Door)

World's Smallest Ferris Wheel (To the Moon)

Troïka (Tetris Tengen, NES)

Seeing Dreams Through The Window Of Stars(Super Mario RPG)
(First ending song, before the parade)


In Progress:

Chrono Cross
Scars of Time Completed

To The Moon
Everything's Alright


Removed some posts that were not related to the topic and against the forum rules. Try to behave, hostile posts towards other members are not tolerated.


Hot damn, when did we get an Administrator?


Currently Arranging: "Twilight Princess Symphonic Movement" (1:12 completed so far)


Future/In progress:
- "Windy & Co." from Conker's Bad Fur Day. Progress: M. 43 of 147

Some songs from:
A Hat in Time
Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp
Super Mario Odyssey
To the Moon
Wild Arms
Donkey Kong Country


aw man i was doing 1AM


All of Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Dark Pit's Theme (Kid Icarus Uprising)
Main Theme (AC:NL)
Quote from: K-NiGhT on April 11, 2024, 11:54:48 AMwow, 20 years

*crumbles into dust and blows away in the wind*


I'm currently working on


I claim this one.

[GCN] Wind Waker:
  • The Legendary Hero
(on hold)

Purple Munchlax

[NDS] Pokémon Black Version, Pokémon White Version, Pokémon Black 2 Version & Pokémon White 2 Version: Battle! Elite Four (Challenge Replacement Arrangement) (100%) (Not yet submitted)


wii sports resort.

queen peach.
For lack of anything better to say, I love the Miis.


Here's some in progress arrangements:

[WiiU]-Mario Kart 8-Bone Dry Dunes

[Wii]-Kirbys Return to Dream Land-Lava Area

[Wii]-Mario Galaxy-Honeyhive Galaxy
Quote from: Altissimo on August 29, 2015, 12:00:16 PM
Since I haven't heard from her personally I don't wanna be like "YO HERE'S THE CHATROOM OK"

Magic Mole

In Progress
[GBC] Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal - "Mobile Adapter 1"
[PS2] Kingdom Hearts II - "Lazy Afternoons"

Please notify me if you've already done one of these or were going to do one, I'm not trying to steal anybody's thunder. :)


I'm back guys!  ;D Here's a list of new stuff to expect from me!

Submitted and pending for approval
[GCN] Luigi's Mansion - Credits Theme
[N64] - Mario Party - Opening Theme

Finished, ready to submit
[N64] - Mario Party - Play a Mini Game!
[N64] - Mario Party - Birthday Cake
[GCN] - Super Mario Sunshine - Deep Sea of Mare

In Progress