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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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^Exactly. Of course I'm not saying bombing is a good thing, I was just pointing out, as you said, the bombing was the lesser of two terrible evils. Yes, the atomic bombs caused major devastation to Japan, but just imagine if there had been a full-scale invasion. Instead of two cities being destroyed, you'd have an entire country ravaged. Obviously, this doesn't justify the mass killings of innocent people, but it at least gives some perspective as to why it was done.

Quote from: Mashi on March 26, 2013, 05:54:37 PMAfter viewing both FMA:Brotherhood and Naruto Shippuden, it would be frivolous to even consider watching an anime as unbearably mediocre as Melancholy. NARUTOxHINATA 4 LYFE!!!


They nuked an innocent civilian population and exposed it to various long term harm from radiation

And it's really not that reasonable to compare death numbers.

Plus, the US was already firebombing cities all over the country, it wasn't just the nukes hitting civilians... that's another part of where that count comes from.

me irl


I feel like bombing Japan was the single best choice for the US, but I personally think it was unnecessary to drop two bombs when we barely gave the Japanese to respond to the first. I honestly have no idea what could have been done other than what was, especially if the Japanese were as persistent as we're told. It's not as if whoever made the decision wanted to kill innocent people, but what would you have done?

Also, I think it's funny how the people who have no idea what they are saying talk without capitalization or spaces and such.
You know you've been playing too much Dragon Quest when you're afraid your Hershey's Kisses are going to flee.

I program things


I like food.


Party Hard!


I like food.


You guys make great points here but at the time they weren't able to know what the effects of the bomb would be for sure. As they say, "Hindsight is 20/20." So it ultimately came down to the lesser of the two evils at the time. Although it wasn't exclusively the two options, they were the most likely to be used.

As I've already wrote a short essay on the subject matter for my history class previously, I'll just copy pasta it here for you guys:

Quote from: Wry's EssayThe use of the Atomic Bomb to end the portion of WWII in the Pacific front has always been debated on whether the use of it was justified. Both sides of the issue have very strong points that include the preservation of life, necessity, and involved politics.

   One of the reasons often used to argue for the use of the A-bomb is that to save the unnecessary loss of life on both sides of the opposing forces. However,  the estimated total death toll of the dropping of the bombs are about 189,000 civilian deaths as a result of the initial drop and an additional 27,000+ from after effects of the two bomb detonations. This does not account for the nuclear fallout afterwards though. Unfortunately President Truman had not known the extent of the damage the A-bomb would cause initially and in the future. The firebombing that the US did over the cities of Japan had also already done a great deal of damage to both property and the citizens much like the German's way of blitzkrieg in Europe. At this cost, it saved the lives of plenty of American soldiers if they were to try and take a foothold on the island, with the death estimates very high.

   Despite what the necessity of the bomb may have been; there was also play of politics with the dropping of the bomb. The power of the atomic bomb was manipulated to show the power that America had in order to stop the Soviets in a joint occupation of Japan, which could have spread communism that we feared. The Soviets had proven this after they broke many of their promises from the Yalta conference. It had also made the Japanese fear their ultimate defeat by the hand of the United States and surrender earlier at the cost of many Japanese citizens' lives.  However, due to the timing of the two bomb drops, not enough time was allowed for the Japanese Emperor to weigh the chance of another bomb being dropped and their surrender. As an added benefit, the world was able to see the terrible destruction that atomic weapons would bring to the world if they were involved to a greater extent in a future war.

   Many lives would have been lost as a result of dropping and not dropping the bomb on cities, the deciding factor was the lesser of the two evils. By instilling fear in the Japanese Emperor to surrender on our terms, it saved time and the lives of pushing our troops onto the island and kept the Soviets from spreading communism to Japan and interfering with democracy. If the bomb had not been dropped, it was still likely that the two cities would have been firebombed. It would have not of showcased the awesome power of the bomb either, potentially allowing for a future nuclear war. So, although the United States didn't need to push for the unconditional surrender of Japan, it was better for the country in the long run, allowing for more freedom of the people at the cost of the A-bomb.


I seem to be missing a piece of my ear.


I have this annoying pain in my right shoulder that won't go away rrrgh
Quote from: Dudeman on April 13, 2016, 04:54:04 PM
- Nebbles, the beauty with the heart of frozen steel


I woke up this morning (well, mid-morning... snaps for sleeping in!) with loads of pain in my back... It was tough all day with pain going in and out..

So much for 5 weeks of PT



me irl



Hurray for bootlegs!


The left one is real while the right is fake. Shouldn't have a battery and the sticker is all wrong.