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Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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I had a dream when I was 5 years old or sometime around that...
The Sesame Street characters came into my room and started torturing me... no joke 8)
Sadly I don't remember much of it, but maybe that's a good thing :)


I had a really weird dream a few days ago.....I was in Taiwan and it seemed like a regular day...until i found out that the sun was going to explode in just a few hours......I sprinted like a cheetah to the safest place...then....BOOOOOOOOM! The sun exploded like a nuclear bomb! suddenly, the whole earth got dark...i was scared....

then i found myself in a friend's house (which is in NJ...weird) with a bunch of friends and the 3 people from Mythbusters (Tory, Grant, and Kary)

At the front door was a store selling was random

We starting discussing as i drank out of a scooby doo cup.....What's going to happen? I said.

We're going to die soon because the oxygen in the earth is running low since plants need the sun to transpire. Grant said

We're doomed...I said

Yep....that's it



Just last night I had this dream:

> I was in my room and had just woken up. I reached my hand out to grab my glasses, but they were too far away. But then they just flew into my hand. So i tried that with other stuff, and I could pick up objects without touching them. It was like I had the Force. So I went a bunch of places, i climbed the hill next to my house, and I went to a baseball game, and some other places. And I was having a lot of fun. But then I woke up.  ='(

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


There was one dream where i was about to kiss the girl i like and then...i woke up....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!



This is a dream I had a long time ago but is still the strangest:

I was in a grocery store being chased around by a giant lobster that looked like he was from Spongebob. There was also some fat guy being chased. I ran away for a while until finally finding a hiding spot. For some reason, this "grocery" store had a window display like a video game store might have, but it contained more food items. I hid there, thinking I was clever (even though I was up against the window). After waiting there a while, the lobster pops his head out from over the food rack and says "The fat man said he didn't want me to eat him, so now I'm going to eat you!" Then I woke up. :D


Quote from: Lildigipoke2 on March 01, 2008, 02:39:05 PMThere was one dream where i was about to kiss the girl i like and then...i woke up....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

That sucks.

I had the most random dream ever. It was weird; like, one night i had it, then I died in the dream, then, the next night I killed the Old Guy. It was like a video game.

Our House: Lives 3

It was night
And I was at my house (which was black) and I had a dog for some reason
then, my mom told me to go walk it (I think its name was Dinky, I dont know)
I said "But its dark out"
But I went out anyways.
I walked him to some firehidrant that was on the sidewalk.
He started walking around it then it started to rain.
Then, my cousin, Andrew, ran over.
Then, the dog was gone.
And we noticed we were on the front lawn of a big Mansion.
We walked up to it and the doors (yes the doors) said, "Don't come in, the basement still needs work"
but we went in anyways
Then an old guy (ya know in the Eddie Murphy Movie? Haunted mansion? That guy) came up to us.
He said, "Dont you listen to the doors?"
Then, it started to hail (Although it was summer).
Andrew said, "hey look baseballs"
Then, the doors closed and said, "F**k off Andrew.
Then the old guy (his name was chairman...) told us to stay over for the night.
We agreed and he told us to go up the staircase on the left and go left to 2nd room on your left.
"Ok" we said and went there.
We saw a glimps of something black run down the hall.
Andrew went down the hall to look for what it was.
Then as soon as his, 5th step down the hall, All the lights in the hall went out.
I called him and it echoed like 10 times.
I opened the door and I saw Claire (My girlfriend at the time of the dream) sitting on the bed.
I called Andrew again and it echoed again.
I turn back to the room and Claire turned into the old guy, but I didnt see it happen.
He said, "here is your room. Sleep tight"
"Thanks" I said.

I laid down in the bed.
Then Andrew cam flying in through the window.
And happen to land on his bed.
"I'm tired" he said.
"No sh** sherlock! You just came flying through the window!" I said.
But he was already asleep.

more later...


Heh, these dreams are very inspiring, in some sort of way. To write a novel about them, I mean.

Anyway, I got two types of dreams: the ones I'd like to call 'surdreams', as in surreal, and the prophetic dreams. These first ones are the most strangest things, which are just too random - I'll give an example later. The second ones are predicting the future, and they happen actually quite often. Wednesday I dreamed my well.. girlfriend became sick at school, and last Friday she actually became sick, at school. The intervals between dreams and the actual happenings are getting shorter, but I do not pay much value to it.


I hate tohse random dreams. Once, I had a dream i was Superman (da hell?) and I was flying around the world (Literally, in space) and I said, "My spider senses are tingling" (lol) and I flew down, the broke through the roof of my own house, and there was an old lady on the floor. I helped her up, then instead of going through the already hole in the roof, I went through another spot, then I died...


I had 2 dreams last night.

First one, I was at my grandfathers house and for some reason our family had brought our cat with us.  He escaped out the door and I went after him.  I chased him around and then he crawled into a pipe ( :( )  So I was told he was in the sewer, so I went into the sewer where it was filled with green liquid that I could see through.  Through this pipe all these cats, and the occasional dog, would come through.  I saw other people finding their cat there too.  So I picked up some of them and they were dry.  I didn't find my cat.

Second one, I know there is more but all I remember is going into a guitar shop and there was guitar hero there that had a bunch of custom songs that when you played them they were just a bunch of random notes.  Then me and my family went into a room inside the shop to sleep for some reason and I got a small bed and we found a cover with a smiley face painted with blood on it.  It was messed up.



I once had a dream where I went downstairs to get a glass of water, (it was morning) and all over the refrigerator were crawling, hopping, and walking tails... like, Raccoon Tails, Ferret Tails.... all sorts of tails... O_o;;


Quote from: Harvest on March 01, 2008, 10:09:16 AMHm, dreams.

I've had many, I had some great ones but I don't wanna post. 

I really wish I could have lucid dreams, it isn't fair that some people have them every night.

I was at one point trying to have a lucid dream, and I had two or three.  Though every time I realized I was dreaming, it would start fading out and I would try to do something fun but then I'd wake up.

If you don't know what a lucid dream is then here:  A Lucid Dream is a dream where you know you are dreaming and you can do anything you want.
You know, spinning around after you realize you're dreaming helps you stay in the dream. That and rubbing your hands.
I love lucid dreaming. I do it a lot. Common, we spend 1/3 of our life sleeping. Might as well use it for something. ^^ I get a ton of recall because I actually lucid dream as a hobby so that's why in case you're wondering. I also use dreaming lingo like so because I keep a DJ (dream journal)

ND: Normal Dream
RC: Reality Check: ways to prove you're dreaming
LD: Lucid Dream
DC: Dream Character
RL: Real Life

Fun at the park with DC’s
Lucid dream
Rated: G (Don’t worry. “Fun” doesn’t imply rated R stuff. :p)

I can’t remember how the dream started off. All I know is I was at my grandparents’ house on the Greek side of my family. This location is VERY common in my dreams.
My cousins and I wanted to go to the park. It was really sunny and bright outside so I decided to take them. Both my brothers and my dad also came. While walking down the path, I watched my cousins Christina and Andrew racing. I was alittle worried they’d slip on the cement path. They managed to make it to the park uninjured and but continued with other semi-dangerous things like fighting with sticks and climbing trees.
I saw my little brother making a volcano out of sand and that reminded me of the time in RL when I was 4 and first learned what a volcano was. Upon remembering this moment, I became lucid.

I decided to try and convince my little brother that this was a dream so I started flying around in circles around him saying, “This is a dream! You can fly too!”
He didn’t seem to get it or care.
I gave up and started flying circles around the playground for fun and then changed into a big bat, which made flying easier. It didn’t last long though. I soon became stuck in midair and couldn’t shake it off. My vision, my wings, everything was stuck. I yelled out in frustration and woke up.

WBTB + Accidental WILD (these are techniques to get lucid dreams)

I was back at the park and completely lucid. I decided to lay off the flying though. I started heading down the path and changed into my male form. While walking, I saw 3 DC’s next to a tree who had seemed to have gotten a ball stuck in it. The fat one tried climbing the tree but failed.
I ran over to them and told them that this was a dream and I had dream powers. Surprisingly, they didn’t believe me. This doesn’t happen to me often.
“If you have powers, then prove it!” said the fat one.
I then flew up in the tree and gave them their ball… which turned into a stick… Yeah, they were as confused as I was about that…
“There. I flew. Is that proof enough?” I asked.
“What else can you do?” asked the skinnier taller one.
“I can do anything.” I replied. I had so much confidence at the time, I probably could do anything.
“Make your feet grow big!” said the girl.
“Um, okay…” I said weirded out and made my feet grow big. It felt weird! :p
The three of them cheered and introduced themselves. The fat one was Tim, the tall one Lance, and the girl was Alison. I introduced my self as Clayton because that was my dream name.
“This is so cool! We can do anything then! Oh! I got an idea!” said Tim as he pointed to a black expensive looking car, “Let’s steal that car over there!”
I didn’t have any experience with driving a car in a LD so I agreed. We all went inside, me in the driver’s seat, Tim in the passenger seat, and the other 2 in the back. I then started up the car and we were driving.


We were on the highway now. The car was going super fast. Unfortunately we had to slow down because of trucks infront of us.
“Let’s fly, Clay!” said Lance.
“Alright!” I responded and started turning the car into a helicopter. It wasn’t flying that high though. Infact, it was practically dragging on the road at times but the others didn’t seem to mind. Lance and Alison we eating candy in the back and Tim had somehow made a machine gun appear and was firing at other cars. We both laughed as one car got fired in the window, the driver couldn’t see, and the car spun out of control into a truck causing a massive accident. It was just hilarious!
I started lifting off in the helicopter and wanted to go to a store and maybe terrorize the DC’s in there. It was just so much fun. Especially controlling the helicopter. Unfortunately my dream soon faded and I woke up.

If you wanna read another, I got plenty. :)


i had a dream last night where i was flying a fighter jet and was fighting all these star wars type starfighters with the rest of the earth's air force and then darth vader shot me down so i ejected and then i started flying around like Superman and i satrted shooting lasers out of my eyes and fingers and i shot some nuclear missiles from my mouth and i blew up the death star that was orbiting earth and then i came back to the planet and i was a hero! i could no longer vomit nukes though, so the president said i was useless against stopping the russians, and then i'm like, "WTF!?! the russians!?! i thought they were okay now." and the president (who i at that point just realized was president Regan) said," lol [he actually said the word 'lol'], you're a funny boy, son. but the damn russians are evil! lol, lol, lol. that's rich! you should be a comedian!" and then i realixed it was 1986 and that i had traveled back in time!

so then i was sent to russia to assassinate the USSR's president or what ever they called their leader but i was shot down by a surface-to-air missile and crashed in east germany. then hitler's ghost came and started speaking german at me and then the KGB came and locked me away in some secret prison. then the dream became an on-rails shooter as i busted my way out of the prison i then flew into the skies over the communist bloc and let loose with all my laser powers (kind of like what Regan wanted to do with the star wars program) and everything east of the iron curtain to west of japan north of india was left as a smoldering husk of death.

i then landed in washington DC in front of the washington monument and was promptly arrested by the FBI for crimes against humanity. i looked at a conveniently placed news paper and it was 2008 again. i was then put before the supreme court and was found guilty of war crimes. i then was sentenced to death by a firing squad. i was taken to the UN building in NYC and and all the UN representatives pulled out various machine guns and opened fire as the UN security council laughed drunkenly at me. however i was to quick for them and dodged every single bullet, Matrix style, and then vaporized the UN. i went to the white house in DC and told  President Bush to, "suck it" as i vaporized him as well.

then the entire US military, Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy launched a huge attack at me. i decided i was tired of vaporizing people so i vaporized their guns in stead. i then proceeded to use my new found uber-martial arts skills to fight the military in hand-to-hand combat. i fought the army with kung fu (i killed the army rangers with northern praying mantis style kung fu), the marines with tae kwon do (which was the coolest because i do tae kwon do in real life, so it felt the realest), the air force with jujitsu while flying around their planes, and the navy with kendo and a katana.

afterward i found the rest of the US government in a bunker in Arizona. i asked them why i was going to be killed, and the said it was because i vaporized half the planet more than 20 years after the cold war ended. i said i was sorry and ninjas jumped out and attacked. as i fought them off the Dick Cheney the new president told me they were the only warriors left because i didn't kill japan. i killed them with my katana that i then turned into a lightsaber with my laser powers and did  that thing from that Superman movie and spinned the earth backward to travel back in time to 1986 and then i vaporized the communist bloc again.

i then returned to DC and was not arrested but hailed as the greatest hero of the free world. i then went back to the future and there were flying cars and moon bases, you know, all the future stuff that they thought we would have by 2000 in the 70's. the world was too perfect. so i went crazy. they locked me up in an asylum and i waited and waited.

eventually the martian communists (mars is called the 'red' planet after all...) attacked and i fought them off. then i was a hero again and the world loved me. however, the martians had sowed the seed of evil in the perfect world, and the new president, President Obama, declared war on the evil countries: England, France, Brazil, China, Slovakia, India, Australia, and Canada. The good countries were: USA, Japan, Spain, West Germany (because i vaporized east germany 20 years ago, remember?), New Zealand, all the norwegian type countries, Mexico, and Egypt. all the other countries were not on either side, so we also declared war on them, just to be on the safe side.

after a brutal war that lasted ten years, in which i personally did most of the fighting for the United Powers (which is what the good guys were called, like the Allies in WWII), the Axis of Evil (thanks to Bush, that's what the bad guys were called) surrendered. i became the new military of the world and a new age of peace was ushered in. the world lived happily for a long time, until, you guessed it, the zombies of the AoE attacked. by that time i was sixty years old, and an uber badass fighting master of war. i fought all the zombies and the world was saved. however, the last battle against the zombified Osama bin Laden and his minions used up the last of my power and i died of old age shortly after the war.

the dream continued, showing a montage of the great accomplishments of humanity after i ended the Last War on Earth. we discovered civilizations on other worlds, and we were the most advanced one and we led the galaxy into the future. we brike Einstien's laws of realativity and created black holes as a means of energy source and time travel. we created robots that did not rebel like in most science fiction, but helped the worlds prosper. and we achieved the ultimate triumph of the universe, we combined all fields of science, math, technology, arts, literature, and any other knowledge into one, beautiful equation of life, and the galaxy the entire universe prospered for the rest of forever. all because i ended war on earth.

it was a very profound and inspiring dream, i'll go far as to say it changed my views and my goals in life for some reason, and i know that sound kind of silly, but if you experienced it like i did, you would see just how deep it was. wow, i'm kind  of in awe of it.

damn commies.


you guys have really weird and long dreams....i had one last night where this really small/short guy named i think Pip was trying to take over the world.....i woke up before the ending



One time I had this dream:

I don't remember how it started, but I remember that I was at the hospital, watching someone get a lethal injection. I didn't know the nurse or the person that was gonna die. The nurse said to the person, "You seem pretty calm for a person that's about to die!" She had a strange accent.

But then I woke up before I saw the injection.

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


Razer, you obviously didn't have that dream you liar!