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Strange Dreams

Started by Concerto No.20 in D minor, February 29, 2008, 03:01:17 PM

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Concerto No.20 in D minor

Post all your strange dreams here!

This is the first...I started typing it in Instant half of it is IM the other half good.

I slept in late
until just now
so what is that 3pm?
I had the strangest dream

there was this contest for my school
to see who could get the best picture of the school
and so my friend and I decided we wanted to get an aerial shot
so we got the helicopter out of my garage (it was under a big white sheet)
and he was going to fly it
even though he had never flown one
but I had
so he was flying really well, and he told me that he learned from videogames
so we ended up taking the shot
and we went to turn it in
and I guess the school...kind of went into some taco time place
and we ended up eating a huge churo, and I mean like 2 x 4 feet churo instead.
then we decided to go with my friends house to pick up some controler
only we got stuck there
with a friend named Charles
and he kept wanting us to play this new card game
and we after much nagging we decided to play it once
then when we left he was trying to make us feel all bad
so I guess we were heading to some ski resort for the weekend
and we ended up finding out hotel room and stuff
but the room that I got was ridiculously small
and the whole room was tilted
like at a 10 degree angle
so that if you put a marble on one side
it would fall to the other side
and the ceiling was JUST tall enough for me to stand up straight
and ways I looked out the window of this new complex
and about 100 yards away there was this huge building on it
that had "Jeep" on the side
and I was like OMG
(I probably haven't told you but I really like this new Jeep concept car called the Jeep Renegade.)

so I got my coat on (it was cold there) and headed outside
I guess my intention was to sneak into the complex and that I did, but I don' remember doing it
but anyways this place was a huge factory
and half of it was a parking garage for newly made cars
And so I immediately went to the parking garage and started exploring
and I found the Jeep Renegade
and I was like omg
so I decided to steal it
I mean the keys were IN the ignition
it was begging me to take it away
so I backed out and that’s when the siren went off
and out of no where a bunch of people started to chase me
and I'm racing through this huge parking garage trying to get out
I think I was on the second level because I ended up going down one level and out of the parking garage.
But I ended up crashing into a barrier that they had set up to prevent me from escaping.
So handcuffed me and I though they were going to take me to the police, but they didn't.  They took me to this underground cell that they had, which was more like a closet and locked me in.
I remember sleeping there for the night.
The all the sudden I was woken up early in the morning by someone nudging me
I thought it was one of the guards so I turned around and looked
but it wasn't one of the guards
I screamed and got up to the other side of the cell
what was nudging me was a mix between a big bug and a crab and a Trade Federation Droid Star Fighter in standing mode.

Anyways it was about 2 feet tall and I was freaked man.
So anyways I just stood in the corner shocked and unable to move as it moved closer to me
and it got so close the on of its 4 legs reached out and touched my hand and I pulled it aside very quickly
I could have sworn that the thing smiled, because it did have a face type thing
kind of like a big mouth with long slits of green eyes.
Anyways it backed away into the corner, and I watched and all the sudden a spot on the top of one of its arms glowed very bright green, almost like a flash light
and it pointed it to a spot in the side of the cell, where there was a big hole, big enough for me to crawl through.
Then it went in, for a few seconds and the light slowly faded.
I was relieved that it left and started to relax, but then the light from the tunnel started to increase    again and I tensed back up.
Sure enough the creature came back out, but in its mouth there were flowers, and it brought them over to me and dropped them to the ground by my feet
It then went back over to the tunnel and back in, then quickly back out.
It looked at me with those green slit eyes, and then made an impatient clicking sound.  I immediately understood!  It was trying to get me out!
I slowly and warily walked over to the hole and the creature made a different noise, more like a little cry/whistle of joy and went up the tunnel.
I took a breath and look in, and sure enough, there WAS a light at the end of the tunnel.
But it wasn't day light, it was just a lamp...which was lame.
So I walked out and it was dark out side, and the creature was waiting for me.
It almost had the actions of a happy dog, but it was much smarter than one.  I started walking back to the hotel where my friends were surely wondering were I was.
Anyways, this thing which I've warmed up to surprisingly fast was just behind me, and I decided it was best to hide it in my jacket.  So I walk into the hotel with this huge bulge in my jacket and meet my friends in the lobby.  They were about to call the police when I showed up.  Suddenly there was this big earthquake and we braced on the furniture and the creature got out but lights were out and no one saw it.  It was a normal everyone screams omg earthquake experience and there were things that fell and stuff.

So we go outside to see the damage, but there wasn't any visibly, although a strange mist had set in. 

ARGH, this is going to be painful to type in full detail so I'm going to shorten it, A LOT.
So it ends up that aliens landed and they wanted their baby back (the strange creature) and we ended up fighting a lot of them and it sort of turned into a videogame.  Cuz there were weapons everywhere.  (I mean seriously, we're in a HOTEL and I run out of bullets for my shot gun, and I instinctivly turn to my right and there is a rifle with ammo and a scope right on top of this counter.) Half the time the aliens were the same as the creature, but half way during thing fight there were different aliens, kind of human-like, except their heads were on back words and they walked on all fours...but backwords like this:

Except their backs were perfectly straight and they were really agile and could climb on ceilings.

Sorry tired of typing I'll finish it later, so in the meanwhile you guys type what you like!  :D


Lol. I have so many weird dreams. I will give basic summaries:

~I once walked into an elevator. The teletubbies were there. They had ties and glases. Po kept on saying "Hi." Then the elevator cables broke and we tumbled into perpetual freefall. They enjoyed it thoroughly.

~I once was escorted around school by "Charlie's Angels". It was very freaky. They kept on rubbing against walls...

~I once was a blood-thirsty tyrant. I conquered worlds in a matter of seconds. My mode of transportaion: The Wee-Sing Train.

And of course:

~Who is wearing the blue crotch plate under their pants amongst a crowd of red crotch plate people.

Go on guess. Well, you're wrong.

Quote from: sipan1234bow to the longest child ever


Wow Concerto, of course you would make a topic like this lol... my dreams are usually not that complex, just really short like Hugo's.

But here's two I remember from a couple nights ago:
 > Someone came in my room right when I woke up to get ready for school. They were going to cut my hair. I was like, "yay! I'm getting a new hairstyle!" So they cut my hair, and it looked really good

 > My city was going to build a water park not too far from my house. And it looked really cool. Just to get in the park you had to go down this water slide and at the end was a waterfall you went through. There were really pretty waterfalls everywhere. It was way awesome.

Please follow me and my art on Instagram :D


first of all, LOL.

second, i have a bunch of messed up (not that way you pervert!) dreams i'll just do what hugomeister did:

- i'm walking through some house and a ninja pops out then i jump down the  stairs but then the stairs stretch  on forever, so i fall for a long time (it really felt like i was flying, too)

- i went to Japan to steal buy a copy of Brawl when either Shiggy of Iwata-san steals my mind (he reaches into my head and just pulls it out) and throws my mind into Brawl and i fight all the characters but  i can't read it because it's in Japanese... and Master Hand grabs me and starts squeezing me and i wake up in real life and my cat is squeezing my leg...

- i'm some samurai/ninja/kung fu master warlord and... no this dream was too epic. i'll type it into a real story in word later in the week and post it here later.

- me and one of my little brothers are staying at a hotel in Nintendo Land/Country but our parents and out other brother are in another castle (heh heh, i nerd out in my sleep, seriously...) so we steal a mario kart and drive to them through various Mario, Zelda and Metroid stages to get there but then we see a nuclear explosion and we stare at it until we burst into flames from the radiation.

- i'm in english class and my english teacher, who's a really old British guy in real life, has a massive seizure or a stroke or something then transforms like a TransFormer robot into a really hawt girl but the this other hawt girl from my engish class in real life jumps up and rips her throat out the eats it and starts teaching us english and her mouth is all bloddy and it's kind of funny cuz she's teaching like out real teacher and thus she has no idea what she's talking about.

i'll stop there...

damn commies.


I've had far more dreams than any of you guys would ever imagine of. In high school we'd sometimes say the screwed up dreams we had and by far I've had the strangest ones because of how random they are. I've even got some people tell me I should be in a mental institution. Hell, I can probably improvise far stranger stuff while I'm awake than you guys ever dreamed of. Yay for LLI.

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Hit me.  I have strange...and admittedly disturbing dream...but I dont' think I should post them.

Beethoven II

I was swimming underwater in my pool with Akiro, trying to get away from zombies with guns, and other weapons above. There are alot of other people in the pool too, i dont even know who the are.
we get out.
we run for our mom and dads car.
we get in and try to drive away.
it's dark
all of a sudden we get to albertson's (a grocerey store) and get out.
our mom and dad are they, along with our grand paretns and a bunch of hobos.
no one knows.
i wake up.

That was one of the most disqueiting and discomforting dreams i've ever had. :P

Concerto No.20 in D minor

Do you know Akrio personally?

Beethoven II

What the heck is that supposed to mean. We're brothers.  (i'm no exactly the "same" as him as most of you say i am though)


Quote from: Beethoven II on February 29, 2008, 10:08:44 PMWhat the heck is that supposed to mean. We're brothers.  (i'm no exactly the "same" as him as most of you say i am though)

seriously? you and Akiro are brothers! wow.

anywho, back on topic, Mike, you should seriously post your dreams. i posted my dreams, and not my thoughts. my thoughts are the most bizarre.

damn commies.

Beethoven II

I had the weirdest dream last night, no joke.  hm.  i can't remember parts though so...

I'll just give  you a brief synopsis.  It was about zombies.  Thankyou razer for giving the ideas about zombies.


damn commies.


Alright so here's one of the bizarre one's I've had. I probably watched The Matrix before that one.

So I'm Neo, except I'm wearing a giant burrito costume. Then like a thousand zombies arrive doing the Michael Jackson - Triller dance and the whole dream is pretty much me running and flying around town in my burrito costume shooting zombies with different guns, including lasers shooting out of my fingers while crazy music is running in the background.


Hm, dreams.

I've had many, I had some great ones but I don't wanna post. 

I really wish I could have lucid dreams, it isn't fair that some people have them every night.

I was at one point trying to have a lucid dream, and I had two or three.  Though every time I realized I was dreaming, it would start fading out and I would try to do something fun but then I'd wake up.

If you don't know what a lucid dream is then here:  A Lucid Dream is a dream where you know you are dreaming and you can do anything you want.


i had a normal dream where i was in some creepy school that was like a mental institution (kind of a cross between Harry Potter's school and the camp from Phsconaughts and the mental hospital from Terminator 2) and i was being attacked by random looneys and then it turned into a lucid dream and i became like Superman and started wreaking havoc on the institution but the building expanded in every direction forever so i couldn't bust out, no matter how hard i tried. eventually i killed myself with a laser eye/falcon punch combo while trying to kill a flying jellyfish and i woke up.

damn commies.