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The Rant Thread/My Life Sucks Topic [Don't be pricks]

Started by KefkaticFanatic, January 15, 2010, 06:55:34 AM

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When I started last year, my tuition was 2160 per quarter. Now it's about 2340.

People are shocked when I tell them I go to a university and it only costs me around 20,000 out the door for the entire year.


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You want to have a tuition fight?

My bill is $9353 per quarter (when attending 3 quarters per year so $28059 per year) and that will go up 10% every year.
And that doesn't count the $2800ish to housing and dining or $100-200 toward books per quarter.

me irl



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I could always use more money.

Textbooks were the most expensive by far.

That's probably because business textbooks are updated EVERY YEAR and we can't get used ones. arrrgh!



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Ugh. Worst party ever. It wasnt even 8 and one of my friends got sooooo trashed and decided it would be cool to pull jackass stunts. Well one of them was the electronic razor thing, and I was the victim of it. Except when you're drunk, you dont stop at a little bit.

So... now I had to match the rest of my hair... I HATE buzz cuts. I miss my hair.


That sucks. My friend did the same thing to me, except he cut a chunk of my hair... it's not to visible, but I still have to wait for my hair to grow. and it's annoying because mah hair = long. D:

Also meh week, told my boss I didn't want to work from Friday to Monday because I wanted to meet some friends in Montréal, but she decided that I had to work on Saturday. Wtf. Can't go to Montréal now since I have to move stuff to my dorm. FFFFFF.
Quote from: MaestroUGC on February 13, 2013, 01:16:55 PM
Thanks. For a moment there I was worried, though. I almost needed to blow you.


I like food.


Hm, are you referring to that irc admin on that one site that's a total asshat for no good reason?

me irl


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I like food.