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Naturematthe, 17, composer in spe, is now 23 and still composing

Started by Naturematthe, May 29, 2011, 04:12:05 PM

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Phew, has been quite a while... Well, let's get started.

Since the last post I made here a few things have changed about the music I write. Instead of organ or piano solo pieces I Started writing for groups of musicians and eventually made my way to orchestral music. The orchestral pieces I wrote during that time will be the main subject of this post.

There will be three chapters for the pieces: Pony Pieces, Pony-inspired pieces and Miscellaneous Pieces. I want to separate them here simply because listeners who are not familiar with the My Little Pony TV series might find it hard to get the Pony pieces since they don't know the characters or the history. The pony-inspired pieces do not need that kind of background knowledge even though they are based on things from the series. The Miscellaneous Pieces have nothing to do with MLP:FIM.

You should also know that some of the titles mentioned here may be different from the titles on YouTube. Some of the pieces originally have a German title, but to help understand them a little bit better I translated them into English for this post.

Chapter 1
Pony Pieces

1.1. Lyra Heartstrings
Back in 2014 when I wrote this piece, Lyra wasn't much more than a background pony who loved to jump around and sit on benches like a human being, and yet she was one of the fans' favourite ponies. In "Background Ponies #1 - Lyra Heartstrings" I tried to combine her cutie mark (a lyra, here played by the harp) and her playful and cheerie attitude with music. As one of my first orchestral pieces ever it can be described as the beginning of my "carreer" as a hobby composer.

1.2. Princess Celestia
The second piece I want to present here was written no more than two weeks after "Lyra Heartstrings".
Having been the sole ruler of the land the series played in for 1,000 years, Celestia sure is a royal figure. But all those years someone was missing by her side - her sister Luna who she had to banish to the moon to stop her from bringing eternal night over Equestria. She may be a royal pony, but deep inside the loss of her sister still hurts... Good thing the series starts with the main characters bringing Luna back for good, right?

1.3. Canterlot
At the cliffs of the highest mountain in Equestria, high above the heads of the ponies of the land, lie the city and the castle of Canterlot. If you want to find high society in Equestria, look no further.

1.4. The Story of Hearth's Warming Eve
Back in olden times, long before Celestia and Luna even started ruling Equestria, back when there was no Equestria to begin with, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns did not live in harmony. Their hatred for each other however helped a group of ice spirits named "Windigos" become powerful and cover the whole land in snow and blizzards. Still, instead of helping each other get through this crisis, the three tribes kept fighting and making things worse and worse - until at the peak of disaster a small group of ponies from all tribes got along and managed to get their leaders to listen and help each other. The story has been passed on for generations in Equestria and is as important to the ponies as christmas is to many of us.

1.5. The Pony of Shadows
When Nightmare Moon was banished, not every last bit of her dark magic went with her... When night falls on the castle, that magic takes the form of... the PONY OF SHADOWS!
Yet another old pony legend I decided to work into a piece of music. Technically this is an overture for an opera - well, an opera that doesn't exist (yet)...

Chapter 2
Pony-inspired Pieces

2.1. A Winter Day in Equestria
Being the third orchestral piece I wrote based on MLP, "A Winter Day" was the first one to not actually be connected to a certain pony or place. I wrote it (what a surprise) on a couple of snowy winter days and tried to capture as many aspects of those as I could - the first snow before sunrise, the sparkling landscape, the children playing outside... Feel free to close your eyes and think about your own impressions!

2.2. Do you remember Whitetail Wood?
Whitetail Wood was mentioned only once in an episode from the first season of MLP, but it did leave an impression on me. What are your thoughts on the forest when you hear this piece?
"Whitetail Wood" did inspire me so much that I wrote down the whole piece in only 18 hours, only interrupted by a meal and a choir rehearsal.

Chapter 3
Miscellaneous Pieces

3.1. Equal except for the colour
Being one of my older pieces as well, this one also is one of the shortest. I planned it for a Pokémon fan-fiction of the same name, one that was centered around a conflict between "normal" and "shiny" Pokémon. It was supposed to act as a short interlude between the rather dark and sinister prologue and the happy first chapter.

3.2. Puss in Boots
Based on the popular fairytale with the same name, this piece is the latest addition to my portfolio. Not really much I can tell about it, so just get into it and listen for yourself.


Hello Ninsheetmusic community,

I really don't know what to say, so I just present my self-composed music here. Every piece of music will get an own short description, followed by YouTube video links. If you want to say anything, tell me.

Concertino in G minor (Organ)

Prelude, Fugue, Interlude, Fugue. This piece of music was created about two years ago during the summer holidays. I really don't know if it can be played - I haven't been able to play it yet.  ;D

Concertino in G minor

Fugue in B minor (Piano)

A friend of mine asked for a piece of music for piano, including a fugue that should not be too hard to play. Until now only the fugue has been finished, but I hope I will get the prelude later.  ;D

Fugue in B minor

Prelude and Fugue in C major (Organ)[/u]

This prelude and fugue were also written during the summer holidays, one year ago. Nothing much to tell about that, just listen.

Prelude and Fugue in C major

Fugue in A-flat major (Organ)[/u]

This fugue uses the theme from Bach's "Fuga XVII" from the "Well-Tempered Clavier Book I". Just a little experiment.

Fugue in A-flat major


Well, we have got ourselves a Bach Jr.

Welcome to NSM, your music is impressive, as fugues are not easy to write with all the counterpoint that goes along with them. Sure, they need a little polish, but nothing that can't be solved with more experience. I'm going to assume you are an organist, with the output you've provided here. You music is very nice, its very refreshing to see young composers writing in the "out dated" forms of the Baroque era. Hope to hear more from you.
Try to do everything; you're bound to succeed with at least one.


Wow, it's been a while since I posted into that topic the last time.
Well, however, I've got something new to show you. (If you want, of course.)

This time it's (surprise!) a fugue, E flat major and for piano. Enjoy! (Or don't, whatever.)

Fugue in E flat major


Phew, has been quite a while... Well, let's get started.

Since the last post I made here a few things have changed about the music I write. Instead of organ or piano solo pieces I Started writing for groups of musicians and eventually made my way to orchestral music. The orchestral pieces I wrote during that time will be the main subject of this post.

There will be three chapters for the pieces: Pony Pieces, Pony-inspired pieces and Miscellaneous Pieces. I want to separate them here simply because listeners who are not familiar with the My Little Pony TV series might find it hard to get the Pony pieces since they don't know the characters or the history. The pony-inspired pieces do not need that kind of background knowledge even though they are based on things from the series. The Miscellaneous Pieces have nothing to do with MLP:FIM.

You should also know that some of the titles mentioned here may be different from the titles on YouTube. Some of the pieces originally have a German title, but to help understand them a little bit better I translated them into English for this post.

Chapter 1
Pony Pieces

1.1. Lyra Heartstrings
Back in 2014 when I wrote this piece, Lyra wasn't much more than a background pony who loved to jump around and sit on benches like a human being, and yet she was one of the fans' favourite ponies. In "Background Ponies #1 - Lyra Heartstrings" I tried to combine her cutie mark (a lyra, here played by the harp) and her playful and cheerie attitude with music. As one of my first orchestral pieces ever it can be described as the beginning of my "carreer" as a hobby composer.

1.2. Princess Celestia
The second piece I want to present here was written no more than two weeks after "Lyra Heartstrings".
Having been the sole ruler of the land the series played in for 1,000 years, Celestia sure is a royal figure. But all those years someone was missing by her side - her sister Luna who she had to banish to the moon to stop her from bringing eternal night over Equestria. She may be a royal pony, but deep inside the loss of her sister still hurts... Good thing the series starts with the main characters bringing Luna back for good, right?

1.3. Canterlot
At the cliffs of the highest mountain in Equestria, high above the heads of the ponies of the land, lie the city and the castle of Canterlot. If you want to find high society in Equestria, look no further.

1.4. The Story of Hearth's Warming Eve
Back in olden times, long before Celestia and Luna even started ruling Equestria, back when there was no Equestria to begin with, earth ponies, pegasi and unicorns did not live in harmony. Their hatred for each other however helped a group of ice spirits named "Windigos" become powerful and cover the whole land in snow and blizzards. Still, instead of helping each other get through this crisis, the three tribes kept fighting and making things worse and worse - until at the peak of disaster a small group of ponies from all tribes got along and managed to get their leaders to listen and help each other. The story has been passed on for generations in Equestria and is as important to the ponies as christmas is to many of us.

1.5. The Pony of Shadows
When Nightmare Moon was banished, not every last bit of her dark magic went with her... When night falls on the castle, that magic takes the form of... the PONY OF SHADOWS!
Yet another old pony legend I decided to work into a piece of music. Technically this is an overture for an opera - well, an opera that doesn't exist (yet)...

Chapter 2
Pony-inspired Pieces

2.1. A Winter Day in Equestria
Being the third orchestral piece I wrote based on MLP, "A Winter Day" was the first one to not actually be connected to a certain pony or place. I wrote it (what a surprise) on a couple of snowy winter days and tried to capture as many aspects of those as I could - the first snow before sunrise, the sparkling landscape, the children playing outside... Feel free to close your eyes and think about your own impressions!

2.2. Do you remember Whitetail Wood?
Whitetail Wood was mentioned only once in an episode from the first season of MLP, but it did leave an impression on me. What are your thoughts on the forest when you hear this piece?
"Whitetail Wood" did inspire me so much that I wrote down the whole piece in only 18 hours, only interrupted by a meal and a choir rehearsal.

Chapter 3
Miscellaneous Pieces

3.1. Equal except for the colour
Being one of my older pieces as well, this one also is one of the shortest. I planned it for a Pokémon fan-fiction of the same name, one that was centered around a conflict between "normal" and "shiny" Pokémon. It was supposed to act as a short interlude between the rather dark and sinister prologue and the happy first chapter.

3.2. Puss in Boots
Based on the popular fairytale with the same name, this piece is the latest addition to my portfolio. Not really much I can tell about it, so just get into it and listen for yourself.