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Gaming / Re: What are you playing right...
Last post by BlackDragonSlayer - August 19, 2024, 03:51:48 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on August 18, 2024, 11:08:23 PMTo answer the question of the thread, I'm actually back in Super Mario Sunshine B) I've progressively gotten more focused on glitches each time I play it, and now I'm trying to max out the number of Shine Sprites I get before fighting Shadow Mario in the Plaza the first time he appears. I'm currently keeping my game open (though the Switch is in sleep mode) while I'm in the chase sequence with Shadow Mario (I think I got all 17 possible shines because I'm not yet skilled enough to access the police station shine turboless quite yet). But uh... I got distracted by a side mission mid-chase. I'll have photos for you soon. I don't think I've done anything this absurd in a video game ever. :)
Are you planning on learning speedrunning for the game, or just trying to dive into a new aspect of the game with the glitches?

I beat another Metroidvania, this time Xeodrifter by the Mutant Mudd devs. Pretty fun game all things considered. It's a bit unfortunate how short it is: it only took me around 5 hours to 100% the game (aside from 1 achievement which I probably won't bother with). The movement takes a while to get used to (basically the opposite of Alwa's Awakening), but once you do it works pretty well for the game. The game could really benefit from diagonal aiming (with a "lock" button so you can shoot while standing still). There aren't any save rooms aside from your main ship + checkpoints immediately before and after each boss (all the bosses are variations on the same enemy, with more attacks than the previous boss), which is mildly annoying with how few health pickups there are. The more you progress the more linear the game feels. Right at the beginning you're offered the choice of four planets to go to and occasionally have to bounce back and forth between them, but each planet map is basically a closed loop or two with a couple hallways either connecting them or branching off of them. There isn't a lot of room for exploration or multiple branching paths to get to the same place. Because it's such a short game, I feel like there's a lot of opportunity for each planet map to essentially double in size, offering a lot more flexibility and open-endedness like a true Metroidvania. I don't imagine we'll ever get an "expanded" version of the game, or even a sequel, but the potential is certainly there!!!

Overall, would probably give the game an 8.2/10.
Off-Topic / Re: The Rant Thread/My Life Su...
Last post by BlackDragonSlayer - August 19, 2024, 03:34:36 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on August 18, 2024, 11:11:04 PMSharp inhale

Joycon drift. It's making this very difficult and absurd side mission I'm doing in Sunshine EXTREMELY frustrating. That is all.
It's a shame that Joycon drift has tainted the otherwise solid reputation of the Switch (even though it's a minor annoyance, it's still something that shouldn't be happening at all). Let's hope Nintendo does better with their next console.
Off-Topic / Re: The Rant Thread/My Life Su...
Last post by - August 19, 2024, 11:03:43 AM
A decent number of missions from Super Mario Sunshine were extremely frustrating, I can't imagine how agonizing they would be with Joy-Con drift.
Forum Games / Re: Whoevers post last wins. N...
Last post by A# Minor - August 19, 2024, 08:54:02 AM
I can't tell if you're correcting my grammar or just trying to make me say "no"

... or both
Off-Topic / Re: The Rant Thread/My Life Su...
Last post by E. Gadd Industries - August 18, 2024, 11:11:04 PM
Sharp inhale

Joycon drift. It's making this very difficult and absurd side mission I'm doing in Sunshine EXTREMELY frustrating. That is all.
Forum Games / Re: Whoevers post last wins. N...
Last post by E. Gadd Industries - August 18, 2024, 11:09:37 PM
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right...
Last post by E. Gadd Industries - August 18, 2024, 11:08:23 PM
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on August 16, 2024, 12:45:14 AMI've been endeavoring to clear out my Steam library by playing, and hopefully beating, as many games as possible (some games are multiplayer or are designed to be played continuously with no clear end in sight; and I may even abandon some games for various reasons).

The most recent game I completed was Alwa's Awakening. Overall, while I enjoyed the game, I wasn't a huge fan. Although the game is a Metroidvania, you really don't get a lot of powerups that directly power up the main character. For example, by the end of the game, your jump isn't any higher than it was at the beginning of the game; you don't gain any more hearts (though you do gain a vial which refills your hearts after you die from non-instakill damage); the only special attack you gain is the lightning magic. With the relatively short length of the game I feel it works out well enough, though I'd rather have gotten two extra hearts instead of the vial, which is annoying to have to manually refill.

The game seems to enjoy wasting your time and is overall more tedious than difficult (though I'd say the first three bosses are well designed and actually difficult). There are waaaaaaay too many instakill obstacles, especially for a Metroidvania, which makes the game feel more like a standard platformer that got converted to a Metroidvania late into development. Travel is frequently annoying, since there are a lot of instances where it's difficult if not downright impossible to go back the way you came (at least until you unlock the upgraded bubble). The movement feels a bit stifled at times, and hitboxes/hurtboxes tend to feel unfavorable to you and favorable to the enemies/obstacles even when you wouldn't expect them to be.

Apparently the sequel, Alwa's Legacy, improves a lot of some of the game's issues, so I'd be open to trying it in the future if it ever goes on sale.

Yeesh that sounds like a harsh experience :') At least the dev was open to improving issues in the sequel? Though, I can't say I've heard of either of those games... I also wonder, Atcero if you read this, what is your opinion on it as our resident Metroidvania connoisseur?

Quote from: RaraCool on August 18, 2024, 02:25:39 PMStill playing through RDR2 slowly and surely, same with Tears of the Kingdom. I'm having the same problem I had with Skyrim where I interact farrr too much with the environment as opposed to the main quest.
Uf I feel this. I ended up just trying to get through TotK as fast as I can and I don't think I enjoyed it as much because of that. But I was trying to get back into a busy semester and realized I was playing entirely too much and not devoting enough time to other important things I needed to take care of.

To answer the question of the thread, I'm actually back in Super Mario Sunshine B) I've progressively gotten more focused on glitches each time I play it, and now I'm trying to max out the number of Shine Sprites I get before fighting Shadow Mario in the Plaza the first time he appears. I'm currently keeping my game open (though the Switch is in sleep mode) while I'm in the chase sequence with Shadow Mario (I think I got all 17 possible shines because I'm not yet skilled enough to access the police station shine turboless quite yet). But uh... I got distracted by a side mission mid-chase. I'll have photos for you soon. I don't think I've done anything this absurd in a video game ever. :)
Project Archive / Re: Metamyrrh's Aquatic Update...
Last post by Latios212 - August 18, 2024, 05:46:08 PM
Quote from: Metamyrrh on August 04, 2024, 12:45:47 AMThank you very much for the feedback! Everything is updated, except for the last point, did you mean the note in m15 LH beat 4.5? I still hear a D there, not a B. I also added some more dynamic markings.
Whoops, my bad, I think I meant a G - the same one that plays on beat 3.

Quote from: Latios212 on August 03, 2024, 08:11:32 PM- I'd suggest going over m. 12 again and putting some of the harmonies on beat 3-4 into the right hand; the left hand is missing some bass there.
Looks better, though how about removing the E from the LH beat 4 chord? It sounds a bit muddy down there.

Quote from: Latios212 on August 03, 2024, 08:11:32 PM- Any particular reason for writing the RH harmony in m. 10 but not 14?
How about the B on beat 1.5?

Other things as I peek at this one a second time:
- I think the E isn't present on top of the second chord in m. 8? The melody sounds like it resolves to C here.

If it sounds good to you, I can do the .mus conversion and some visual cleanup after your next revision, before I approve!
Submissions / Re: [NDS] Ace Attorney Investi...
Last post by Latios212 - August 18, 2024, 03:43:57 PM
Quote from: Metamyrrh on August 05, 2024, 05:58:00 PMThis game is finally going to be released in English in September. I used the localized game title in the sheet. However, the localized song title is not currently known.
I checked with mastersuperfan and we agreed it makes sense to update the game title to the English version now, so I've updated that on the site and on this submission. As for the other sheets on site, I think we can wait to update the game title and track titles at the same time once they are known.
Gaming / Re: What are you playing right...
Last post by RaraCool - August 18, 2024, 02:25:39 PM
Right now the two games on the heaviest rotation are Tetris for NES (Bizhawk, Tetris Gym romhack) and Skate 3 (RPCS3). I recently got an Xbox One for free and have been playing through Hades, but its hard to find time to sit down at the couch and play (as opposed to anywhere with my laptop... as long as I'm plugged in :P )
Still playing through RDR2 slowly and surely, same with Tears of the Kingdom. I'm having the same problem I had with Skyrim where I interact farrr too much with the environment as opposed to the main quest.
For me, Skate 3 is where it's at currently because it's so easy to be aimless with it. It launches quick and it autosaves meaning I can open and close it during my study breaks, and Tetris gets me focused to the point where I forget where I am