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Submissions / Re: [NDS] Pokémon Black Versio...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 26, 2024, 12:15:48 PM
Quote from: goldenscruff on August 07, 2024, 11:08:47 PMI will wait for a third opinion.
Okay can do on that.

Quote from: goldenscruff on August 07, 2024, 11:08:47 PMm7-8 I'm not quite sure what you wanted with the rests etc. I've gone back to version 2 but added solid lines. I can't make dotted lines in notepad, and the dotted lines that I can import are restricted to being horizontal only.
The slur made more sense when I wasn't splitting the part between hands.
What you have is generally what I was thinking of, can just swap the solid lines for dotted/dashed ones later.

• m7 LH 2nd voice not sure why I didn't spot this sooner but you could just combine these notes into a dotted half note
• m16 thoughts on changing beat 3-4 of the RH to the notes that are currently in the LH for those beats? And then just making the LH a Bb like what is heard in the original.
• m17-19 RH been thinking about this particular section, but I would suggest making the LH part a bit more in line with the bassline and moving the melody back up to the RH/original octaves. Main reason I'm suggesting this is because I think the parts that are currently represented in the RH are not as prominent and it doesn't make sense to shift the melody octave for them.
• m32 LH going to suggest removing upper notes on each half note and doing maybe something like this:
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. Currently it just sounds a little off with those upper notes
• m34 LH hearing a Dn on beat 4.5 maybe you could make that in the 1st voice (change from whole note to dotted half tied to an 8th note on 4.0)
• m39 RH 1.5 is a Db
Submissions / Re: [SNES] The Legend of the M...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 26, 2024, 11:34:25 AM
• Maybe add a dashed line from m11 LH 1st voice beat 4 to m12 RH 2nd voice beat 1 (G#)? Just to show the progression.

Since that's a minor point though, I will give this my approval

Also on the box art in the far lower right corner... is that the umbrella miniboss from Kirby?
Submissions / Re: [NDS] Pokémon Black Versio...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 26, 2024, 11:13:02 AM
• m6 beat 1 both Gn's should be up an octave, and m8 beat 1 the Fn's (match up with m2 and m4). Basically same four measure LH pattern of m1-4 applies for all the measure until m17, and then again for m27-30
• Couple other smaller things you could address - there's a lot of empty space at the bottom of page 1, you could either distribute the systems a bit wider, or maybe look to move one of the systems on pg 2 over. And on pg 2 the system at the top of the page is a bit high relative to the header info (could lower it with a couple tabs down).

Gonna hold off for now but marking for myself later, some of the 2nd notes seem  a bit difficult in the RH, might look to suggest making some modifications or or dropping some notes in second voice parts where it's a bit too difficult to do runs and manage the thumb also reaching to restrike a pitch
Submissions / Re: [SW] Xenoblade Chronicles ...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 26, 2024, 10:43:13 AM
Sorry for taking a while myself to return to this, but here's some more feedback

• On the whole I think some of the measure systems could be a little less wide. Main goal being that there's not a single system on the final page. I would play around a bit but maybe there's a page or two you could manage 6 measure systems.
• Given all the hidden pedal marks is there a reason there's no con pedale direction?

Upper Staff
• m4 1st voice 3.0 not hearing a Bb in this chord... Bb makes this minor sounding, and the original this is major. I think En (above current C#) works better (note this chord is different than m29)
• m6 This is both hands, but this rhythmically sounds more prominent to me
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• m7 1.75 Not hearing a note/"The", sounds like "Final day" lyric on beat two is the start just like m5
• m13 4.75 lyric is "You" not "I"
• m29 3.0 the roll should be a bit left of the flat accidental so they don't overlap. You could make an adjustment and add more space to the beginning of this measure so there's more space to move around.

Lower Staff
• m3 2.5 An
• m3 4.5-4.75 technically it's more a gliss/slide from the En, you could do two 16th grace notes, Gn and G# leading to m4's An.
• m5 3.0 hearing this as F#
• m10 4.0 hearing Gn (up an octave from 3.0) and 4.5 Dn
• m39-41 Both voices should be flipped the opposite directions that they currently are.
Submissions / Re: [N64] Pokémon Snap - "Cave...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 26, 2024, 10:11:50 AM
Hi Spheal, welcome to NinSheetMusic!

The way the submissions process works is two updaters will review your sheet and highlight notes and formatting on your sheet that need to be updated, which you can then review and implement. Once two updaters approveof your sheet, it will be accepted and put on the site in the next update!

If you wouldn't mind also, please include a YouTube link to the audio for this song. Afterwards I can give you some feedback on formatting
Projects / Re: Fantastic Ike's Aquatic Up...
Last post by Fantastic Ike - August 26, 2024, 09:00:32 AM
Quote- Is there a reason you drop the offbeat dyads in the last section?

I left them out because...I don't really hear them lol. I could try to add in some implied harmony but I went for accuracy to the song over consistency if that makes sense.

Everything else is updated.
Project Archive / Re: Nine Lives' Aquatic Update...
Last post by Latios212 - August 25, 2024, 12:24:37 PM
Awesome! Looks good to me, with the small caveat that things don't look right as usual on my version of Finale (2014). I'll accept; feel free to convert files in the Accepted folder or one of us will handle it for you.

Also moving this to the archive since both are accepted! Woo!
Project Archive / Re: Nine Lives' Aquatic Update...
Last post by NineLives - August 25, 2024, 11:54:16 AM
Everything should be accounted for. I also removed the E from count 5 of measure 5. I thought it'd seem a little out of place.
Quote from: Latios212 on August 25, 2024, 10:26:57 AMI keep hearing "Take me out to the ball game".
I hear a little bit of that and "In the Good Old Summertime." ;D
Projects / Re: Fantastic Ike's Aquatic Up...
Last post by Latios212 - August 25, 2024, 11:31:54 AM
Koopa Troopa Beach

This is looking much nicer than when I initially looked at it. Nice work you and Kricketune for getting this into real good shape! Here's my feedback:
- Double barline at the end of m. 4
- Melody in m. 12 should be a half note
- For m. 12/28, you could remove the E in the offbeat triads to keep it consistent dyads like in the other measures.
- For m. 18/34, how about writing the LH similar to how you have it in m. 12 with the descending bass?
- Beat 2 is flipped down incorrectly in m. 39 RH
- Beat 4.5 RH of m. 44 should also be a third (B underneath instead of A)
- m. 44 is a G chord, and similar comment as above with the triads, so I'd suggest something like this:
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- Is there a reason you drop the offbeat dyads in the last section?
- In m. 52 I'd suggest restriking the whole chord for a fuller sound, the C up top sounds kind of empty all by itself
- I think the lowest note in the chord in m. 53 should be F instead of E

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 31, 2024, 07:27:35 AMm48 both hands this section is in the key of Gn. As such, it looks a tad bit cleaner to have sharp accidentals (Db -> C#, Gb -> F#). Let me know if you need a further explanation here
I disagree with this, the descending chromatic movement in the bass would be easier written with flats. The right hand does have a C# that resolves to a Cn in the next bar; writing this as a Db would be weird with the En but this is a case where I'd personally be okay not spelling them the same way in the LH/RH. I think what you have now though is fine if you prefer. Whatever you end up doing though, make sure it's consistent between m. 40-41 and 48-49 since it's the same progression in both places.

Wait, Masayoshi Soken is a composer for this? That's not a name I expected to see for this game lol
Project Archive / Re: Nine Lives' Aquatic Update...
Last post by Latios212 - August 25, 2024, 10:26:57 AM
The Wide, Wide Ocean

Time to actually check this one! Thank you for your patience, just a couple of small things before acceptance.
- The melody in m. 5 is a bit obscured beneath the repeated G's on beats 2-3. How about taking them out?
- The mordent in m. 6 should be flatted.

I keep hearing "Take me out to the ball game".