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Projects / Re: Bloop's Aquatic Project Sh...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 30, 2024, 08:58:00 AM
Quote from: Bloop on August 29, 2024, 11:05:50 AMI think that might be a weird cut-off in the ost version, in this video at 1:32 you can hear the G# at the end:
Though I think in all three times it stops at a different point in the loop, so it probably just loops until the boss reaches the ground.
Oh you are totally right! Never played TP but listening to this gameplay can hear as you have it.

Quote from: Bloop on August 29, 2024, 11:05:50 AMI think that fade in is also a weird ost thingy, I can kiiinda hear it in the video above (after the Deku Toad jumps part) but it sounds as if the real loop begins at beat 1.
Agree with you as well here, can hear from the video as you have it.

Just one last question, did you mean to make the end line of the rubato a dashed line? If that's a standard thing to do I may have forgotten/don't know the reasoning

Other stuff looks good, Deku Toad approved

Project Archive / Re: Metamyrrh's Aquatic Update...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 30, 2024, 08:39:26 AM
Perfect! I accept the never ending rain (it is monsoon season)
Projects / Re: Rubikium's Aquatic Update ...
Last post by Rubikium - August 30, 2024, 03:38:37 AM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 21, 2024, 07:52:44 PM• m11 Segno (return point symbol) - we typically look to have these centered over the barline (can raise it a bit), and the mp could also be moved to the left more, so the symbol's middle aligns with the noteheads above and below it
I can't move the Segno symbol in Notepad. Please help me to move it later

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 21, 2024, 07:52:44 PM• m26 RH b3 hearing Dn
• m36 RH b3 hearing C# up an octave
I'm not hearing these two, so I kept them as is for now

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 21, 2024, 07:52:44 PM• m61 RH the Bn sounds to me like it starts on beat 2?
I hear it starts at beat 1 with a crescendo

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 21, 2024, 07:52:44 PM• I think for the entirety of m1-10 every RH 8th note could be staccatoed.
• m43 RH the F# sounds like it's dotted quarter length, followed by a C# 8th length, and a C# on b3 that ties to an 8th length C# on m44 b1.
• m86 RH 3.5 hearing En above current An
• m94 LH Bb doesn't really fit on top of this C major chord, you could instead replace and add a Cn on top of current notes.
Project Archive / Re: Metamyrrh's Aquatic Update...
Last post by Metamyrrh - August 29, 2024, 09:44:24 PM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 02:11:31 PMVery limited commentary from me seems to be in pretty good shape
• m3 LH beat 3 the Cn here as I understand is up an octave originally, you could move it back to that original octave and just have it in the RH second voice
Thank you for looking it over! :) That change sounds good to me.
Forum Games / Re: Whoevers post last wins. N...
Last post by Mr_Chicken - August 29, 2024, 03:02:14 PM
Projects / Re: Bloop's Aquatic Project Sh...
Last post by Bloop - August 29, 2024, 11:05:50 AM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:19:19 PM• m57 RH hearing G# on bottom beat 2 and Fn for beat 4
Yep, got them! Wrote the G# as Ab enharmonically

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:19:19 PM• m60 RH 2.75 is silent? It sounds like the Fn on 2.5 is the last not to me
I think that might be a weird cut-off in the ost version, in this video at 1:32 you can hear the G# at the end:
Though I think in all three times it stops at a different point in the loop, so it probably just loops until the boss reaches the ground.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:19:19 PM• m61-64 RH current beat 4 should move to the beginning at beat 1 and then push current beats 1-3 up by one beat.
I think that fade in is also a weird ost thingy, I can kiiinda hear it in the video above (after the Deku Toad jumps part) but it sounds as if the real loop begins at beat 1.

Anyway, files are fixed!
Story Telling / Re: E. Gadd's Stories - "Journ...
Last post by BlackDragonSlayer - August 28, 2024, 03:24:32 PM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on August 05, 2024, 05:21:36 PM
4. The Grandfather Paradox
I've often considered writing a story that's basically all dialogue, perhaps even taking it a step further so that the reader only sees one side of the conversation :P It's certainly a challenge to limit yourself to just dialogue.
Project Archive / Re: Metamyrrh's Aquatic Update...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 28, 2024, 02:11:31 PM
Very limited commentary from me seems to be in pretty good shape
• m3 LH beat 3 the Cn here as I understand is up an octave originally, you could move it back to that original octave and just have it in the RH second voice
Projects / Re: Olimar12345's Aquatic Upda...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 28, 2024, 01:53:59 PM
Quote from: Olimar12345 on August 22, 2024, 08:02:19 AMI think you were confused about this in one of my previous submissions as well. I've adjusted the scale of the document, which is why it appears smaller, in case you were curious. I do this sometimes when I feel like the music spacing will benefit.
Oh forgot bout this point or had it mixed up at the very least. I think we usually would like to skew towards keeping some elements consistently sized like the copyright/titles/headers, and by using the resize staff size tool as opposed to changing those aforementioned elements.

But minor stuff so will accept Sector 4
Projects / Re: Cashwarrior1's Aquatic Upd...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 28, 2024, 01:41:51 PM
Quote from: cashwarrior1 on August 22, 2024, 11:17:50 AMI think I understood that, let me know if I did it wrong lol
That looks like I meant!

• m15 I was hearing those LH notes as Bb-Fn-Bb-Fn each a quarter note not 8th notes going between octaves
• m24-m27 beat 2.0 LH I was looking at this again, is there a reason to have beat 2 and 3 raised like that?
• m43 RH 1st voice you could lower this half rest to the standard height

Took a while to digest this one but I think that's all of my commentary