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Submissions / Re: [SW] Xenoblade Chronicles ...
Last post by MomoQca - Today at 10:10:25 AM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 26, 2024, 10:43:13 AM• On the whole I think some of the measure systems could be a little less wide. Main goal being that there's not a single system on the final page. I would play around a bit but maybe there's a page or two you could manage 6 measure systems.
I was able to cut it down to 5 systems per page (page 2 and onwards).

Quote• Given all the hidden pedal marks is there a reason there's no con pedale direction?
No reason in particular. I keep forgetting to include con pedale lol

Quote• m7 1.75 Not hearing a note/"The", sounds like "Final day" lyric on beat two is the start just like m5
• m13 4.75 lyric is "You" not "I"
The lyrics has been taken from the official OST booklet (which I have). This site has the lyrics taken from the booklet. For the first point, the "The" in <The final day has come to an end> has been eliminated. The singer doesn't appear to pronounce the word despite it being in the official lyrics. However for the second point, I left the "I" in <I will trace back all the memories>. It sounds like it could go either way, but I personally prefer to use the official one.

Quote• m3 4.5-4.75 technically it's more a gliss/slide from the En, you could do two 16th grace notes, Gn and G# leading to m4's An.
I think I fixed this. I messaged you via Discord. If needed, I will adjust accordingly.

Everything else has been addressed.
Projects / Re: ThatHiddenCharacter's Aqua...
Last post by ThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 07:15:16 AM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:21:58 PMBumping for arranger as it's been over a month since I left feedback and we generally try to move the projects on a bit more of a fixed timeline
Sorry, work has been hectic lately, we've been understaffed. I've updated the file now, though!

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 26, 2024, 07:54:50 AM• m15 RH there is a Fn above the notes currently on beat 1.33, and I don't hear the Ab
This is the only particular note I disagree with, though I do believe what I had was also a bit incorrect. I'm pretty sure the harpsichord is playing a (each pair listed in descending order) Bb-G, Bb-Ab, Bb-D, then Ab-C on the offbeats. It's also an octave higher than I originally had it. So I adjusted that accordingly, still including the flute bit in there as well, of course.

I also noticed a couple more notes in the bass I had missed and added those.
Submissions / Re: [SW] Xenoblade Chronicles ...
Last post by MomoQca - Today at 06:38:41 AM

Posted in error. I'll edit this once I update the files.
Projects / Re: XiaoMigros' Aquatic Update...
Last post by Bloop - Today at 05:03:06 AM
Swan Lake
-m4: I think I hear the E on beat 1.5 R.H. an octave higher?
-m12: I hear an F# in the R.H. on beat 3 instead of a G
-m33: I think I hear a C in the R.H. on beat 1.5 instead of an E
-m37: I hear the R.H. here similar to m33 (so C-Eb instead of E-E in beat 1.5-2)
-m41: Again the C in 1.5
-m47 and 55: I hear E#'s in beat 3.5 and 4.5 in the L.H., and maybe a C# in beat 4 but not sure
-m65 and 67: Maybe you could either tie over the grace note E's in the R.H. for playability, or remove them like in m69 and 71?
-m70: Maybe you could displace the F# in layer 1 so it's next to the half note? The quarter note currently hides the half note notehead.
Projects / Re: Th3Gavst3r's Aquatic Updat...
Last post by Bloop - Today at 04:32:07 AM
Quote from: Th3Gavst3r on August 27, 2024, 04:03:10 PMI definitely hear downward movement to the C# there. There might be some low E from the mid chords, but adding it to the LH sounds muddy and there's an E in the RH already
Ah yeah I can hear it in the harp now. The E is probably there in the synth strings choir pad thingy, which kinda overshadows it after beat 1, but yeah no need to put it in the L.H. ^^

Quote from: Th3Gavst3r on August 27, 2024, 04:03:10 PMThe spread of these arpeggios is so wide that I can't find a really good way to write them. With clefs you end up with clef switches every beat and much more cramped bars. And if you add the cross-staff handing it ends up with a wacky amount of context switching. Maybe pianists can just do that? A smooth line of ottava'ed arpeggios makes a lot more sense to me, but with that approach you do lose some clarity with hand prescription. I've uploaded both options to the "Older files" Dropbox folder for comparison, but used your clef suggestion as the main folder's version. I'd be happy to hear others' thoughts about these and other possible approaches.
I think what you have right now is good: the clef switching isn't really a problem to read (for me at least), I believe it happens more often for wide arpeggios like these. The cross-staffing looks good too cuz it's always after one of the dyads in the R.H., so the player can see from those in which octave they need to play too. Only thing I noticed was that in m20 and 28, the D in beat 2 is played in both hands. Maybe you can add parentheses to the L.H. one, and cross-staff the one in beat 2.75 too since it's in the R.H. anyway?

A third option btw might be to remove the 8vas and use crosstaffing instead of clef switching:

The melody being this high isn't ideal though, especially the high A's and B's, but the readability for the arpeggios is a lot clearer now. I used slurs so it's clear the line continues on from the L.H. The player can then decide for themself if they wanna play them with the R.H. or the L.H. in some places.
Projects / Re: Fernman's Aquatic Update P...
Last post by Bloop - Today at 04:00:36 AM
Sorry for the wait! I've started working on a final formatting edit, which I added in the project folder here. I included some changes listed below, but let me know if there's something you want changed

Quote from: Fernman on July 23, 2024, 09:26:59 PMI like the intro now, should the pedal be held in 2 measure increments?
One pedal throughout works too if you want!

Quote from: Fernman on July 23, 2024, 09:26:59 PMin m4, I had put beat 4 of the LH in the RH so the LH had more time jump to the Fn
Both have their advantages and disadvantages. I personally would prefer keeping beat 4 in the L.H. and having the player decide for themself if they wanna play it in the L.H., but this way works too.
In the edit I kept it as is, but I put the F-Bb in beat 4 in a separate layer.

Quote from: Fernman on July 23, 2024, 09:26:59 PMI'll defer to whatever you think is best since you know notation better.
I think I'd personally go to shrinking the notehead then ^^

Other things I fixed in the edit:
-The A in m6 beat 2 wasn't tied over in m7
-m29: Apparently the image sharing site doesn't keep my files up for that long lol, anyway in my screenshot I had R.H. beat 3 as A-F instead of F-C, as an end point for the grace notes.
-Fixed the rest placement in m33 L.H.
-Flipped staccatos at the end of m34 L.H.
-Edited the measure distribution so the notes aren't too squeezed together.

Quote from: Fernman on July 23, 2024, 09:26:59 PMSeparate question: can I substitute "Sunny Beach" for "Options Menu" from Wave Race? Even though submissions are closed?
if not, that's fine.
Since submissions are closed we won't be accepting substitute submissions, sorry!
Projects / Re: Cashwarrior1's Aquatic Upd...
Last post by cashwarrior1 - August 30, 2024, 03:05:41 PM
Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:41:51 PM• m24-m27 beat 2.0 LH I was looking at this again, is there a reason to have beat 2 and 3 raised like that?
Yeah, I wanted to indicate the RH play those notes. I kept those notes attached to the lower staff just because it felt more consistent with the voices being played. I do think that it'll be fine to change though if desired.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on August 28, 2024, 01:41:51 PMTook a while to digest this one but I think that's all of my commentary
Thanks for taking the time to tackle a hard piece!

Piano Arrangements /'s Arrangements - [A...
Last post by - August 30, 2024, 02:51:20 PM
You didn't think I forgot about this game, did you?


[ARCADE] Haunted Castle - "A Lullaby Sent to the Devils"


Recently, Konami unveiled at Nintendo's recent Partner Showcase direct a new collection for Switch, Castlevania Dominus Collection, which has the three Nintendo DS games plus a good amount of bonus material. That's all well and good for Metroidvania fans, but what they also included is Haunted Castle Revisited, a remake of the dreaded Haunted Castle that released to arcades in 1987. The original is a very sloppy, unreasonably difficult game that doesn't hold a candle to the original Castlevania, but Revisited is a miraculous improvement that turns it from a bad time to a pleasant one. It's on a similar level of quality to Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth, but unlike that game it doesn't outright abandon its source material; it's faithful everywhere that matters, including the soundtrack. Listening to the new arrangements made me remember I only have a few sheets left from the original, so in an hour and a half I whipped up one for "A Lullaby Sent to the Devils". There's probably some room for improvement, so I'll be submitting it next round, alongside a replacement for "Crash Man Stage". Enjoy!
Submissions / Re: [DC] Sonic Adventure - "At...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 30, 2024, 12:58:19 PM
• I don't know if you have the flexibility to make this update- but the measure per system is a bit cramped for parts of page 1. You could try 5 measures per system for the entire arrangement, or 4 if there parts that look cramped with 5

• I spent a lot of time looking at the first 16 bars of this and listening. Here's what I think would work best (I need to still do a review of the LH a bit more at m7-8) for the RH and some of the LH. Lmk your thoughts on these potential changes, more or less I did my best to parse out the melody and incorporate other parts going on. Feel free to add accents and such, I didn't take that much time to look at that more just to correct notes

Edit Ideas for m1-m16 (Dropbox Link)

• m8-m16 I think the LH at this point should switch to the bassline. I like the idea of your part that you made for m1-8 incorporating a few different parts, but again have to look at it a bit more.

Quotem20 and m28 unsure what to change about inner notes
On the inner notes - I meant that it's typically easier to play multiple notes at the start of a phrase than on beat 2 for example (looking at current m19). But also, having a chord at the start of a measure when it is heard in the original source at the start just makes sense from a setting the chord tone and accuracy standpoint. So at m17 for example beat 1 in the RH would be spelled out as An-En-Cn-An

I would usually advise against using other arrangements as reference - this one in particular sounds like it is more a transcription than an arrangement. While we strive for accuracy here, we also strive to make sure arrangements are playable (not that yours isn't, but there are some things that this arrangement you linked would not be playable unless you had three hands, to confirm your suspicions).

However one thing I do think I picked up on from this linked arrangement which differs from how you arranged is that the melody on your sheet is placed up an octave from m17 and on. Usually we try to make sure the melody stays in its original octaves and move down harmonies unless there's some part that's more important at some point in a song.

So with that said I think you could make some changes to your current RH part from m17 and on and move the notes to their original octave where applicable - may need to make modifications to the LH as a result (looking at page 2), but as I said in my first post, there is a lot to go through so I'm trying to keep things manageable. As a starting point for adjusting the LH, could follow what I did for m9-16 LH, which is just the bassline basically.
Projects / Re: Francesca's Acquatic Updat...
Last post by Kricketune54 - August 30, 2024, 11:57:31 AM
Hi apologies for the long time this went without feedback. There's going to be a lot I have to review more specifically between m5-m52,but to start off here's a few things I noticed in the notes.

• m1 RH beat 3 - there's actually a 32nd rest on 3.0, and then the F# currently on 3.0 is 32nd length right after the rest. This applies to m2-4, m29-32, m41-m48 RH part's.

Separately, I think tonally the LH chords are wrong for m1-4, and also apply for later LH measures as well.
•m1 En as the root in m1 beat 1 for example I think makes it sound E minor, when I think it would better to start the roll at Gn. I'm hearing the chord top to bottom as: Gn-Dn-Bn-F#. Then beat 3 it shifts to Bn-Gn-Dn-Gn (taking full advantage of the roll)
• m2 There's a bit more in the chords here, but I think these would work well (again top to bottom) C#-An-F#-En for beat 1, and beat 3 An-En-C#-F#
• These chords apply to m29-32, m41-m48 as well

• m53-56 I would relisten here. There's a lot more notes that could be added to fill out chords for the LH to play.