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Messages - Eclipse

I'm actually kind of ashamed that I only submitted one song to the site...
I need to give back more... <_<|l
Quote from: Brassman388 on January 31, 2009, 07:47:34 PMImprove, as in make up your own melody to an existing harmony?

Improv, as in take a seat, push the power button (if you've got one), then play.
Just play whatever comes out!
Off-Topic / I'm quite pleased this site won't die!
January 31, 2009, 02:10:44 PM
Though I am getting tired of being all sad each time it goes down for months at a time...
Regardless I'll probably never leave this fantastic archive and am going to put a video of Tree Top Town (the most fun song I've learned from this site) up on youtube eventually, because I noticed there isn't one.

I'm also glad to see so many people I recognize still here!

Er... So who here likes to improvise their own music rather than learning from sheets? I'm finding myself preferring to play based on my emotions rather than ink lately, it's a lot of fun!  ;D
Ooh, this speak of FE9 work intrigues me.
Off-Topic / I still live.
June 25, 2008, 09:44:58 PM
Man, I haven't been here in such a looooooong time... <_<
Nice to see things are going well, and that there a bunches of new people.

Uh, not that it's likely any of you would recognize me anyway, but hey this is an off-topic forum.

. . .

So hai!
Off-Topic / Re: Where do you come from?
March 08, 2008, 11:02:00 AM
Alberta, Canada (near Calgary). And nice map  ;)
Nintendo / Re: Super Smash Bros Brawl
March 04, 2008, 03:10:46 PM
Well 10/10 is perfect. And there's no such things as perfect.
Nintendo / Re: the hardest mario hack ever!!!
March 04, 2008, 03:06:56 PM
I've been complaining that the video game industry is making games far too easy these days.

THIS is something they should really take a look at  ;D
Site News / If you could have one super power...
March 03, 2008, 08:37:08 PM
How come there's no neutral smiley?
Microsoft / Re: This kid needs Halo help.
March 03, 2008, 08:31:57 PM
. . .
Hate comments will be deleted? But this forum is designed specifically for Sony Bashing!
Nintendo / Re: Mario Kart Wii
March 03, 2008, 08:24:21 PM
I really hope they bring back that battle stage from the first Mario Kart. You know, the one with four large block tower things? Block Fort?

I also hope they make a course that's super-not-linear. Something like Mushroom City only with more variation depending on which path you take.

Lastly I pray they make online decent as oppose to SSBB. Honestly, if they give a game a "T" rating, why do they think that the buyers need to be babied and protected from ALL contact with whon they're fighting?
Nintendo / Re: Mario games *sigh
March 03, 2008, 08:16:26 PM
As far as the Mario franchise goes, I didn't find Galaxy to great, but that was due to the complete and utter lack of difficulty. SM64 was just epic for me because it was the first game I ever bought, and I was pretty young (so everything was challenging and the mysteries were very fufilling to solve (Boo's Mansion anyone?)). I really think they overused Hungy Lumas in SMG. I mean in SMS the secret stars were challenging to find.

SM64 has nostalgia; I love the theme and atmosphere in SMS (it's like taking a vacation!), plus it has difficulty (secret stages) and exploration (Blue Coins); and SMG was so easy it felt like work to get every last (yes, even the last secret one) star.

But the fact that SMG tried something entirely different gives it +100 points. The Mario games have been trying something new every time. Then you look at TP... It's really just OoT 1.5...

OoT has amazing nostalgia points as well, and I don't think it's fair to compare SM64 and OoT. They're both so different! And you guys seem to be forgetting that SM64 is two years older than OoT. At the rate technology was evolving at that time it's even more unfair to compare these two titles.
Site News / Re: Virtual Barbershop
March 01, 2008, 12:28:00 PM
Just ten minutes ago I lost all hearing in my left ear... Seriously   :-X

Edit: I'm quite frightened...