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Messages - Hitaru

Quote from: Concerto No.20 in D minor on February 23, 2010, 02:56:51 AMDid you really transcribe it?  I hate to be a doubter, but just type in the song on google and you get a million hits for sheet music.  lol, I don't know why doublea7 didn't just do that in the first place ; )


it's ok for you to doubt things and I don't have a problem with it ;)

Well, the thing is - this isn't the original song as you know it.
It's an improvisation based on the original sheets so ouf course you will see many things that are pretty much the same as in the original song but ~2minutes or more are an improvisation of Kyle Landry.
You can have a look at the youtube-link posted by DoubleA7 then you will see that it's not the same song which most of you know ;)

I searched the internet before I started transcribing it and I have never found the sheets for this improvisation so (without being pretentious) this could be the first transcription of this cover/improvisation.

The original song is about 3 pages long, this transcription is 7 pages + 1 line on the 8th page long ;)

Anyway, thanks for your question - why don't you give it a try and look over it by yourself, maybe you can find some mistakes or something that you could tell me so I can correct them ;)

Best regards,

Hello, I know it's been ~3weeks ago but well, I transcribed the song.
If anyone's interested in it, feel free to download it and mail me for any critics ! (Greatly appreciated - the criticmails!)

EDIT: Link deleted - mail me if you want the sheets