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Messages - Fullmetalgrudo

- Fixed issues n° 2, 3 and 4 by adding more space on the Musescore sheet before exporting the XML.

- Fixed issues n° 6, 8 and 9 by using the tools on NotePad (oh and I moved the ottava line a little bit upper).

About the other issues:

1. Title and subtitle are now horizontally centered on the page
5. There isn't enough space for the grace note on measure 5
7. Some slurs could be adjusted, like on LH on measure 4

I just decided these were not really worth the trouble ^^

And I uploaded mus, mid and pdf from NotePad !
I did the modification mentionned above about measure 1 and 13 and *rolldrum* I finally installed java and the xml cleaner program *applauses* ! And I'm taking time to watch closely the imported file on Finale NotePad. Firstable, I still have the following message when importing the .musicxml file:

"Attribute "type" with value "grace-cue" must have a value from the list "cue grace large "."

About what the sheet looks like, good news is that measure numbers are there, mini-title and page number are there on page 2, copyright is just on the first page as it's supposed to be, but there are several things that change from the original :

1. Title and subtitle are now horizontally centered on the page (whereas they were a bit shifted to the right on Musescore because I think Musescore leave a bigger margin on the left of the page maybe for binding purposes) but I don't know if it's an issue or not. I'm ok with both.

2. Subtitle is too close from the title.

3. Tempo marking is too far from the first staff.

4. The "1x only" is too close from the stem above.

5. There isn't enough space for the grace note on measure 5.

6. Staccatos measure 5 and 7 on beat 1 moved.

7. Some slurs could be adjusted, like on LH on measure 4, but it's not a big deal.

8. Ottavas are too shifted to the right and too long.

And it may be more...  :'(

EDIT: found a new one! 9. Parentheses on the notes in measure 2 beat 1 disapeared.

NB: I've just remembered that Kricketune54 had made some formatting on Finale for the last upload fixing the ottavas (and adding a dynamic which I didn't put on Musescore). But since I modified my Musescore file, I should redo those modifications too.

Well... I progress, but now I have to try to fix all of those problems... I leave this post but I'm looking for help on Discord. See you later for more update ^^'
Obviously the original 8-bit song doesn't help but when it comes to play it... It's really hard to explain how I feel but for that measure, I don't see any reason why the second D# should be different than the first one on beat 3... Sometimes, using a 8th with a staccato makes it easier to read, like on measure 1 or on measure 2 beat 3 (the rhythm that I call "syncopette" but I don't know the english word, may be the same?). Sometimes it might also depends on the melody, like in measure 8, where the 8th notes with staccatos are parts of the same melodic line (which starts on measure 8 beat 1 and ends on measure 9 beat 1) whereas 16th notes would look more like rhythmic elements making the melody less clear. It may also be about the interpretation, where a 16th followed by a rest is a bit too mechanical whereas a 8th with a staccato on it sounds more lively although it's a bit subjective. But on measure 12, to me any of those reasons apply here and the 16th seems to be the best choice imo.

By the way, we could also use slurs for the phrasing but it's like staccatos, it's not clearly written in the original, it's more about how we hear the music and how we understand it. And that's why it's not that easy to all agree with each other.
Thanks for your feedback!

I agree for m1 and m13 but I prefer m12 and m17 the way they are. On m12, I like the idea of three 16th, like four with a missing one, where all three notes have the same articulation and with a short rest before beat 4. On m17, I consider the third beat as a C# diminished so Gn is fine in this case and more straightforward to read.

I will do the changes on m1 and m13 soon!
I don't mind! I'm ok with both! :)
Here is my transcription of Ducktales 2 - Last Stage by Minae Fuji!

MP3 from Musescore:

Sorry for the bad quality of the .mus file... If someone is willing to explain to me how to modify it, I would really appreciate! The pdf was exported from Musescore but I used the NSM [MU4] v2.3.A4 style file though.

Feedback / Re: Sheet Music Errors Thread
May 17, 2024, 02:28:31 PM
Quote from: Latios212 on May 12, 2024, 11:16:31 AMFixed this along with:
- https in URL
- "and" in composer info
- Measure number positioning
- A bit of staff spacing and margin work
- Removal of octave clefs
- Corrected some incorrectly flipped notes
- Adjusted some rhythm groupings
- Removed 8va in left hand

All right! Thanks :)
Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 09, 2024, 01:13:17 PMYour screenshots are not appearing for me. As far as the nsf files/what is there I'd like someone else to give us a check if we can't agree, but I won't let it hold up my approval. With your permission I will copy your musescore file and reupload Finale source files to this submission so that the next updater can review.

I changed the screenshots for links instead, maybe it works now?

I send you the Musescore file on Discord!


- Staccato added on RH m15 beat 3
- Beaming done for LH m2, 4, 5 and 6 on beat 4 as well as m13 on beat 3.25

I agree for the beaming on LH. I don't though for those on RH.

m3 3.25 to 3.5: I disagree because on 3.5 it's another idea that starts (a new "rythmic cell" I would say).
m5 1.5 to 2.0: You mean on m6? Maybe I could beam those notes but may be confusing since it's on different beats...
m9 1.5 and 2.5 together: You mean on m10 maybe? I don't see anything that is worth beaming imo.
m14 1.5 and 2.5 together: I disagree because I think there is no need to do so... The way they are now shows clearly they are upbeats. Beaming them would just be confusing imo.
m14 3.5 to 4.0: Same thought than m5 (or 6)...

And I'm willing to keep all grace notes ^^'

About m15 and m17, I show you on the nsf file I used (the beats are highlighted in blue):

Measure 15, beats 1 to 3:

Beat 2 and 1/3 is on row 2C and it's the same octave as beat 2 on row 21 (the row numbers are in hexadecimal). You also hear a third note which would be on row 36 but even if I isolate the square channels, I don't hear anything except a continous sound. But I see what could be noted as a stacatto for beat 3 on RH (I add it).

Measure 17 beats 2 to 4:

Beat 3 and 1/3 is on row 4C, and the 3rd 1/3 is on row 56, but same thing here (no octaviation or 3rd note heard).

A little tuto for reading it:
Feedback / Re: Sheet Music Errors Thread
April 11, 2024, 11:20:55 AM
Quote from: Latios212 on April 08, 2024, 05:41:09 PMBeats 2 and 4, you mean, right? (original)

Yeah, I agree. Though this sheet has some more issues like some offset measure numbers and use of 8va/octave clefs. We should fix this up a bit more if there's time...

Yes, beats 2 and 4! And I agree, that F clef with an 8va... ^^'
By the way, although it's on the submission process (you can post here about it if you want to), just sharing here the current pdf and mp3 I made for the other Ducktales' tune:

Ducktales - Himalayas

Okay I updated the files after I made some adjustements :

- Applied the NSM [MU4] v2.3.A4 style file (and it did some unwanted changes that's why I made the following things)
- Added a system break every 2 measures
- Adjusted the width of the last measure to the value of 2
- Re-added composer and arranger in the right place
- Deleted the "Pia." in front of each system

As usual, the .mus file is not good so the pdf is from Musescore and by the way I had the following message when importing the XML:

"Attribute "type" with value "grace-cue" must have a value from the list "cue grace large "."

Edit: Oh gosh... I see some beams missing on the left hand -_- I should have checked!...

- Added beams on the LH on beat 2 for m14, m15 and m16 (and reuploaded the files ^^")
Hi there! Here is a video I made on Zach Hartman's arrangement of Gemini Man theme (I know, that's an old one ^^") :

Knowing that there is this section encourage me to make new videos!
After reflexion, I think I should keep the same key signature on measure 17 and write the natural on every A on the bass line every time it's needed. This A major harmony could be a napolitan degree in G sharp minor tonality.

And another thought: the passing from 5 flats to 5 sharps is quite confusing... I could either use 5 flats then 7 flats or 7 sharps then 5 sharps. I think that would be easier to read even if there are more complicated key signature but at least only sharps (or flats) all the way through.

So I changed key signatures starting with 5 flats and then 7 flats on measure 9 until the end (not updated the files though, just waiting for some feedback) :)

Another thought: maybe I should always keep the same number of measures for each system to avoid too tight places? Four for instance (that would make eight systems, five on page 1 and three on page 2).

Well so I did that too. I'll update the files after some feedback. :)


Well, I changed my mind! Keeping the original key signatures (five flats, then five sharps then four sharps). These sound like tonality changes (B flat minor then a whole tone down but written with sharps then a modulation a perfect fourth up in the subdominant's key). I also added a "3rd ped" to allow the whole note (the D flat).