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Messages - therealmathguy

Quote from: mastersuperfan on May 01, 2024, 03:12:40 PM@therealmathguy if I hadn't contacted you, who do you think you would have nullified N2?
Good question, you reached out early enough where I was set on you the entire phase, but it would've depended on how the rest of my communications went. If everything happened the exact same way minus your involvement, it would've been Specs.
Wow, not the team lineups I expected.

Night 1 I truthfully claimed faction to Oricorio in hopes of being on the same team or forming a short term alliance as mentioned in the message that we probably all got. I quickly regretted it realizing, yes, we all got the same or a similar message and allying was probably not the move.

Day 1/Night 2 I was contacted by MSF thinking we were on the same team. I don't know if it was honest or a bait, but he claimed null and given that I am a null, I didn't trust it. I wanted to play along though, so I pressed both Specs and MSF hoping to cross examine their claims (since Specs admitted to multiple PMs with MSF in main thread). I trusted Specs's claims and figured he must be Scissors reviver, and I was correct although my logic was flawed by misinformation I was given by MSF. I placed MSF as Scissors null (hence my null night 2) and I would have claimed Scissors reviver to MSF had I lived to day 2, hoping he had not figured Specs out.

I thought my team was BDS (after night 1) and maybe one of THC or Toby, but I hadn't communicated with them enough to figure it out.
I too may not be back by phase end and won't see the ruling on no votes, so just in case

safety mastersuperfan
Quote from: Oricorio on April 23, 2024, 07:35:38 PMYou gotta keep in mind that it's indeed possible that two vigilantes converged on the same target. Given that their claims put them directly in the line of fire, that's not a possibility that we can discount yet.
Ahh that is true
It's gonna be interesting to see these action chains in postgame. We have at least one successful null, assuming that everyone that could act locked in an action.

I know the "revivers" brought a lot of attention to themselves by claiming but I didn't actually expect them to go down.
Hello everyone, glad to be back.

I am also curious as to why we have reviver claims already.
Death post:
Quote from: TheZeldaPianist275 on January 09, 2024, 01:12:50 PM(taking up the math guy mantle now that the previous one is dead)

Fraud math guy out
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 09, 2024, 12:28:00 PMI haven't seen enough Math to fully convince me he's human.
Or maybe I won't expand on BDS since it looks like I'm dying

I'll convince you I'm human in a couple minutes
In terms of the davy read list, a lot of it is based on early reactions, a lot of which may have changed by now. The big differences are THC and a more extreme view of Oricorio. I'm not reading too much into it
Oricorio thoughts:
Much of early discussion is on grandma which I still find strange since it seems like a given to not lynch grandma. Much of it feels mechanical until BDS suggests figuring out grandma's identity and it opens up strategically (part of the perspective I mentioned).

I've only seen one GTH (unless I missed one) and that was early on.

Proceeds to elaborate on jester mindset, which now feels more helpful, but still honing in on the third party. Oricorio has fixated on third party roles before in the lantern game while being said third party, but this one is different since grandma has no value to town. GTH not grandma

Calls out davy for self voting. Good point, as only one role benefits from this.

Opinions of THC and BDS are different from mine. Given my weak stance on THC, I can't argue with that but I'll expand on BDS soon

Oricorio also suspects wolf Toby. I think toby's "I shouldn't have played this game" post stands out as more of a grandma post than wolf
Quote from: Oricorio on January 09, 2024, 12:05:43 AMSo you think that TZP/THC are town because "LAMIST"? It's a strange observation because if anything, for TZP it has been the opposite
Do you have any thoughts on my posts that aren't mechanical discussion?
Can you quote some of BDS's posts that have a "good perspective"?
Do you have any thoughts on davy's readslist?
I don't think they're town, I think they could be acting as town by subtly telling everyone they didn't get the grinch PM

Give me a little bit I'll answer the other points here too
Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on January 08, 2024, 11:27:39 PMOne more quick post:Why TZP over THC?

Overall, feels like a soft sort of suspicion list, especially when he says "not a strong lean" on BOTH his top suspicions group together. Focuses a bit too much on things I wouldn't expect, mostly notably: "Oricorio - as BDS pointed out, early grandma conversation seemed like a softball conversation," "Davy - I'd like to hear an explanation on the self-vote too."
I didn't have much reason to put one over the other, but I thought TZP would've learned from last game not to overlook anything in the roles. It IS a soft suspicion because I'm taking one little thing and using that as my whole argument.

I also got ninja'd by Oricorio so I had typed in my vote before I saw Oricorio's if you'll believe me
Suspicion list:

Wolf (or grandma?) lean
TZP/THC - grouping them as I have the same reasoning. Both did a rule clarification/question (as did I, so I'm aware I'm not immune from this criticism either) that stands out as a little "I'm town, don't look at me" type of thing. Not a strong lean

Oricorio - as BDS pointed out, early grandma conversation seemed like a softball conversation. Could be an easy way to hop on the human train without giving away other strategies. But other mechanical conversation has good perspectives that could drive positive strategy (even if a lot of it is still focused on grandma) so probably not
Xiao/Toby - idk

Human lean
BDS - I disagree with those that said BDS's posts has been reactionary or lacking in content. A good perspective has been added with many posts
Davy - the early breakdown provided options for each outcome which I believe are only helpful to town (though, I don't see why anyone would help grinch except grandma but I don't get a grandma read either). Though I read human, I'd like to hear an explanation on the self-vote too

Early vote TZP
Quote from: Oricorio on January 08, 2024, 09:13:52 PMOh, his only post on the second post is a defense from math's point (though also a bit weird in that the same point can be used against them?) Yeah, I think TZP is a wolflean, even if there are a couple things that make me think twice.
Well, I think it's supposed to be more sarcastic even if it is true lol. But the strategic implications are different now so there's still a shred of validity to my observation.

I'm catching up now on stuff from today and will post thoughts/sus list soon