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Messages - james0264

Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
May 06, 2009, 06:54:12 AM
First of all, I apologise for not being able to reply to this thread because I have been severely weighted with examination revision. I cannot therefore work on the piece for the next few weeks until my last exam has finished. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Quote from: blah54 on April 23, 2009, 06:55:18 AMsince I assume you're arranging to create a faithful piano arrangement to the actual piece... it is not so much of determining cadences as following the music, since most video game music is fairly predictable, the cadences will seem natural and often are quite defined, you won't/don't need to look for them, this is not analysis... you just need to tank it out a bit and figure out the first chord, then determine the rest through listening for the intervals changes by ear

Thanks for the advice, but if I may say so myself, trying to compose the piece with little to no examples is like being told how to draw a person’s face over the phone! To be honest, I don’t think I can quite complete this piece as I have great difficulty in distinguishing the notes in the piece, which means I may have t abandon the arrangement and leave what I have don’t so far, to someone who else more talented than me. Furthermore, as it stands there are still no “Maple Treeway” arrangements out on the internet yet so frankly, I’m stumped.
Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
April 22, 2009, 01:20:34 PM
Quote from: kotorfanboy on April 21, 2009, 04:07:10 PMWell, if you have concerns about Ninsheetmusic's policy regarding acceptance of sibelius as opposed to Finale, feel free to contact JaMaHa or another staff member.

If you prefer sibelius that much, accepts sibelius files as well as Finale files.

Hey, it’s not that I have a concern for uploading Sibelius sheet music; it’s the fact that when I translate to Finale, most of the notations are either corrupted or missing. I understand that the general population cannot afford a copy of Sibelius at the staggering price of £113.85, which is why JaMaHa may have opted to avoid Sibelius submissions.

However, my concern lies in the fact that there is no suitable software to convert from Sibelius to Finale notation. I have done some light research and have found that a software called “Dolet” offers to convert such notations into a so-called “MusicXML” file. This file can then be imported into Finale using the same plug-in. However, the price of this software is not nil and I therefore cannot convert the entirety of my Sibelius notation to Finale.

The method I am adopting at the moment is to export the arrangement to a MIDI file and then reimport the file, as necessary, into Finale. If this is sufficient to meet the Finale sheet music requirement, then when finished, I will be more than happy to submit my work to the database. I’m not too bothered otherwise as I’m sure that users who are willing to look for “Maple Treeway” will visit this thread sooner or later.

Anyways, I’d thought it might be nice if redirected people back onto the “Maple Treeway” piece as I believe we may be going slightly off-topic? And on my part: I have been looking into how chords are determined and have been trying such “cadences”(?) in the piece.


Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
April 21, 2009, 02:06:40 PM
Quote from: Tranzlater on April 21, 2009, 12:06:15 PMOh, and it would make life easier to put Thanks, James in your sig so you don't have to type it out so often...

Umm, I guess it would be easier. But to be honest, I’m not that lazy to type out 11 characters every time I needed to show additional gratitude. Plus, I don’t always type it so yeah…

Quote from: Tranzlater on April 21, 2009, 12:06:15 PMFor the mediafire thing, it just makes it easier to download. Use your site is necessary but at least give us the option to download.

Okay, I’m really confused now. Are you saying that you can’t download from my site, or are you saying that you want me to set up a page for you to click “Download”, or are you having trouble locating the download link?

Firstly, I have checked the link and the site and all seems well. I can download from the site onto my computer and receive a file named “maple_treeway.mid”. If it was the second suggestion, could I ask why? Surely it’s easier to click on just one link than navigating to another page and then doing the exact same? Finally, if it was the last suggestion, the link…
Quote from: james0264 on April 15, 2009, 06:42:31 AM[WII] Mario Kart Wii - "Maple Treeway"
…is found under the first heading “Submission:”, which is located in my first post.

I hope this helps.
Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
April 20, 2009, 01:54:58 PM
Quote from: kotorfanboy on April 20, 2009, 01:23:59 PMYes, although Finale costs a good deal of money, you can get an older, basic version from free. Like from this topic:

Thank you for direction. I’ve downloaded and installed the program, but just to let the arrangers know on this thread: I may only be using Finale to convert my Sibelius scores to the format which you have requested. In general, I won’t be using Sibelius to work with any of the pieces as I find it hard to migrate to the Finale interface. I have been using Sibelius since my second school year and have not deviated to other programs since. I hope you understand my reasoning.

Furthermore, I nearly forgot to mention in my first post: where to find a copy of the “Maple Treeway” track. I hope this helps in arranging and/or determining the piece.


Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
April 20, 2009, 11:14:43 AM
Quote from: Tranzlater on April 20, 2009, 07:59:50 AMVERDICT: Yes, a right hand would be nice. Also, if you wanna submit, upload in Printmusic…

Umm, I’m assuming you were referring to Finale. If this is the case, I do not have a copy of Finale to hand to arrange the piece and I do not believe it is realistic for me to purchase the software just to arrange “Maple Treeway”. However I do have a copy of Sibelius, which I have been using to compose many other pieces. Otherwise, can’t you convert and then submit any future pieces on my behalf? Surely this is more feasible than setting my self back ~£70!

Quote from: Tranzlater on April 20, 2009, 07:59:50 AM…get a mediafire account or something similar. Makes our lives easier.

Why so? I thought any website would be sufficient, so would I really need another? And how would it make your lives easier downloading form another source?
Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
April 19, 2009, 11:26:11 AM
Quote from: james0264 on April 17, 2009, 05:40:31 AMI am not in a hurry to arrange this piece…

Okay, I did say that there was no rush, but I was hoping that there may be a few updates here and there as to the progress, however small it may be. And in regards to Tranzlater, has there been any progress since Saturday?


Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
April 17, 2009, 05:40:31 AM
Quote from: Cobraroll on April 16, 2009, 07:45:34 AMWell, it's a start. I presume this is only the right hand? Not that I'm th eguy to talk about music (I hardly know anything), but you'll need a bass as well.

Thanks for the advice, but to be honest, this is one of the many areas that I need help with. Or to put it another way, I am not confident with chords and/or how they are determined. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think two of the chords used are Eb and Bb. Umm…

Quote from: Cobraroll on April 16, 2009, 07:45:34 AMLike this.

Lol! Don’t you mean this?

Quote from: GreekGeek on April 16, 2009, 08:35:16 AMI'm glad there's someone here who has Sibelius, because some things aren't clear to me. So help would be appreciated.

I’m happy to help in return for the help with this piece. If there is anything you need, “just holla”!

Quote from: GreekGeek on April 16, 2009, 08:35:16 AMThe right hand is cool though.

Thanks. It took me quite a few days to work out what notes was involved so
However, like I mentioned previously, this isn’t the finished product. Firstly, the rhythm does not “feel” quite right. I’ve been experimenting with some dotted and swung notes but they either dull the piece or make it sound even more “wrong”. And secondly, I can’t seem to work out what the remainder of the tune is. If anyone can elighten me on either of these two points…

Quote from: Tranzlater on April 16, 2009, 12:56:30 PMSorry fo being so slow.

No need to apologise! Just knowing that you may help is good enough for me. I am not in a hurry to arrange this piece, so ready when you’re are…
Piano Arrangements / Re: James0264's Arrangements
April 15, 2009, 11:07:02 AM
Quote from: Tranzlater on April 15, 2009, 09:42:05 AMOK cool I'll check it out when I'm on my good computer.

Thanks for volunteering to help. I look to forward to reading your amendments.
Piano Arrangements / James0264's Arrangements
April 15, 2009, 06:42:31 AM
Link removed. An update will avilable shortly.

Additional Information:
Hi everyone. Forgive me for not participating in the community any sooner, but I hope to change that view now. Just to let you guys know at little more about me: I’m an average pianist who unfortunately has very little experience in arranging and/or composing pieces. I do however just about know how to edit pieces in Sibelius and how to import/export the arrangements from/to MIDI files. And this is exactly what I’ve done: I’ve arranged part of the Maple Treeway music from Mario Kart Wii and have exported the piece into a MIDI file.

I have used the following two sources to arrange the piece:

I know iDOWN has volunteered to arrange this piece, but according to the last post of the iDOWN's Arrangments thread, he is currently on busy with other projects and is therefore not working on the piece that he has marked “Under Construction”. And it is this very reason, besides the face I would like to learn this awesome composition, that I would like to arrange this very piece. I admit I do not have a finished product so I am also requesting, if possible, if anyone can assist me in completing this piece? I have attached my current progress at the start of this post.

