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Messages - Fernman

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PMI don't see this on the files currently for m1-6
If the 16th pairs are octaves, I can understand reaching the following octave in time. But that looks difficult to play in time, at least for my octave handspan. Not sure what a larger handed player can do. If the 16th pairs are NOT played as octaves, then reaching the next octave in time is a challenge. So I don't find it practical, unless you have a different opinion.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PMI would suggest though removing the Dn in the LH of m8 beat 1, and just putting a low F on the bottom. Maybe just make the LH a whole note Gn (current Gn) and a Fn an octave lower, as this is a reachable note combination.

a 9th is not reachable for me, For those of us who can't reach the 9th, I wanted another harmonic, so I picked the D. I can add in the F as well, but I still want the D with the player having the option to exclude the F.
I added in a dotted whole note, if that was your intent.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PMI would suggest utilizing the timpani pitches as a part of the LH though. I think the LH currently is a bit empty feeling in my opinion. Take this example idea for m9 to first part of m10. You could incorporate that lower harmony part into the LH where possible (looking at m9 4.5 to m10 beat 1)

Key words are "where possible." That's a 10th. In my mind that is not possible for me, but I supposed if desired, one could play the timpani and the bottom note of the chord.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 11, 2024, 03:20:55 PM• m11 RH beat 3 the An should be a Bn • m12 RH beat 3 layer 2 add a staccato to this Gn
Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 09, 2024, 08:44:20 PM•  I think if you wanted for m1-7 you could add a lower RH octave (sounds like those notes are playing to me)

That works, added

Quote from: Kricketune54 on July 09, 2024, 08:44:20 PM• Might I also suggest this for m7 and m8? This would incorporate the snare rolls from the original (heard up to this point but not represented), but also pulling that Dn up an octave in m8 instead of down. Let me know your thoughts.

I'm not a fan of turning the piano into a snare-drum-roll-like instrument with those tremolos. the snare is one pitch so to speak, and a 2 note tremolo isn't what I'd prefer.

I reverted the rest of the song back to what is heard, I think I was trying to be too much like the start demos in the prior uploads. Not sure if you want octaves, inverted other otherwise. I'll stick with staccato instead of portato.
Staccatos are chosen then.

Demo 6 G octaves in place.
Quote from: Bloop on July 04, 2024, 11:28:00 AMStart Demo 3: -m9: If you want, you could change the R.H. D to a whole note in another layer, so it gets held for the whole bar. Same in Start Demo 4 m17

I'm good with that.

Quote from: Bloop on July 04, 2024, 11:28:00 AMThroughout Start Demo 3, 4 and 5, you use portato marks (tenuto + staccato) and staccato marks, but I don't really hear a clear difference between them in the original. The notes in the original are played very short, with only some reverb ringing on. I think you could keep all of those too staccato, for less visual clutter.

Listening to it again yea I see your point, I guess I was looking for the shortness based on the earlier suggestion.

Regarding the portado / stacatto, I looked up a video ( that discussed the difference between the two when I made the original change, and it does seem more held, than strictly short like stacatto so it can sound portato. but I guess it depends how you interpret playing the stacatto? If I were to play it, it would be based on memory of how it sounds, not sure about someone new to the song.
You say the stacatto would be better for less visual clutter, so given the above not sure what you overall thought is between the two.
Also what is your take on having these be 8th note stacattos vs the quarter note stacattos I had originally?

Depending on what change I decide Is there a way in Notepad that I can mass select the articulations and delete them? Those are a lot to fix individually.

Quote from: Bloop on July 04, 2024, 11:28:00 AMStart Demo 6: -Actually, about the key signature, I don't think you really need one here?

Good point, that isn't needed at all. I would change it, but Notepad changes EVERYTHING.

Quote from: Bloop on July 04, 2024, 11:28:00 AM-Does this demo repeat indefinitely in-game? If not, it's probably best to define how much the first two bars need to be repeated.

Technically this loops for as long as it takes you to get to the tunnel heading toward the final boss depending on where you shot down the last foe. It may not repeat or it may play 3 times as I've seen in some online gameplay.

Quote from: Bloop on July 04, 2024, 11:28:00 AM-m34: I can't really hear the Db and F in the L.H., just a G and Bn from the horns. You can't really play those in the L.H. though, so maybe you could just leave it at a G, possibly with another G an octave below for more power?

I'm good with that, would adding in a 5th help make it more balanced?
Quote from: Bloop on June 26, 2024, 02:29:30 PMThe biggest thing I noticed at first listen is that we could work on filling some empty space in the sheets, where there's only a long note being played (most notably in Sunny Beach), probably via adding some bass notes or another kind of rhythmic accompinament

I won't doubt your expertise, but what I hear as dominant in Sunny Beach is what is what is arranged. example: m5-6 there is that bass guitar(?) (that is barely heard) if it's as low as I hear it wouldn't be in reach of the surrounding notes, and I'm not sure moving it up an octave is the better decision. That held note captures what is primarily audible. Later on there is that pulsing sound in the bass which I don't want in the arrangement at all since it changes the feel of the song (or at least how I hear the song).

Not sure what your overall thoughts are on this. I think Sunny Beach captures the primarily heard parts of the song, and has a good feeling to it. The song has a fast enough tempo that the held notes don't sound "stale" at any point in my opinion. I'd like to better understand how NSM thinks about this so I can make note of what I may submit in general to NSM.
Projects / Fernman's Aquatic Update Project Sheets
June 20, 2024, 08:57:49 PM
What better aquatic songs than WAVE RACE!

[N64] Wave Race 64 : Main Title


I omitted the percussion at the start
beat 1 of m8 should only play on the repeat, I added a parenthesis, but it only applied to the top note
m30 - I don't see how it's practical to play beat 3-4 RH with the Bb and d, but I added them in since I think you might be expecting them.
m38 b4, I simplified to a triplet, instead of a sextuplet, for playability

[N64] Wave Race 64 : Sunny Beach


m3 beat 4 I simplified to something more realistic to play
m4 beat 1, should only be played the first time, the parenthesis is there. though on the repeat the right hand could play the G, I just don't know how to notate this without that section getting too busy.
m23 I omitted the LH runs because the RH is busy, and the LH part has the melody, I began to add the runs in subsequent measures.

If the difference between what is arranged and what NSM expects is too great let me know and I can pick something else. I'm happy with how its arranged, I just don't want anything to get stuck.... for all our sake. No hard feelings taken.
Request / Re: [SNES] LiveALive - Multiple Songs
June 05, 2024, 07:51:32 PM
Here is:

The Bird Flies in the Sky, The Fish Swims in the River

This one I may have gotten carried away with. Most of the first 8 measures repeat exactly, so to keep it interesting I have to use that high pitch Kono instrument. I shortened some of the intervals for those with an octave hand span.  The song didn't feel right stopping after 21 measures, so I gave it another whirl by switching the LH and RH parts.
I lowered the Kono instrument in part B because an octave higher those notes would get annoying practicing and playing.
Ok the portatos are implemented.

I put in the Eb and Ab and removed the C in the LH,
Request / Re: [SNES] LiveALive - Multiple Songs
May 27, 2024, 05:01:29 PM
Here is:

Captain Square

Cry A Live

I had to adjust this one to make it playable, though I didn't vet everything. You tell me what you think so I have a second set of eyes on it. Since this song is so deep, I made various repeats with different parts of the song.

I have yet to look at the rest, but feel free to leave any feedback or message me directly on Musescore.
Request / Re: Very Sad Moments - Pokemon Anime
May 27, 2024, 10:15:03 AM
Your best bet is to slow that video down to 50% or lower, download musescore and select the violin instrument and write in notes as you hear. Don't worry about getting it all right as you go along. start with the first beat of each measure, then fill in the gaps. Play what you have transcribed along side the original to gauge your status.
It's in A minor.
You don't have to worry about harmonies at the start, just pick the highest note and keep moving along.

I'm a novice transcriber as well. Sometimes I use MelodyScanner or Piano2Notes just to give me a ball park transcription of what I'm working with. Simply provide the youtube link and it will give you a rough (not great) transcription.
Don't get hung up on it only giving the first 20 seconds or so. Just download the audio and upload to Youtube sections of the video you need (unlisted (i.e. not public) of course) and re-upload to the websites till you get what you need.
Good Luck!

I'd be interested in seeing your progress so do share!
I have these arrangements on Musescore.

Hyrule Town

Staff Roll / Credits Theme

Elemental Sanctuary (Version 1)

If you have bigger hands this may be playable for you

Elemental Sanctuary (Version 2)

if you have smaller hands Version 2 is probably better

Get Element

Let me know your thoughts on the arrangement and any feedback you may have.
Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 20, 2024, 08:43:03 AMI am still hearing the m15 and on exactly the same between Demo 3 and 4, as well as Demo 5/long intro, but at this point we can leave it to the next updater.
for 3 and 4 I hear what you are saying. Demo 3 I just went along with it since it sounded all short. However I misunderstood marcato with stacatissimo. (articulations I don't use often). I would say it sounds more like stacatissimo than marcato, I was reluctant to use stacatissimo because I prefer not to use those kinds of strikes especially if it is an octave on the left. But if here at NSM it is more of what is heard than preferable, I'll go along with it this time so we can put this discourse to rest.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 20, 2024, 08:43:03 AMas well as Demo 5/long intro,
I don't hear any of demo 5 as short as a stacatisso, all stacato

And as a side note, I have never played a marcatto, and youtube doesn't have anything great, stacattos make more sense to me right now.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 20, 2024, 08:43:03 AMYou should be able to hold the An and the Bn with the thumb laid parallel across both keys (this is not an unheard of practice).
i won't disagree, but I want my arrangement to not use those gymnastics.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 20, 2024, 08:43:03 AMI am hearing the Eb quite clearly at m31 at least. But m29-30 I agree is a little harder to tell, though I don't hear the Cn per say.
I'm not sure how the Eb sounds good in that chord, unless you are hearing something similar to what Bespinben has for Demo 1. Though I don't want a 5 note chord.
I'd say that m30 -31 should all be the same notes, just like Demo 2's m4-5
Start Demo 2
Comments incorporated
Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 09, 2024, 08:57:01 PM• My last comment for Start Demo 2 is that I think the triplets for m1 beat 4 for example are about the same in note length as m2 beat 4 and m4 beat 4. So could add staccatos to both m2 and m4, or remove them on m1 and m3 beat 4.

All have been stacatto'd except the last triplet set. I hear that last triplet set held a bit longer since it is ending the notes are held slightly longer.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 09, 2024, 08:57:01 PM• m1-3 LH I think beat 4.5 sounds/would work better as the same pitch as beat 2.5 of the same measure.
If they are going to be that similar, I might as well make them 8th notes. otherwise they are just repeated notes and you can hardly tell the difference.

Other change I made is shifted the LH Bbs down to a reachable range.

Start Demo 4
Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 09, 2024, 08:57:01 PM• m10 LH beat 3 I don't hear the An on bottom, which I think makes this a bit muddy. I do hear an Fn, but down an octave • Similar m11 beat 3 not hearing the bottom Cn, and hearing the Ab down an octave.
I moved the inversions around so it sounds like it was ascending, but what I uploaded this time works too

Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 09, 2024, 08:57:01 PM•  Overall for this and for Start Demo 5, I think the staccatos should be consistent with how they are on Start Demo 3. For both the LH and RH notes.
It doesn't sound as short as Demo 3 until m16. Since I elected not to use the marcato markings, I rather use the stacatos in m16 on both hands, and only on the LH elsewhere

Start Demo 5
Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 09, 2024, 08:57:01 PM• You could split m25 RH into two layers - perhaps something like this:
the suggested image with three held notes and 3 moving notes does not seem possible without 6 fingers. I dropped off the bottom note (An)

Quote from: Kricketune54 on May 09, 2024, 08:57:01 PM• m30-31 LH I don't hear the Cn, and I hear a Eb on top. But I thinking having that Fn is good to represent, and think it goes well with the LH being Fn-Eb-Ab. Thoughts?
I don't hear the Eb, I think how its written sounds closer to what it is.

All else incorporated

Demo 6 incorporated.
Start Demo 2 adjusted.

Quote from: Kricketune54 on April 02, 2024, 08:30:17 PM• RH m6 and elsewhere (also in Demo 4 and 5 ) beat 4.0 (8th note) should not beam to 3.0 in this case. 4.0-4.75 should be beamed together alone (when you have 16th notes at end of a beat, you do not beam to the previous beat in 4/4 time).

Start Demo 3
Good to know, though the manual adjusting of the beaming in Musescore is wonky. In some cases the beaming actually crossed to the previous measure and I can't fix it without undoing the desired beaming completely. but it fixed itself in Notepad, so yeah that's a formatting thing as much as I try to fix it.

Everything else is in place.

Start Demo 4
I'm not a fan of the octaves, but I included them. Do you think playing the LH top G gets muddy with the cluster of notes in the RH in m14 in particular?

Start Demo 5
Octaves adjusted. manual beaming doesn't work that well in Musescore. It beams where I don't want it to beam. but can't get it to do what I want otherwise.

Demo 6
notes adjusted.
Quote from: Kricketune54 on April 02, 2024, 08:30:17 PM• For the ending notes, I think the C# makes more sense as a Db in the RH. For the LH, that grouping of low notes sounds quite muddy- general guidance is to avoid grouping more than 2 pitches together below half staff or so - usually you won't multiple notes other than octaves written low. However, this works as an alternative:
That is a 9th. Octaves I rather not when unnecessary, but no 9ths for me. How about a different inversion?