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Messages - Jake_Luigi

Site News / Happy New Year!
December 31, 2023, 08:24:21 PM
Hey, Atcero, we need a New Year's message.
... the heck you mean "I don't wanna?"
Fine, fine, I'll do it.

Guys, gals, and non-binary pals,
(No, no, too formal...)

Gamers and non-gamers alike,
(Ew, that's not it either...)

NinSheetMembers from around the globe,

From the staff here at NinSheetMusic, we wanted to wish y'all a very happy new year!
(For those who are time travelers and are already in 2024, apologies for the lateness!)
2023 was a big year for us, filled with our usual updates, the Too Hot to Handle update, new staff members, fancy-schmancy YouTube videos, and the Encore!!TM project.
Here's hoping that 2024 will be NSM's best year yet!

And with that, I will see you...
don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it
you just lost the game

Maybe turning 20 won't be so bad...
Site News / Re: Forum Upgrade
December 06, 2023, 11:50:11 AM
This new forum is the highlight of my math class.
... I should probably be paying attention.
Strange, I didn't get an email about the reply, apologies for the delay!
Anyways, I made the suggested changes, uploaded to the Dropbox as the Magma_Mine_(10-23)!
Thanks Bloop!
Woooo thanks Kricketune : )
I made the changes and uploaded the new file to the Dropbox (same file name but with '(9-6)' at the end).
And now back to math homework...
We're cutting it close, but we made it 8)
(I am so sorry, first week of college hit like a truck. If this gets cut, we get it.)

Anyways, here's the file for me and Xiao's arrangement of Magma Mine from Mario Party 9:

I uploaded the .mus in the project folder as well (I still have access to the projects folder on Dropbox).
Have a good one gamers!

It is 12:43am, that took a lot more Finale research than I thought haha!

- Used first suggestion, made much more sense to me
- Added the courtesy accidental in m4
- After much trickery, I added a disguised ritenuto
- Added the lower E in m25-56
- Added real pedal markings

Thanks for the feeback Bloop, uploading new file now! (Now time to not sleep because woo yeah silly brain time)
- So true, I forgot about them
- Courtesy natural removed, I didn't like it very much anyways
- Parentheses removed

File to be uploaded in a minute! Thank ye Static :bread:
- Hmmm strange, I'll chock the fixed text up to user error (It's me. I'm the user making the error.)
- Ah, of course there's an expressive text panel in Finale, shoulda remembered that from MuseScore
- Oooo spacing looks nice
- Apparently my v27 is slightly out of date, but it all loaded up for me fine anyhow so that's all good

Thank you for the updates Xiao, sorry you had to go out of your way for that! Hopefully I'll have a free day one of these weeks and finally learn the ins and outs of Finale (meant to do it over the summer, but life said no)...
I'll upload the file to the Dropbox (unless you did that already, in which case I will do nothing lol)
Alrighty, afternoon update:

- Got rid of the unnecessary ties in m8 and m12

- Used the con pedale route because Finale grayed out the flip option when right-clicking the pedal marks, so they're upside-down and hidden for now

- rit moved, fermata added

- Checked Fixed Size

- Moved the staffs to balance the pages

If something's being wacky please lmk and I'll try to fix it ASAP (probably not until late tonight at the earliest tho)
Updated file added to Dropbox (10-13)
- Ah I see, should I remove all the tied notes then?

- Should I have the pedal pressed for two measures and then released and then it just repeats like that?

- That would make sense, I can move the rit

- Oops, missed the fermata

- I have full Finale now, so I can make changes! Just lmk what I missed

If someone gets back to me within the next 7ish hours, I should be able to upload the changes by 6pm EST tonight. Probably. 😅
Thanks for the quick feedback Xiao!
I haven't arranged something since last Halloween... let's change that!
This time, a spoopy Mega Man song (what else?)!

Some notes:
m8 and m12 have the tied notes but they are playing twice (it plays again on beat 3 when it shouldn't), I am not sure how to fix that.
The held notes between m12 and m13 I also could not figure out, Finale ties were not being nice to me :(
Fifths in the left hand are to simulate the cronchy percussion
File in the Dropbox folder 🍞

But ye happy spoopy month y'all!
Site News / Re: Halloween 2021 Update
October 31, 2021, 11:41:55 AM
*slaps roof of update*
This update fit many spoops.
Project Archive / Re: Jake_Luigi's Halloween Sheet
October 26, 2021, 02:27:18 PM
QuoteVery nice, looks very good already! Notes are all correct!
Thank goodness...

Quote-m4: Maybe you could cross-staff the first G in the R.H. (beat 2.25) to the L.H., for better playability: the R.H. has a lot of big jumps, which is quite tricky to play at this speed and may sound disconnected because the hand has to move positions a lot. By moving the G to the L.H., the R.H. just has to move once.
This was the one thing I couldn't do, will upload a fixed version if i get someone to help me before you beat me to it

Quote-m7: I think the 3rd and 4th sixteenth notes in the R.H. should be small notes too right? The first two are louder than the other six.
-m11: Maybe you could already change the last Bn (beat 4.75) to a Cb?
-m12: I hear just a staccato 8th note C on beat 2 of the L.H. (instead of two 16ths)
-m17: Maybe it makes sense to change the ending note of the glissando to Eb in m18 instead of the G: if you glissando to the G, you don't have time to move your hand back to the position to play the Eb, but you do if you gliss to the Eb (or rather, the D before the Eb).
All fixed otherwise, new .mus file is in original post, not Dropbox

Thanks Bloop!

This post would have more personality like usual, but oh man i am not having the best day health-wise
Project Archive / Re: Jake_Luigi's Halloween Sheet
October 12, 2021, 05:44:17 PM
Sorry this took so long, I'm still unable to fix some of the small things (will note below).
QuoteI typically see tempo text before the metronome marking
... i think i've been submitting this incorrectly every time... oops

Quotem4 I think it would look better if the 8va encompassed all of beat 4 instead of just the last 3 notes, but if you disagree you can leave it like that
I agree that it would look nicer, but i can't get it to look nice without it affecting beat 4

Quotem6/14 RH the sixteenth note groups weren't beamed together, but it automatically does that in newer finale versions when clicking on the inner rests
throws chair heckin' finale i swear

Quotem11-12 RH I think you could spice things up by adding accents here where applicable
Wasn't entirely sure what to do here, added some mercatos (i think) to accent the notes that are louder

Quotem12 RH beat 4.5 I think the Ab sounds like an A
m12 LH beat 2 it feels like the second C either isn't as pronounced or isn't there at all; also it sounds like beats 4.25 and 4.5 should be swapped (so it goes G > En > C instead of En > G > C)
Good catches!

Quotem14 RH is there a reason why the C#/F# dyad was written as an eighth note when sixteenth notes were used everywhere else for that kind of figure? It sounds like the note lengths are the same to me
They are, i think i did that without thinking lol

Quotem15 beat 3 you can make the tied sixteenth/eighth notes a dotted eighth note if you'd like. Also, I think Db would be better than C# on beat 1 since these look like sus2 chords. Maybe Cb/Db/Gb could be used instead of B/C#/F# on beat 2.5 too, but idk about that one
Ah, gotcha. Fixed.

Quotem17 it sounds like the gliss starts on beat 4.25 instead of 4.5
oops, fixed

Quotem18 I think it might be easier for the RH to take the Eb's instead of the LH
m18/19 RH it sounds like there are extra G's playing at the same time as the low G's in the LH, as well as one on beat 4.75 of m18
m19 since the triplets are going up chromatically, I think it would be better to write the flats as sharps (with the exception of the Eb) so that they're all written as thirds

Thanks again Zeila!

As for things I know need fixing:
Ties: Page 2 ties are flipped, MuseScore ties do this weird thing upon conversion and stay weird in the .mus. Trying to fix this in Notepad results in other things going awry (such as beaming).
Beaming: While beamed correctly in MuseScore, some measures are beamed but the second line is missing in the 16th note groupings. Not sure why this occurs. Fixing in Notepad has same results as above.
Echo Notes: The top and bottom notes in the chord are different sizes. Fixing in Notepad has same effects as mentioned.
Title Section: CVIII has a lot of composers. Take a guess at what trying to fix the spacing does... Also, expression note is overlapping.
Glissando: Appears as a straight line.

Hopefully the above issues will be resolved shortly, but until then, I'll upload what I have so far. Please let me know if there's anything else to keep an eye out for while I'm fixing these issues. Thanks again everyone!
Site News / Re: Update, Monday 11th of October 2021
October 11, 2021, 06:36:53 AM
Lol, fantastic build-up.
Also wonderful job everyone, some real neat sheets as always! And I can see a very, very large behemoth as well...