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Messages - Kricketune54

Quote from: goldenscruff on July 05, 2024, 02:17:34 AMLH m1 b1-2 I'm hearing down an octave
LH m3 b1-2.0 I'm hearing down an octave (goes up to A#)
I disagree with these points, think its good as is but otherwise in agreeance with Goldenscruff!

• m1 and m3 beat RH 2.5 the D# should be a C#
• m12 LH beats 3 and 4 you could add an octave above to these notes
Quote from: Fernman on July 10, 2024, 06:33:29 PMThat works, added
I don't see this on the files currently for m1-6

Quote from: Fernman on July 10, 2024, 06:33:29 PMI'm not a fan of turning the piano into a snare-drum-roll-like instrument with those tremolos. the snare is one pitch so to speak, and a 2 note tremolo isn't what I'd prefer.
Okay, did want to leave that up to preference, usually people do timpani parts not snares for tremolos when arranging anyway. I would suggest though removing the Dn in the LH of m8 beat 1, and just putting a low F on the bottom. Maybe just make the LH a whole note Gn (current Gn) and a Fn an octave lower, as this is a reachable note combination.

Quote from: Fernman on July 10, 2024, 06:33:29 PMI reverted the rest of the song back to what is heard, I think I was trying to be too much like the start demos in the prior uploads. Not sure if you want octaves, inverted other otherwise. I'll stick with staccato instead of portato.
Okay sounds looks/good from that standpoint of accents. By inverting octaves I assume you refer to which notes are currently ontop of the RH? I am fine as is treating the flute part of the original as the melody.

I would suggest utilizing the timpani pitches as a part of the LH though. I think the LH currently is a bit empty feeling in my opinion. Take this example idea for m9 to first part of m10. You could incorporate that lower harmony part into the LH where possible (looking at m9 4.5 to m10 beat 1)You cannot view this attachment.

• m11 RH beat 3 the An should be a Bn
• m12 RH beat 3 layer 2 add a staccato to this Gn
The Bermuda Triangle

• Sticking to the key/chords context, I think the sharp pitches in m10, 12, and 16 should be written as flats (ex. G# to Ab). I think that's my only comment though.
Quote from: Bloop on July 11, 2024, 10:00:45 AMAh yeah, I didn't notice the exact workings of the triplet before, just went with a general piano idea that sounded right. I added a note on beat 3 and changed that + the second to last note to be the same as the two notes before!
Looks good!
• Got an extra "e" in the title
• Tempo marking could use a bit of an update (times new roman number, maestro times note font)
• How did you find the composer credit for this? I tried a lot of searching and wasn't sure how a credit could be located haha
• m2 LH beat 4 I think Gb is audible instead of Ab, kind of like m4 RH 4.0.
• m8 LH 1.5 is the dropping of the Eb intentional?
• m9-10 LH I think Ab works better than Gn in the note clusters, except for m10 4.0 as it sounds like the Ab I hear steps down to Gn.
• m17-18 LH same thinking as above
• m24 LH you could add Cn whole note
• m28 LH 3.0, 3.5, 4.5 hearing Gn instead of Fn for the bottom note. Applies also to m30
• m34 system could be a little thinner, maybe like 1.55" (comparing space between accented staccatos in m35 and m37)
Y'know, most people normally wouldn't think to do m1-3, but the way you arranged it sounds so tonally right for Twilight Princess lol

Admittedly I was hoping to open this and hear A D F A D like some basic remaster of the OOT 64 theme. Oh... eh I guess it's not so bad. I felt like I spent the most time listening to make sense of the loop.

• I happened to notice you dropped the "and Koji Kondo", and added an oxford comma in the composer credits. Mixing it up haha? Just was reviewing your other TP arrangements onsite
• It sounds like there should be a final pitch at the end of the triplets in m1 on beat 3. I also think on beat 2 the last triplet should be same pitches as first note of this triplet grouping. Just listening to the percussion sounds. Thoughts?
Quote from: Atcero on July 04, 2024, 12:11:57 PMGot that all updated, thank ya!

Sorry I don't see the file updated on Dropbox
Sorry for the extended wait on feedback - this seems very well arranged, and thanks to everyone involved (Dad's included).

• m1 it sounds to me like the LH restrikes on beat 3.5 but that restrike holds to end of m2.
• m34  RH 2nd layer 4.0 you probably could manually adjust the Gn so it's sharing the same spot as the first layer Gn.
• In similar vein at m72 and 80, maybe you could hide the tie in RH 2nd layer between 2.5 and 3.0 (can have both layers' ties overlap visually).
• m72 LH swap beat lengths for 1.0 and 1.5

Don't have too many specific things as you can see, but I kind of want to look a little more at a few measures, before approving. Just need to finalize my thoughts on some spots where it's a bit more arranged, but I don't want to be too driven by personal preferences.
Quote from: on July 04, 2024, 12:23:35 PMThanks for catching that! Must've been leftover from the old version. Fixed, thanks Kricketune!
Perfect! "Kine's Theme" is now accepted.
Everyone's done a great job with feedback on this one, looks solid, and I will accept
Quote from: Fullmetalgrudo on May 20, 2024, 03:26:04 AMSorry for the bad quality of the .mus file... If someone is willing to explain to me how to modify it, I would really appreciate! The pdf was exported from Musescore but I used the NSM [MU4] v2.3.A4 style file though.
You might be able to fix some of the formatting/visual differences with the .mus file and the expected layout with this article? It should give a pretty good idea of what can be fixed.

•  I see what you mean though, notes are not swinging correctly.
•  I don't know if it's a byproduct of some sort of conversion issue, but there's a lot of Gn's for first 8 measures that should have a natural accidental.

lmk if this article helps!
Sorry it's taken me a bit to get around to this but I don't have much to say. Approved.

• Can update tempo marking font to current NSM template
I'm going to archive this one for now, but feel free to resubmit in the future. Please review Xiao's comments as well!
I'm going to archive this one for now. Feel free to resubmit in the future, but please review Xiao's feedback before doing so.
I'm going to archive this submission, you may resubmit whenever you feel, but please read my first post for some formatting assistance