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Messages - bobisbest18

OK, I made some edits and re-uploaded the files, hopefully this should do it. I am still unsure about the bass line and weather or not it is just too much of a stretch for the left hand, let me know!
Thanks for the feedback!

I'm not the world's best piano player, so I'm curious as to what would the largest interval be for a hand to play comfortably on the piano, or in other words, what would be the largest interval that I should write?
I know this is from Wild World, but it's the same thing. This is the Live version of K.K. Ballad, not the Aircheck!

Piano Arrangements / Re: bobisbest18's Arrangements
January 27, 2020, 12:30:54 PM
I updated the piano score to K.K. Ballad and added audio file for those who don't have programs that are midi compatible!
Piano Arrangements / Re: bobisbest18's Arrangements
January 25, 2020, 06:58:01 PM
Good catch, it should be fixed now!
Piano Arrangements / bobisbest18's Arrangements
January 25, 2020, 06:26:19 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm a music education major who has just gotten into this arranging thing!

Here is the link to the Google Drive file:

The only thing on there is the live version of K.K. Ballad from Animal Crossing but I am planning on doing more whenever I get the chance. My primary instrument is trumpet so any feedback on these piano arrangements would be appreciated!
Piano Arrangements / Re: The In-Progress Topic II
January 25, 2020, 05:14:48 PM
In Progress
  • Animal Crossing:  K.K. Ballad (Live)

I the Aircheck version is already on here but I haven't been able to find the live version anywhere, so I decided to do it myself!