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Messages - invy

Fixed some formatting errors and embellished measures 15-24, also got rid of one of the D.C.s and replaced it with a regular repeat bar since it was no longer necessary.
Yeah the two hands do meet at that point, we were talking about it in the discord and it's most likely the best way to go about that section. It's gonna be a bit messy either way, but if anyone has any suggestions for improvement there lmk.
Added the main field theme, this piece seems a bit tough to master but simplifying it any more than it already is would make it sound extremely dull.
Alright, now that the website is letting me update the files again they're all posted with those last few improvements, thank you once again for all the help and advice!
Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy with Christmas vacation and all that stuff

Thanks for all the help guys! The only thing I noticed in LeviR's updated version is that there are staccatos on the last note of measures such as 1-8 again although we established earlier that they should kinda slur into the next measure, other than that it's good! I was trying to make use of that template originally but I must have messed up in a few places when adapting it from musescore, hopefully it'll go more smoothly next time. I've updated the files again, hopefully for the last time ahaha...
There isn't a regular length version on youtube unfortunately, in general there's not much coverage for the game online :/

I do have a direct file rip from the game though if you want that

I'll take a look at the measures you mentioned! Thanks for the feedback!
Well in any case I've updated all the files with the suggested changes, hopefully the formatting is all fixed now! ^^
Alrighty, I'm making the changes now and I have one last question, when the beam is too low for the enclosed rest to sit on the center of the staff, should all rests in the measure move down or should they stay in the middle when possible?
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Thanks for all the feedback! Looking at the files I submitted, I definitely just added the wrong versions, I have a different set of files exported from Finale with all the necessary formatting (I think). How would I go about updating my submitted files? I'm also implementing your suggested changes, but the left hand gets a bit messy since without the 8va bassa the extra whole notes end up going really low and with it the beams go too high. What format should i go with? Thanks again for the help! ^^

Edit: I just remembered that flipping beams is a thing, should I just do that?
Help! / Re: What key/time signature is this song in?
December 14, 2019, 10:38:17 AM
Thanks for the advice! I'll most likely use the beaming because it condenses the arrangement enough to fit on two pages if nothing else

If anyone wants to weigh in on which version is better, the original is here and the version with beaming is here.
Off-Topic / Re: The Introduction Thread
December 13, 2019, 09:00:35 PM
Oh hey I guess I should post here, I've been using this site for sheet music for several years now but I'm only just now starting to arrange some of my own!

(online) name: invy
Age: 18
Gender: male
Location: currently living in the Caribbean, originally from Canada
Instruments: I've played piano for 9 years and cornet for about 7; I don't play either currently but I want to get back into playing piano in the coming year
Favorite games: Paper Mario TTYD (single-player) and Smash Ultimate (competitive)

I'm a fairly well known Wii Fit Trainer player in Smash Ultimate, and I'm very into the Nintendo fitness game aesthetic which is why I've started doing arrangements for music from Ring Fit Adventure! I hope to share a lot of arrangements here in the future ^^
Help! / Re: What key/time signature is this song in?
December 13, 2019, 06:06:38 PM
So I'm working on the title theme for Ring Fit Adventure, and I'm not sure whether I should go with 4/4 or 4/2. 4/2 looks less messy, but is it as easy to understand?

Part of the song in 4/4:

And part in 4/2:
Hey everyone, I'm finally starting to get into vgm arrangements after wanting to try it out for a good while. Over the past couple years I've become somewhat obsessed with the Nintendo fitness game aesthetic, so for the time being I'll be focusing on arrangements from Ring Fit Adventure!