
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

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Messages - snaphap

Holy crap someone saw my thing thank you so much
Yeah a lot of the things you said I agree with and that's mostly because it was my first composition xp I messed up a lot of formatting (such as bar 20) and just random things in general since I had no experience at the time, but all of this was super helpful! Thank youuu
I didn't actually think people would look at this page at all but I've been proven wrong, maybe I'll post some other things who knows
(oh and side note, I actually did try an acciaccatura but musescore treated it like an eighth note and it was really weird I'll try figuring that out)
Hey I made my first thing piano and I like having people tell me how bad I am at composing so I can get better so if you have time that would be helpful :>

Ragtimey thing - [MSCZ because musescore master race] [PDF] [MIDI] [MP3]
-Is this ragtime? I think its ragtime idk
Yeah I just kinda was like "you know this song is cool i should do a thing" and I decided that this place would be a good place to put it so uh hi everyone im here now
*I'll probably make this post area thing cooler and more organizey if I ever make more than like 2 things

Safari Zone Gate - [MSCZ because i dont have finale] [MIDI i think] [PDF] [MP3] [Original]
Im hoping to have some feedback if any of you guys have time, this is my first complete arrangement so I dont really know what Im doing at all
The polyphony is notated so hilariously terrible help