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Messages - quiggly650

In the vein of Summer often being "off months" for many people, what about a theme around those moments in games where you aren't necessarily working toward the final goal, but are enjoying a nice detour or break. Those places where the developers put a little extra game in their game, where you could lose yourself for hours (or even a few days weeks months).

I'm talking, of course, about MINIGAMES!!!

So many games have minigames within them. Fishing sections, casino sections, etc. There's even a game series, Mario Party, centered around minigames, for which the site doesn't have many sheets beyond Mario Party 3. And if you want to get crazy, some titles, like Warioware games, are chock-full of minigames most people would never remember, so there's a ton of potential for new content.

This theme offers a chance to show off that one beautiful section of the game you always enjoyed or to get the tune out of your head that you had to listen to for hours for that one collectible (you know the one).
Thank you for those last tips. I've changed each one as suggested.
Sorry for the delay on this one. Changes this time around are as follows:
  • Switched some half notes in bass line to quarter notes: There were several ways to fix the separation in the bass line, but I think this method best displays the separation visually.
  • Changed quarter notes on beat 2.5 to tied eighths: much cleaner visually, allows for better tracking.
Thank you for being patient.
All right, checked out the added file. It looks fine to me, so if it's all right by you, I'll just tack on your versions for the submission. Again, thank you for all your help in this.
Thanks for the help. I spent some time a bit ago fixing the notes, and I hopped on today to find a good "distribution" solution. Glad you caught small errors I missed.

Things I changed:
  • The selected notes and clefs you mentioned. After more careful listening, they sounded more correct than my original notations.
  • Removal of extra quotation marks in title and change of font size for copyright text
  • To assist resizing, I removed the top line from the staff in the beginning of the song. Not only did this give it a more even look, but it also grouped the sections of the song properly (break between AA and BA sections, extension of transition into repeat on separate sheet) and removed some of the unnecessary rest measures.

The only change I didn't make was the suggested switch to .65 cm. I'll be happy to mess with it more if you'd like, but I won't be able to do it today.
Yeah, that was a stop-gap solution. Instead, I had to mess with the spacing to prevent the Treble Clef from overlapping the last eighth note in m. 29, and it took me til today to learn how to do that.

As a clarification for my previous question, I may not have a ton of time in the future to work on this arrangement. As such, I'd like to finish it up for acceptance soon so that it doesn't sit for months. If there's anything else aside from corrections I'll need to do for that, please let me know and I'll be happy to get started on it.
After some consideration, I think your idea for using bass clef is much better than using the 8va (or 8vb) throughout. The updated version reflects this (with the exception of the chromatic phrase, which I felt looks worse otherwise). Question: when would an arrangement like this be accepted?
That's a good idea. I guess I'm 50/50 on the prospect, though. I'd just be worried about excess ledger lines, especially within bass clef parts since, to my knowledge, most people focus on learning treble clef ledger lines for notes above the staff, often neglecting the same in the bass clef.
The second draft of "The Big Board" is ready. No rush, check it at your leisure.

I spent some time listening to the piece and re-arranging the parts, and have uploaded the altered sheets. A list of the things I changed:
  • Switched from Moderate to Heavy Swing. Definitely sounded better. I tried going as far as ragtime syncopation, but that swung far too much
  • Removed excess rests in both melody and bass line. Thanks for that one; the sheet looks much cleaner now
  • Changed tied notes in measures to standard notation. I figured this one was more dependent on preference. Personally, I split measures in half to make clear where the 3rd beat is, but I have no problem changing that.
  • Extended notes as suggested. The quarter note endings for phrases sound much better than the eighth note ones.
  • Added the lead-in notes to measures 36 and 70. I didn't catch that in my listenings, and in checking my work, I found a very subtle one at the D.S.

Changes that were suggested, but I didn't make:
  • The 8va line. I wanted to add the line as an 8vb, as the notes should be played around middle C. I couldn't find said notation in finale, and when I searched online, the general notation I found was to place an 8va under the line. I'd be happy to change it if there's an alternative, but I didn't feel it necessary (I also didn't find much dynamic contrast in the piece, so I don't believe it would interfere).
  • The phrase endings in measures 57, 61, and 65. I thought it was odd that I missed this, so I went back and listened to these parts many times. There is a slight difference in the three parts (though the soundfont didn't help). In 57 and 61, I listened both with and without metronomes, slowed it down, etc., and I personally hear the notes start squarely on beat 4 and the & of 4. For measure 65, there is a difference, with the high chord notes starting squarely on 4 and the & of 4, while the low chord notes start a split second earlier, probably by a 16th or 32nd note; I chose not to include this change because I feel it would look needlessly complicated for what it is in the piece.

I'll be happy to make further revisions as necessary, including among those I didn't make.
Thank you for the help. I'm occupied now, but I'll work on making the changes and get back to you in time.
All right. I look forward to fixing this up with your help.