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Messages - antherid

Quote from: BlackDragonSlayer on July 30, 2018, 04:15:23 PMSure ya did. ;)
you're one to talk ;)
Quote from: ShyYoshiGuy on July 30, 2018, 04:06:05 PMI've gotta say. That game was super fun. I said I've played ToS, but those games are so different. Most games of ToS are ruined by trolls and noobs. TWG is so much more fun.
yeah i am not a fan of ToS. even the ranked setup is kind of a mess because mafia can get control of the hanging very quickly, so even if people are playing it seriously the games don't feel very good to me. good for a laugh with some friends though
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CIX Host Host Ups
July 15, 2018, 04:43:30 PM
Afterfall: twgSanity

1. Colonel Potocki, the seemingly all-seeing boss of the Glory shelter who doesn't get along with Dr. Tokaj in the slightest. Each night, you may seer a player to learn their color.
2. The Saboteur, who attacks Glory with a mutagenic gas that makes people go crazy and then transform into monsters. You seer red. One night during the game, except Night 1, you may target a non-wolf player. If that player has a night action, that night action will also kill its target (with a fire axe, even) in addition to its other effects.

3. Dr. Albert Tokaj, a psychologist and pharmacologist made out to be a criminal. You seer blue. Each night, you may do one of the following:
  • Protect a player from one source of death. You can't protect the same player two nights in a row.
  • Investigate a player to find out whether they have the potential to kill. A player has the potential to kill if they have the ability to make a nightkill and have not yet made a nightkill, or if they make a nightkill in the same night as you investigate them. You will receive results in the form of Threat or Non-Threat. You will receive No Result if anything interferes with your investigation.
4. Marcin, Albert's friend, who believes him and helps hide him away in Glory. You seer blue. Each night, you may asceticize a player. That player will be immune to any night actions that aren't kills.
5. Karolina, Albert's girlfriend. Their relationship isn't the greatest, but they're close enough for her to not sell Albert out. Seers blue, but is told she's a green human.
6. Human. (They all seer green.)
7. Human.
8. Human.

Edit: forgot to specify color flips, rest should be normal stuff
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CIX Host Host Ups
July 14, 2018, 11:45:43 PM
in to host

probably write up game sometime tomorrow, i have a theme and setup and stuff and just need to make it words
The Werewolf Game / Re: TWG CVIV Host Host Ups
July 12, 2018, 09:10:18 PM
toby workshopped the awesome seering with me, i dunno if he was talking to other people about it too. i just thought it had highest potential upside for him to be blue since it seemed like he'd be hardest to read through anything he'd done in the game

thc called him a wolf early though so he was just right anyway

also i meant to snag a post before i died but deadline slipped my mind oops
no lynch

i believe it is correct to discuss nothing else today
brainy posted a log that seems like he wouldn't be a wolf with mikey. not without having to fake some stuff and be intentionally in the dark

notably this bit:
QuoteNocturneOfShadow - Last Tuesday at 8:27 PM
since I can't confirm you're a human I can't tell you the whole story
but basically we're very far ahead right now if the seer is able to claim to me
Pearl - Last Tuesday at 8:27 PM
I'd be concerned if you did
NocturneOfShadow - Last Tuesday at 8:28 PM
oh believe me, I want to, because my plan is amazing
but it's just too risky if it fails
Pearl - Last Tuesday at 8:28 PM
Mhm mhm
Good luck

so i'm rethinking wanting to vote him/wanting votes on him

the case on brainy/awe/olimar is all roughly the same and it comes down to not coming out strongly against mikey/not taking a strong stance in the claim debate

brainy did express suspicion of mikey, but then supported mikey post-claim, but then hammered him anyway with like nothing in between, so ???

olimar just wasn't around and has the factor of mikey trying to human read him too, which i thought was to bolster his claim but maybe not because he'd started out trying to wolf read him

awesome is just kinda here

nana i've been human reading and seemed rather against mikey even as people came out supporting him. i've been told that mikey might not let wolf partners know his plans but figure they'd know in this case because the game kinda hinges on it with as few roles as we have. so thinking thc will come out in his favor, i don't think a partner still tries to express suspicion on him, and taking toby's side there felt like he actually was reading the argument

similarly to above i don't think awe would get to this point while talking to mikey and also just not knowing what the roles are as a wolf, though also unsure what to expect from him/whether he'd think to try to derp clear himself this way

not sure i wanna push brainy to L-1 even though dead game, so olimar
Quote from: AwesomeYears on July 04, 2018, 08:31:19 PMI'll talk as I seem to have actual free time to discuss.

I haven't exactly read through everything properly, but I'm assuming that Toby is a seer of some sort (either blue seer or wolf seer), and I'm not sure if anyone has confirmed this, but was THC the guardian or Tob-orko if someone can clear that up for me. And taking a neutral position on myself, Toby said that I was green, so I can't be the guardian or Tob-orko, which means I'm either an Arranger or King Sammetor. We don't know if Mikey was King Sammetor or Evil-Bot (unless he revealed himself his role during the voting phase which would be quite stupid of him if he did). Was anyone roleblocked last night? I wasn't.

Did I get everything right so far? I might be mixing things up.
toby's the blue seer and THC was the guardian
you're right about yourself
we don't know mikey's role for sure, but there's no reason for the roleblocker (evil-bot) to not block THC and wolf toby last night (we confirmed that the roleblocker can block and wolf someone in the same night), so it's very likely mikey was the roleblocker
no one besides toby would know if they were blocked last night
toby seering successfully means last wolf is the shaman and therefore the ~only meaningful seer result is a blue one now

so yes that's possible

i'm with these guys
QuoteThatHiddenCharacter - Today at 12:41 AM
I am relieved that Oli was just joke voting, but I've never heard of the lower case for jokes thing
NocturneOfShadow - Today at 12:42 AM
yeah never heard of that
it's something mashi and bds do

idk if bds does it consciously but i thought he did
toby voting mikey from first post today is consistent with seering mikey red. i guess my one sticking point would be that toby has a post suggesting seer could claim if they have a red peek when, you know, he's the seer with a red peek that he's pushing and waited to claim anyway. his posting today reads like his goal was to push into mikey and try to get him lynched without having to claim though, given that he made a few posts wanting input from others on this 1v1

mikey threw the word "guardian" into a couple posts but if he's the guardian, who the hell was the nk lol (just speaking hypothetically here, no need to actually answer). i have an idea about it but if mikey's real / toby's fake then i don't see toby making a kill on this person often

this might be too far out but neither has talked to me when i thought wolf-toby might to try to pocket me

i think i'm favoring toby's side because aorn it seems like the better claim, and i'm left wondering what about claiming guardian "before I'm even considered suspicious to any great degree" would be a good plan
Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on July 03, 2018, 10:54:17 AMFor now, and for lack of putting way too much thought into this, my first "vote" would probably be to Toby/mikey, followed by Olimar. But I'm not going to lock that in just yet.

so i thought your dominating theory was that wolves were lurking, but you would rather vote one of toby/mikey first?

do the games you play require a majority of the players voting someone to lynch?

mikey says you're a wolf but he doesn't want to say that in topic where you can see it for some reason
Quote from: Nana1Popo2 on July 03, 2018, 01:11:47 AMSecondly, and not coincidentally, I very often find myself playing from the back line in these games; I need to find alternative play styles to transition between. I've played very very many werewolf/mafia-esque games, however this is the first I've done within a forum thread. Going to be interesting, but all this banter seems to be either 1) a good distraction from the real villains lurking in the shadows or 2) an attempt to build a sort of trust through over exaggeration and explanations.
My suspicion is leaning towards the first option.

For now..
interesting second option - who would you say is attempting to build trust / who are they trying to get to trust them?

do you think wolves are lurkers in general? do you think they're lurking right now?
Quote from: Toby on July 03, 2018, 05:15:55 AMTbh, I think wolves tend to ask questions on topics they genuinely are interested in through pm, as to not give away any easy info into what their interests are. They may however ask questions just to seem interested in getting to know the setup and to seem like they are being helpful
i think you and i both know olimar would totally ask in thread, although i don't think asking about cardflipping is wolfy in this game where it also helps things like mathing color outcomes for the human seer

and i'm willing to accept olimar's vote as an obvious joke vote like he says