
oh god how did this get here I am not good with computer

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Messages - hamishbrown

Ok cool I have uploaded that file, thanks.
Well spotted, I have re-uploaded your file with your suggestion, hopefully, I formatted it correctly. I don't know really know what the standard procedure is with this kind of thing.
OK I have submitted that file. Thanks for the edits.

Thanks for all of your advice and for making the edit. It all looks great to me. Perhaps it should say "arranged by hamishbrown and libera?"When I make arrangements I have a fixation with trying to put everything in it's correct octave but in this case I think you've chosen the musically best option of putting the harmony line below the melody. And I've only just noticed the pedal markings, I have no idea why they look like that. In Musescore they looked like this: So I don't know why the conversion process chose to change them in that way. I'm not sure if I'm going completely insane, but in finale notepad, whenever I try to move the pedal markings so that they look nice and uniform, they back into a poor position whenever I scroll. How am I supposed to place them somewhere and make sure they don't move? Can anyone help?

Yes I agree if I choose compound it should be 12/8 since that's 4 beats in a bar obviously. Thanks for pointing that out. And perhaps while I was writing this I though that I should write it all in triplets so it looks more jazzy rather than an irish jig or something. It sounds the same as when it was written out in triplets so perhaps it doesn't matter? Will have to see what other people think.
Hi, thanks for the advice I have converted that section to 6/8. I wrote this over a year ago for my own personal enjoyment and did not really care about whether it was practical or not and it does show. There's a lot of stupid stuff I did out of laziness.
Fair point. I'm not very experienced with this website but now that you've explain the main purpose behind replacements it makes more sense. Thanks
This is quite big and I don't have finale. If it is worthy of being accepted then someone will have to clean it up a lot.
Oh and can someone add crotchet/quarter note = 58 please. I can't figure out how to do that in notepad.
Don't have finale and there are some things I can't correct such as the quaver rests intersecting the notes.
Help! / Is it worth submitting this replacement?
July 02, 2019, 09:53:06 AM
I've been thinking of submitting this:

As a replacement sheet. But due to the popularity of the current submission for "Your Reality" I don't know if it would be worth it. I don't have Finale and converting and then properly formatting Musescore files is a pain.

Let me know what you guys think.


Thank you very much for the edits. I also like your suggestions so I have tried to implement them to the best of my ability.

Hi thanks for the advice,

I implemented your suggestions about the 8va lines and the position and poco rit. and a tempo markings. But I was wondering why you should think I should put the music in the top stave for the first four bars. By putting them in the bottom stave at the start, I imply that the pianist should start playing with the left hand. When the melody arrives in the fifth bar, the right hand will be readily available to start playing it. Of course if I did implement the suggestion then I'm sure the pianist would understand what to do after a couple of read throughs, but what is the point in the initial confusion?
Thanks, I really appreciate it.