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Messages - rabidgoodra27

I was going to post shop themes... but didn't, for some reason.  So that's my vote.
Not really, I don't hang out there much (although the VGM community certainly seems to be stronger there...)
Thanks for the listen, man.  When you've posted mainly Undertale related content for the past year or so, it's sometimes difficult to shift an audience into general VGM (Albeit my audience of about six people)

I would record vocals, but my edition of FL Studio doesn't support audio clips and recording, so I'll have to wait until I get it upgraded in a few weeks. which case I'll finish it, as well as some of my other sonic covers (i.e. "With Me" and "Reach for the Stars")
I spent a week or so on it, and I haven't really gotten any feedback...

Here's my soundcloud, it should be at the top:

If it's not at the top, just look under "tracks".  I can't check right now, as my computer doesn't like to cooperate with that site.  =/
I think it was either the theme from Super Mario Bros, or the title theme from Pokemon Red/Blue/Green/Yellow.
Off-Topic / Re: What are you reading?
May 17, 2019, 05:12:08 AM
I'm reading "Rediscovering Americanism" by Mark Levin.  It's a great book (if you're into political science) and, heck, it's one of those books that every American should read.
Nintendo / Re: Super Mario Maker 2!
May 16, 2019, 08:33:16 PM
Pretty excited about this...  I never actually bought either of the previous versions (Just derped a little on my friend's 3DS) but this seems like a "Shut up and take my money" sort of situation.
So true.  With Shovel Knight's Music, it doesn't sound right with only two parts.
Quote from: Libera on February 11, 2019, 03:35:34 PMYou called?

If you're talking about the right hand of bars 1-2 (and then later on as well), I'd take the B and D# with 2 and 4, and then the A# and C## with 1 and 3.  It is a little fiddly though, but nothing that can't be solved with some practice.  The tricky part is getting it all staccato, rather than slurring everything into each other, but it can be done: practice it slowly, keeping it as detached as you can so that, hopefully, when you bring the speed up again you can keep it light and crisp.

Hope that helps!

Thanks, it was semi-helpful.  That's actually what I had before, and, yes, with some practice, I got the hang of it.

Thanks for the reply, though. :)
It is the same thing, actually, except I was just mentioning it because it is the same across all games.  As for the .nsf, I think that it's on the Bandcamp page for the OST (although I don't remember if you have to buy the OST to get it)

As for JesterMusician's sheets, I'd have to agree.  While often easier to play than the ones on this site, they sometimes seem a bit...  "empty", as you put it.

I do think I'll try that, as I want to get some experience arranging sheets.
Completed by Th3Gavst3r

I've had this stuck in my head for, like, two months now, and I can't seem to pick it out. 
Quick question: what is the recommended fingering for the intro for THE WORLD REVOLVING?  I've tried several things, but I can't seem to find anything that works. 
Completed by RudolphMitler
The song is basically the typical fairy fountain/file select theme, except it has an additional segment at the end. 

Forum Games / Re: Answer the question above you.
August 06, 2017, 09:16:12 PM
I can't remember the specifics, but it's a polonaise Chopin wrote when he was seven.

Kulauh or Tchaikovsky?
Forum Games / Re: Answer the question above you.
July 03, 2017, 06:45:04 AM
Quote from: E. Gadd Industries on July 01, 2017, 07:01:11 AMOn Wednesdays.

Have you ever caught a good guy, like a, like a real superhero?

We are number one!

OT:   8)