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Messages - MattB

Hey there, buddy!
I am very glad that you've written because you were also essential support in the arrangement and I would like to hugely thank you!
It might take some time for me until I get to be such an extraordinary arranger as Zeila, Onionleaf and you are but I will work hard, and I will never forget your help.
I wish you all the best ;)
Hope to see you again soon!

Hi there, pal!
You sure were of much help and, to be honest, I wouldn't have been able to complete this work without you.
I'm aware that this thread has turned out to to be too extense already but, by now, it is my only way to have one of my favourites NES tunes arranged. You know, I'm a starter at music and NSM is the best site I know to get cool videogame music arrangements.
Many times, I felt like a bit clumsy and a lot of a nuisance to the site people but you backed me up and I will endlessly thank you.
I hope to see you around again, you are an awesome friend.

All the best!

Site News / Re: Update, Saturday 20th of August 2016
September 01, 2016, 02:04:26 PM
Thank you for all your work, it is highly appreciated!  ;D
Hi there!
Onionleaf, you are awesome, thank you for all your kindness, it is so very much valued.
I have been absent for a while but I am always grateful for all your help and support and I will never forget it.
Lately, I've been trying to study more about note length values but I had little time and couldn't correct much of the arrangement, but still not giving up. In fact, I am thinking of opening a new thread for another "Kid Klown" tune arrangement (as a personal arrangement this time) after "Beanstalk" is completed.
I know that with the NSM assistance, failure is not an option  ;)

Here is the latest  MUS file:

May I have some help to finish it up?

To all the staff and NSM people, my best wishes and regards!

(Also special aknowledgement and thanks to Zeila and NocturneOfShadow)

Hi Zeila! I finally got round to correct the arrangement by your great remarks, I followed them thoroughly (and I take my hat off to you, you're awesome!).
Regarding further corrections, I will keep on working on the lenght values of the notes and rhythm until I get them down, but I'm not sure if that will be possible in the very short term. The process of trying to make an arrangement for "Beanstalk" shows that I still need a lot of practice and study. Nevertheless, if I manage to make it sound right, I will be more than glad to submit it to NSM, it would actually be an honour if it were accepted!
About opening a new thread next time, you are right. Initially, this was intended to be a simple request but I got enthusiastic, and with the encouraging comments, I decided to give it a chance. It was tough work but sure good because with your help I ended up learning a lot!

Thank you very much for everything!
And the best to all!
Well, I am not sure if this arrangement is all completed but so long everything seems to be sounding right... I think it is somehow reaching its completion.
The second part was very challenging, (actually the whole piece was). I really don't know how I got this far, but sure Zeila's help has a lot of credit for it!
Well, I tried to finish the last part but sure needs revision. I would really appreciate help, hopefully for the last time.

Here is what I got

Here is MUS file:

I thought it'd be a good idea to post the original tune again, it's far behind on my first post. It is "Kid Klown in Night Mayor World - Beanstalk" AKA "Mickey Mouse III -Yume Fuusen- Beanstalk"

This is it:

If you have time, please bail me out! ;D
Best regards to you all and huge thanks for all!!!
Zeila, please don't take me wrong, I'm not giving up. What I tried to say was that I don't forget I'm a starter, maybe I picked a piece of music to arrange that was a bit  :P over my head. It might have sounded like quite an ambitiuos request coming from a beginner, but I'm having fun and enjoying it, and with your help I feel I can't fail. Support from Onionleaf and NocturneOfShadow is highly valued as well. You are Maestros to me, people whom I admire.
Now, regarding the music sheet.... Wow thank you, the first part sounds like heaven's music. Editting and formatting also look great, altament pro. If I get some time this week I will try to adjust (?) and finish the last part. I'll pay close attention to your remarks and also the formatting guidelines and rules.

Thanks for your patience and support!
I'll be around soon, hope to see you again!


I don't know what happened with the link but just in case I deleted it from the post. It was my mistake for sure.
As for my arrangement, I somehow knew I was going too far, this is a shame, I apologize.
I want to thank you all your support and please ask you if you could make a good arrangemet of MMIII Beanstalk for me. I'd appreciate it very much.
Best regards
Hi there! Thanks for the tip :)
Thanks for helping make my ol' school favourite tunes sound on my keys!

Best regards!
Hi there, Zeila!
I reached my limit for today and this is the most I can do.
You were absolutely right, the whole piece sounds like out of sync, like a broken music box.
Here's a screenshot

This might sound stupid but I am not really sure how to share the .MUS file to you. Am I going to get in trouble if I upload the MUS file to MediaFire (as .ZIP/RAR) and then post the downloading link? (Sorry for the stupid question)
Thank you very much for your help and support! :)  Feels great to have back up  ;D
I see what you mean and now you've pointed it out, seems to come clearer more and more. Now, yes, I'm using Finale Notepad which will take me some time to move the whole piece one 8th forward.  Would you mind if I finish up with the LH and then post the .MUS file for you to make the corrections? Also if possible little help with the ending? Thanks in advance!
Keep cool!  8)
Well, right hand was friendly today but I got stuck, at some point my counting fails, perhaps I could use a little help from you to finish up, my friends.
Now, with the left hand I surprisingly found it easier to take from the tune (8ths and more 8ths). I isolated the basses sounds and the first part was easy to transcribe (hope that's not cheating) and If things don't change, I think I can do the rest of the notes for LH :)

Now here what I got by now:

I can't figure out the error in the end to complete it and I feel there is a missing time meassure in the red mark.
I wanted to upload the track for you to listen but soundcloud is taking ages to do it.

Would appreciate comments :)
Another day, another chance.
Today my math worked better, unbelievable what a good rest can do!
It is half of the piece but sounds more... exact?  :-\ :-\

Comments are welcome!   :D
It's true, basics is all I am by now, giving a try to a silly arrangement was a good experience, though.
Thank you for your message! :) I won't give up on hardworking, eventually I will succeed  8)

BTW, is it too late to ask for a real piano arrangement for [NES] Kid Klown in Night Mayor World - "Beanstalk"?

See you around, pal!

 Eventually I finished with the right hand but seemingly needs correction. It feels like I'm killing the tune  >:(
 I can't do more for the day,  maybe tomorrow
