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Messages - Valdrimari

Since there seems to not be any Midis anywhere for Valkyrie Profile 2 or even so much inaudible PDF sheet notes (quite an underrated gem developed by Square), I figured I would post some requests for the talented music tabbers here to take a stab at : )

Any of the below would be nice to see in the Midi collection here on the site. I would really like to learn how to play at least a couple of these tracks, yet there is nothing for me to really go on.

Composer of these tracks: Motoi Sakuraba

1. A World Supported by Emotion

2. Public Peace and Soft Sunlight

3. A Stable Float

4. Time Brings About Retrospection

5. The Chance That Becomes Inevitability

6. Neighboring Infinity

7. The Wavering of Another Age

8. The Meditation of Many Years

Thank you. Cheers! ^^
Request / Re: [PC] Enderal - "Fleshless"
October 30, 2016, 02:30:36 PM
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 30, 2016, 02:21:01 PMYes, my point was that this is game related, and belongs here.

Thank you for the clarification. Pardon me for misinterpreting your initial response.

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 30, 2016, 02:21:01 PMWe have seen in the past that people use midis to create/post other learning material in the form of youtube videos or some other application.  This isn't a problem, it's just that the arrangers usually appreciate it if you give them an acknowledgement.  That's the only point of that comment.

Yes, and that is the dilemma here it seems... I understand where the arrangers are coming from, but it is equally frustrating to those who want to learn music who have a hard time doing so without visual and audible sheet notes (Midis).

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 30, 2016, 02:21:01 PMIf you're just using the midi for private use... then have fun!

Thank you. Perhaps I should note it in my OP that if the arranger feels uncomfortable posting the Midi Tabs publicly to send me PM instead. Hopefully something can be worked out.
Request / Re: [PC] Enderal - "Fleshless"
October 30, 2016, 01:02:06 PM
Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 30, 2016, 12:50:15 PMPeople can request whatever they want, we just encourage it to be moved to something like the "Music" section when it's an entirely un-game related thing like a movie score.

Except Enderal is a game; it is not a movie. Therefore, because this particular track comes from a game, it is game-related, is it not?

Quote from: KefkaticFanatic on October 30, 2016, 12:50:15 PMThat being said, I don't think there's anything wrong with your request, but many people on the site are very proud of their work, and would appreciate it if you were to give them some level of credit were you to base something off of it.

I do not plan to 'base' or 'use the Midi tabs in or on something' beyond just learning how to play the notes. That being said, of course credit (and appreciation) is given, anyway, even if I do not plan on using the Midi tabs beyond learning purposes.
Request / Re: [PC] Enderal - "Fleshless"
October 30, 2016, 12:43:49 PM
Quote from: Dudeman on October 30, 2016, 12:25:10 PMHm, I feel like this situation has come up before, so I'll ask again: what's our policy on arranging tracks from mods of existing games? They're technically not an official title of any sort. Of course, if someone still wants to arrange this piece, they're more than welcome to, but I don't know if we could submit this for the main site.

That's the thing, the game may be a total conversion mod based on Skyrim, but as far as Enderal's music score goes, that is SureAI's work. They made their own music score, and even though the game may be a mod based on Skyrim, it is so changed it's practically a new game, and a great many agree on that vs. the few who do not based on what I've read from feedback on Enderal. That is because Enderal uses, for the most part, only the Engine Skyrim was based on. Otherwise, SureAI would be sued if Enderal was an exact copy of Skyrim.

With that being said in mind, I did not know there was such a Policy (if there is one) in place, but I do not think somebody tabbing this request would be doing something terribly wrong. I thought the idea of fan-made (or even exact interpretations of music pieces submitted here) was to raise awareness of what games and what music is out there, and to provide those who want to learn music on the Piano the resources to learn (easier with Midis).

Even if this request cannot be posted on the main page of the site (for whatever reason), I would still like to use the Midi for personal use only.

Quote from: Dudeman on October 30, 2016, 12:25:10 PMAlso, Valdrimari, it generally doesn't look as good if you specifically request a MIDI file. We've run into far too many occasions of someone just taking one of our MIDIs, posting it to YouTube using Synthesia, and claiming it as their own.

So basically, because of the dishonest and disrespectful few out of the bunch, the honest people in the community suffer as a result having no access to newly made Midis on the main page from this day, onward,  because this is now a thing with Synthesia? Not everyone can interpret actual sheet notes (aka time signatures, etc), and depriving the community of new Midis only stifles the learning experience.

I joined this site not long ago to learn the music I like, not to take it for myself, but how do you know? You don't, and I guess that's the dilemma here. In that case, this will sadly be my last request (hoping somebody with a good ear will tab it) if this is going to be a thing with Midis.

Quote from: Dudeman on October 30, 2016, 12:25:10 PMWe arrange pieces to be actually played on a piano. While transcribing this piece in particular wouldn't be too difficult hypothetically, I personally would feel a lot better about my work if I knew I was doing it because someone wanted to play it.

Well, that's the thing, I do actually want to learn how to play it on Piano, and because Midi Format allows you to see and hear the Notes at same time, for me, it is easier to learn music that way. Just reading regular sheet notes without being in the Notation you prefer to read (like Lettered Notation I prefer) is tougher in my honest opinion.

P.S. I will make note of it in my OP that whoever tabs Enderal's - "Fleshless", the Midi tabs will be used for learning purposes and not for anything else. It is why I make requests on NinSheetMusic to begin with.
Request / [PC] Enderal - "Fleshless"
October 30, 2016, 12:16:23 PM
Enderal is a new PC game (although a total conversion mod based on Skyrim) with a great music score, and I would really like to a see a full version of "Fleshless" in Midi Format made by a good ear, notably because I do want to learn how to play this particular piece, and being in Midi format would be easier because the sheet notes are audible and visual, able to be set at whatever music notation you prefer (depending on what Midi program you use to interpret Midi files).

"More about Enderal, a new PC game"
Quoted from SureAI who developed the game,
"Enderal is a total conversion mod for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A total conversion is a game mod that does not add an island or quest, but instead creates its own world with its own landmass, questlines and characters. It relies only on the engine and the graphical resources of the original game (and often, as in the case of Enderal, adds many of its own resources). Enderal can thus be regarded as a new role-playing game using the assets of Skyrim; it is set in the world of Vyn (as was its precursor -- the Oblivion mod "Nehrim - At Fate´s Edge") and offers what we believe to be 30 to 100 hours of gameplay (depending on your play style).

What distinguishes Enderal from Skyrim?

In Enderal, we have attempted to combine open world gaming with a complex and profound storyline. While the game world of Enderal is smaller than Skyrim´s and the quests are fewer, we believe that the depth of our story and the complexity of our characters both surpass those in recent Elder Scrolls games. Enderal also differs in its game mechanics: While some have been taken over from Skyrim unchanged, others have been refined (for example, some armor sets in Enderal give set bonuses when several pieces are worn), and yet others (such as leveling up and the raising of skills) have been overhauled so greatly that they hardly resemble Skyrim mechanics any more (most noticeably, Skyrim´s "learning by doing" skill-ups have been replaced by experience points and skill books). Finally, a few (such as levelscaling and randomly spawning enemies) have been completely removed. As far as level design is concerned, Enderal spans several climate zones and regions, only some of which share Skyrim´s distinctive Nordic atmosphere and color palette."

P.S. As pointed out by Dudeman in the comments below, "We've run into far too many occasions of someone just taking one of our MIDIs, posting it to YouTube using Synthesia, and claiming it as their own."

If you (the arranger) feel uncomfortable posting the Midi Tabs publicly for the above reason, send me a PM instead.

A big Thank You to whoever can tab this out!
The Arc the Lad series (other than Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits) received a lot of flak from those who played it for its 'atrocious' gameplay and battle system.

With that being said in mind, there are a couple diamonds in the rough I found in its music score below that I would really like to see piano tabs for in Midi format.

Note: Other than track 1, I could not find separates links for the other tracks, so I added time signatures where they start that are also included within the link to the full soundtrack of Arc the Lad: End of Darkness.

1. Edda's Theme - Departure

2. Kirika's Theme - Remains of a Dream (starts at 6:38)

3. Awakening Memories (starts at 4:08)

Thank you to whoever tabs these out ^^
Request / [PS2] Final Fantasy X-2 - Multiple Songs
August 09, 2016, 06:33:39 PM
More about the Final Fantasy X-2 Soundtrack
The Final Fantasy X-2 Soundtrack marks the first Final Fantasy Soundtrack where composer Nobuo Uematsu did not contribute a single piece despite having composed for Final Fantasy X, of which Final Fantasy X-2 is a sequel.

Instead, those who composed music for Final Fantasy X-2 were Noriko Matsueda and Takahito Eguchi, who, are sadly the partial blame for Final Fantasy X-2's disfavor among FF fans — or... perhaps change itself is the blame not sitting well with fans of anything in general — along with the 'girly-like' nature of the game despite getting better/more serious the longer you play, and the assumption there is only one ending when there is really two endings (the 2nd requiring 100% completion) where you get to choose whether or not you want to bring Tidus back or move on.

Despite the whiplash Final Fantasy X-2 received for reasons stated within the Spoiler, I believe there are some underappreciated soundtracks from the game, most of which only get to be heard the longer you play the game, and that was the problem when the game released. A great many who tried Final Fantasy X-2 (or never did just because) were a bit quick to judge it, and as a result, players never really gave it a chance to discover the gems it did have.

That being said, I would really like to see a few tracks from Final Fantasy X-2 tabbed out in Midi translated on the Piano from the community here : )

1. Bevelle's Secrets (ベベルの秘密, Beberu no Himitsu)

2. Nightmare in the Den (洞窟の悪夢, Doukutsu no Akumu)

3. Guadosalam (グアドサラム, Guadosaramu)

4. Labyrinth (迷宮, Meikyū)

5. Kilika (キーリカ, Kīrika)

6. Discord" (緊迫, Kinpaku)

7. Aeons (召喚獣, Shoukan Kemono)

8. Let Me Blow You a Kiss (お熱いのをくれてやるよ, O Atsui no o Kurete Yaru Yo)

9. Just Leave It to Us/Joost Leave It tae Us (オラたちのデバンだなや, Ora Tachi no Deban da Naya)

10. Ruin (破滅, Hametsu)

Thank you. Cheers! ^^
Request / [PS2] Metal Gear Solid 3 - "Sea Breeze"
July 08, 2016, 09:57:40 PM
Metal Gear Solid 3 - "Sea Breeze" is something I always wanted to see in Midi Format on a Grand Piano, plus it would be nice to learn how to play it, too, since there does not seem to be a Midi for this track anywhere.

Whenever I would play Sea Breeze in MGS 3, it was to me the epitome of sarcasm during otherwise serious fighting/situations, and as a result, it made the gameplay that much more fun and hilarious. Am I the only one on that? Lol

The composition seems to have a jazzy, bossa nova-esque sound to it.

Thank you to whoever can tab this one out : )
Request / [PS2] Final Fantasy X - "Jecht's Theme"
July 08, 2016, 09:03:49 PM
I have searched the whole world wide web over and over for a FFX - Jecht's Theme Midi for quite some time to listen to and learn visually (I recently got into playing the Piano), only to find zero results, which really surprises me.

So I came up on this Music/Midi site during my determined search, and then I made an account today in hopes somebody here within the NinSheetMusic community can tab out Jecht's Theme in Midi Format.

With that being said in mind (this corner of the forums being for Piano Midis only [do I have that right?]), I do prefer the Midi to be in the sound of a Grand Piano that comes close to the original much as possible, even though the original is composed using a Steel String Acoustic Guitar.

Note: A misconception some, if not many FFX fans entertain is that the track titled Otherworld is Jecht's Theme. Nope...

To whoever attempts this, there is no rush, take your time, and thank you kindly.